1 - QAxContainer类允许我们使用COM对象,并且可以将将ActiveX控件嵌入到Qt程序中去
QAxBase 抽象类能提供一个API去初始化并访问一个COM对象(Abstract class that provides an API to initialize and access a COM object)
QAxObject 一个封装了COM对象的QObject对象 (QObject that wraps a COM object)
QAxScript - Wrapper around script code
QAxScriptEngine - Wrapper around a script engine
QAxScriptManager - Bridge between application objects and script code
QAxSelect - Selection dialog for registered COM components
QAxWidget - QWidget that wraps an ActiveX control
QAxBase - Abstract class that provides an API to initialize and access a COM object
QAxObject - QObject that wraps a COM object
QAxScript - Wrapper around script code
QAxScriptEngine - Wrapper around a script engine
QAxScriptManager - Bridge between application objects and script code
QAxSelect - Selection dialog for registered COM components
QAxWidget - QWidget that wraps an ActiveX control