QT学习-核心类列表-20、QtOpenGL 21、QtPlatformHeaders
20 - QtOpenGL模块提供类,可以很容易地在Qt应用程序使用OpenGL
21 - QtPlatformHeaders模块提供仅标题内联类,这些类能平台具体信息,能连接到特定平台插件的运行时配置
QCocoaNativeContext - A class encapsulating a Cocoa NSOpenGLContext
QEGLNativeContext - A class encapsulating an EGL context and display handle
QEglFSFunctions - Inline class containing platform-specific functionality for the eglfs platform plugin that is typically used on systems running Embedded Linux or Android
QGLXNativeContext - A class encapsulating a GLXContext and related native handles
QWGLNativeContext - A class encapsulating a WGL context on Windows with desktop OpenGL (opengl32.dll)
QWindowsWindowFunctions - Inline class containing miscellaneous functionality for Windows window specific functionality
QXcbWindowFunctions - Inline class containing miscellaneous functionality for xcb window specific functionality