Unigui 自定义FontAwesome与自定义字体
TTSIcon = class(TPersistent) private FIconName : string; //Aw Icon图标名字 FClassName: string; //属于CSS中那个类名 FIconType : string; //是那种ICON 类型, s,l,r,d FFontSize : string; //当前字体大小 FEnable : Boolean; //是否使能当前功能 FSexyClass: string; FSpanClass: string; FSpanNum : Integer; //SPAN的数量 FUseType : Integer; //使用那种类型,类型0是Aw字体。 published property IconName: string read FIconName write FIconName ; property ClassName: string read FClassName write FClassName ; property IconType: string read FIconType write FIconType ; property FontSize: string read FFontSize write FFontSize ; property SexyClass: string read FSexyClass write FSexyClass ; property SpanClass: string read FSpanClass write FSpanClass ; property UseType: Integer read FUseType write FUseType ; property SpanNum: Integer read FSpanNum write FSpanNum ; property Enable: Boolean read FEnable write FEnable default False; end;
Enable : 当前控制是否使能,如果不使能则使用组件的FAIcon的属性进行设置。
UseType :当前使用方式,分为以下几种。
A): 0: 使用模式0,采用aw方式显示,有效属性为。ClassName,IconName,IconType,FontSize.
a):其中IconType,表示使用的是那种类型。 取值为s,l,b,r.
B): 1,2: 使用模式1或2
a): 当为1时 使用SexBtn模式。 有效的参数为SexyClass,SpanClass ,SpanNum。SexyClass为最外层的属性,SpanClass为内层。
b): 当为2时 使用TsBtn模式。 有效的参数为SexyClass,SpanClass ,SpanNum。SexyClass为最外层的属性,SpanClass为内层。
interface uses uniLabel, Classes, sysUtils, UniGUIInterfaces, UniSFCore, uniGUIJSInterface, uniGUITypes, uniGUIClasses, UniGUIAbstractClasses; type [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] TUniSFLabel = class(TUniCustomLabel) private FStyleLabel: TUniSFStyleLabel; FFAIcon: TFAIcon; FTSIcon:TTSIcon; procedure setStyleLabel(const Value: TUniSFStyleLabel); function GetAbout: string; procedure SetAbout(const Value: string); protected procedure SetJSCaption(const Value: string); override; property TextConversion; {Being painted} procedure Paint; override; procedure WebCreate; override; published property About: string read GetAbout write SetAbout stored False; property Alignment; property AutoSize default True; property Caption; property Align; property Anchors; property ParentFont; property Font; property ParentColor; property Color; property ClientEvents; property Transparent; property TabOrder; property ScreenMask; property LayoutConfig; property StyleLabel: TUniSFStyleLabel read FStyleLabel write setStyleLabel; property OnDblClick; property OnClick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnAjaxEvent; property FAIcon: TFAIcon read FFAIcon write FFAIcon; property TSIcon: TTSIcon read FTSIcon write FTSIcon; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses uniGUIServer; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { TUniSFLabel } constructor TUniSFLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; AutoSize := True; FStyleLabel := TUniSFStyleLabel.Create; FFAIcon := TFAIcon.Create; FFAIcon.IconName := 'fa-abacus'; FFAIcon.ClassName := 'ts'; FFAIcon.IconType := 's'; FTSIcon := TTSIcon.Create; FTSIcon.IconName := 'fa-abacus'; FTSIcon.ClassName := 'ts'; FTSIcon.IconType := ''; FTSIcon.FontSize := 'sf-48'; FTSIcon.UseType := 0; end; destructor TUniSFLabel.Destroy; begin FStyleLabel.Free; FFAIcon.Free; inherited; end; function TUniSFLabel.GetAbout: string; begin Result := GetUniSFVersion(cnLabel); end; procedure TUniSFLabel.Paint; begin if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_required then Text := '* ' + Caption else Text := Caption; inherited; end; procedure TUniSFLabel.SetAbout(const Value: string); begin // end; procedure TUniSFLabel.SetJSCaption(const Value: string); var vStyle: string; vCaption: string; i,j : Integer; begin vCaption := Caption; if FTSIcon.Enable then begin if FTSIcon.UseType = 0 then begin vCaption := format('<i class="fa%s %s fa-%s"></i>', [FTSIcon.IconType,FTSIcon.IconName,FTSIcon.FontSize]) + vCaption; vStyle := Format('<span class="f-%s f-%s-btn %s">%s</span>', [FTSIcon.ClassName,FTSIcon.ClassName,FTSIcon.SpanClass, vCaption]); end else if ((FTSIcon.UseType = 1) or (FTSIcon.UseType = 2)) then begin if FTSIcon.SpanNum <> 0 then begin vCaption := format('<span class="%s">%s</span>', [FTSIcon.SpanClass,vCaption]); j := FTSIcon.SpanNum-1; for i := 0 to j-1 do vCaption := '<span>'+vCaption+'</span>'; end; // vCaption := format('<span><span><span class="%s">%s</span></span></span>', [FTSIcon.SpanClass,vCaption]); if FTSIcon.UseType = 1 then vStyle := Format('<button class="sexybutton %s">%s</button>', [FTSIcon.SexyClass, vCaption]) else vStyle := Format('<button class="tsbutton %s">%s</button>', [FTSIcon.SexyClass, vCaption]) end else if (FTSIcon.UseType = 3) then begin vCaption := format('<i class="%s"></i>', [FTSIcon.SpanClass]) + vCaption; vStyle := Format('<span class="%s">%s</span>', [FTSIcon.ClassName,vCaption]); end; end else begin if FFAIcon.Icon <> fa_none then begin if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_badge_btn then begin vCaption := ''; Height := 40; Width :=40; AutoSize := false; FFAIcon.Size := fs_24; end; if vCaption <> '' then vCaption := ' ' + vCaption; if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_badge_btn then vCaption := format('<i class="fa %s fa-badge-sf-24 %s"></i>', [FontAwesomeToStr(FFAIcon.Icon), FontColorToStr(FFAIcon.Color)]) + vCaption else if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_ts_btn then vCaption := format('<i class="fa %s %s"></i>', [FFAIcon.IconName, FontSizeToStr(FFAIcon.Size)]) + vCaption // vCaption := format('<i class="fa %s %s"></i>', [FontAwesomeToStr(FFAIcon.Icon), FontSizeToStr(FFAIcon.Size)]) + vCaption else if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_fas_btn then vCaption := format('<i class="fa%s %s %s"></i>', [FFAIcon.IconType,FFAIcon.IconName, FontSizeToStr(FFAIcon.Size)]) + vCaption else vCaption := format('<i class="fa %s %s %s"></i>', [FontAwesomeToStr(FFAIcon.Icon), FontSizeToStr(FFAIcon.Size), FontColorToStr(FFAIcon.Color)]) + vCaption; end; if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_required then vStyle := '<i class="fa fa-asterisk fa-sf-required"></i>' + vCaption else if (Ord(FStyleLabel.Model) > 1) and (Ord(FStyleLabel.Model) < 12) then vStyle := Format('<span class="f-label %s %s">%s</span>', [LabelThemeToStr(FStyleLabel.Theme), LabelModelToStr(FStyleLabel.Model), vCaption]) else if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_badge then vStyle := Format('<span class="f-badge %s">%s</span>', [LabelThemeToStr(FStyleLabel.Theme, true), vCaption]) else if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_badge_btn then vStyle := Format('<span class="f-badge f-badge-btn %s">%s</span>', [LabelThemeToStr(FStyleLabel.Theme, true), vCaption]) else if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_ts_btn then vStyle := Format('<span class="f-%s f-%s-btn ">%s</span>', [FFAIcon.ClassName,FFAIcon.ClassName, vCaption]) else if FStyleLabel.Model = lm_fas_btn then vStyle := Format('<span class="f-%s f-%s-btn ">%s</span>', [FFAIcon.ClassName,FFAIcon.ClassName, vCaption]) else vStyle := vCaption; end; JSProperty('html', [vStyle, False], 'setText'); end; procedure TUniSFLabel.setStyleLabel(const Value: TUniSFStyleLabel); begin FStyleLabel := Value; end; procedure TUniSFLabel.WebCreate; begin inherited; TextConversion := txtHTML; end; initialization //增加的CSS文件位置 UniAddCSSLibrary('uniSFJS/thinksign/ts_wix.css?' + FenixCSSVersion, False, [upoFolderUni, upoPlatformBoth]); UniAddCSSLibrary('uniSFJS/SexyButtons/sexybuttons.css?' + FenixCSSVersion, False, [upoFolderUni, upoPlatformBoth]); UniAddCSSLibrary('uniSFJS/fenix/fenix.css?' + FenixCSSVersion, False, [upoFolderUni, upoPlatformBoth]); UniAddCSSLibrary('uniSFJS/font-awesome/css/fontawesome-all.min.css', False, [upoFolderUni, upoPlatformBoth]); end.
到这里,然后主程序,只要设置UniSFLabel的TTSIcon 即可显示对应的组件。