Introduction 介绍

About App Distribution Workflows 关于应用发布工作流

This guide contains everything you need to know to distribute an app through the App Store, Apple TV App Store, or Mac App Store.

这个指南包含了如何通过App Store或者Apple TV App Store, or Mac App Store来发布一个app。

  • Get step-by-step guidance for enrolling in the Apple Developer Program and building, testing, and submitting your app.

  • 根据指南一步步注册苹果开发者计划,创建,测试,提交你的应用。

  • Configure services that are available only to apps submitted to the store.

  • 配置服务仅仅能提交到store的app。
  • Test your app on multiple devices and system versions, or offer testers a preview of your next release.

  • 在多个设备和系统版本上测试你的app,或者提供测试人员你的下一个版本的预览。
  • Upload metadata about your app so the store can present it to customers.

  • 上传有关你app的源码这样商店就可以呈现给用户了。
  • Verify that you’ve prepared your app correctly, upload the build and submit it to the store.

  • 验证你的app准备无误并且可以提交到store上去了。
  • Learn how to release and maintain your app after submission.

  • 学习如何在submission后发布并且保留你的app。



You perform these tasks using Xcode features and several web tools available only to members of the Apple Developer Program.Before you use certain app services, such as iCloud and Game Center, you must join the Apple Developer Program.Join the Apple Developer Program even if you distribute an app outside of the store so that customers know your app comes from a known source.

你可以使用Xcode特性和其他一些网络工具来称为苹果开发者计划成员。在你使用某些app服务之前,例如iCloud和Game Center,你必须加入到苹果开发者计划。加入苹果开发者计划即便你发布一个app在store外,以便让用户知道你的app来自一个已知的来源。

You use Xcode to develop Mac, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps. Mac apps launch on your development computer running OS X.But iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps must run on their respective devices or in a simulator on your Mac.For iOS apps, a device is an iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.For tvOS apps, a device is an Apple TV.For watchOS apps, a device is an iPhone paired with an Apple Watch.Xcode provides simulators for all these types of devices but you’ll need to connect a real device to your Mac to thoroughly test your app.

可以使用Xcode开发Mac,iOS,tvOS和watchOS应用。Mac开发需要使用OS X操作系统。iOS,tvOS,watchOS应用必须应用在它们各自的设备上或者在你Mac上的模拟器。对于iOS应用,可以使用ipad,iphone和ipod touch。对于tvOS应用,可以使用Apple TV。Xcode提供这些类型设备的模拟器,但是你需要连接真机到你的Mac上,最终测试你的应用。

Note: If you just want to use Xcode to run an app on a device or write code that uses an app service, read App Distribution Quick Start first and then return to this document for additional tasks you’ll perform throughout the lifetime of your app.
注意:如果你只是想使用Xcode运行app在一个设备上或者编写代码使用app服务,阅读 App Distribution Quick Start 。

At a Glance 简介

This guide explains how to develop, test, upload, submit, and release your app. By understanding your tools and the distribution process, you’ll be able to get your new app and updates to your customers faster.


Enroll in the Apple Developer Program to Distribute Your App 在苹果开发者计划注册去发布应用

Joining the Apple Developer Program is the first step to submit your app to App Review, to distribute an iOS in-house app, or to sign an app that you distribute outside the Mac App Store with Developer ID. As a member, you have access to the resources you need to configure app services and to submit new apps and updates.

加入苹果开发者计划是第一步,然后提交你的app,然后发布内部的app,或者去签名app,使用开发者ID在Mac App Store外发布。作为成员,您有访问资源,您需要配置应用程序服务,并提交新的应用程序和更新的权限。

Related Chapter: Managing Accounts
关联文档:Managing Accounts(五)

Add Services to Your App 为你的app增加服务

Apple provides advanced, integrated services for certain types of apps, such as games and Newsstand apps, and for additional sources of revenue, such as In-App Purchase and iAd Network.These app services require additional configuration—both during development and later, when you submit your app to the store.Good examples are Game Center and iCloud.In this guide, you’ll learn how to configure these capabilities for your app.

苹果为某些类型的app提供先进的,集成的服务,例如游戏和Newsstand应用和额外的收入,例如内购和iAd网络。这些app服务需要额外的配置,在开发者提交app到商店期间。例如Game Center和iCloud应用。这个指南中,你将了解到怎样配置这些功能为你的app。

Related Chapter: Adding Capabilities
关联文档:Adding Capabilities

Prepare Your App for Distribution 准备发布你的app

Before you distribute your app for testing or submit it to the store for approval, complete the configuration of your Xcode project.Your final Xcode project should contain required app icons and launch images, and specify which devices and operating systems your app supports.


Test Apps On Numerous Devices and Releases 在多个设备上测试apps然后发布

Make sure you test your iOS, tvOS, and watchOS app not only in Simulator but on all the devices and releases that your app supports.

Testing on more than one kind of device ensures that your app operates exactly as you thought it would, no matter which device it’s running on.

After testing an app yourself, distribute a beta release of your app to testers.

You can distribute a beta app yourself or use iTunes Connect to manage beta testing.

For apps distributed through TestFlight and the store, Apple provides a service that collects and aggregates crash logs that you can download and analyze in Xcode. Crash reports are also available for Mac apps available on the Mac App Store.

确保你测试你的iOS、tvOS和watchOS应用不仅仅是在模拟器上而且还要在所有设备上,然后在发布你app。在不止一台设备上测试确保你的app正确的操作如你预期,不论在哪种设备上。在测试好你的app后,发布一个测试版本app给测试人员。你可以发布一个测试版本app为你自己或者使用iTunes Connect去管理测试版本。通过TestFlight发布apps或者store,苹果提供手机和集合崩溃报告的服务,你可以下载和分析它在Xcode。崩溃报告也可用于苹果应用程序商店的苹果应用程序。

Submit and Release Your App on the Store 提交和发布你的app在Store上

Submitting your app to the store is a multistep process.

First, you sign in to iTunes Connect to create an app record and enter necessary information.

If you’re selling your app on the store, you also enter the information for your reimbursement in iTunes Connect.

In Xcode, you create an archive and sign it with your distribution certificate.

Then you upload your app using Xcode or Application Loader.

Use iTunes Connect to submit your app to the store.

When your app is approved, use iTunes Connect to release it by setting the date when the app will be available to customers.

提交你的app到store上是一个多步的过程。首先,登录iTunes Connect来创建一个应用程序并输入必要的信息。如果你在store上卖你的app,你需要输入补偿信息在iTunes Connect。在Xcode中,创建一个文件并且使用你的发布证书签名。然后上传你的app使用Xcode或者Application Loader。使用iTunes Connect去提交你的app到store上。当你的app批准了,使用iTunes Connect去发布它通过设置日期当app对于客户可用。

Distribute Your App Outside the Store 发布你的app在Store外 

Alternatively, join the Apple Developer Enterprise Program and distribute your in-house apps directly to employees. To distribute a Mac app outside of the Mac App Store, create and sign your app with a Developer ID certificate. If you’re distributing your app outside the store, you follow a slightly different process. You don’t have access to iTunes Connect and some app services so can skip those steps.

Maintain Your Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles 维护你的证书,标识和配置文件

Apple implements an underlying security model to protect both user data and your app from being modified and distributed without your knowledge. Throughout the development process, you create assets and enter information that Apple uses to identify you, your devices, and your apps. Xcode automatically creates certificates, identifiers, and profiles for you as you need them. Xcode maintains the App IDs and provisioning profiles it creates for you, but not the other assets. During your Apple Developer Program membership, you may maintain various other certificates, identifiers, and profiles yourself.

How to Use This Document 怎样使用这份文档

How you use this document depends on your role (team agent, admin, or member) in the Apple Developer Program. If you develop Mac apps, your role can be different for the Mac platform than the other platforms. For Mac apps, how you use this document also depends on whether you choose to submit your app to the Mac App Store or distribute it outside of the Mac App Store.

First choose a type of account (individual or organization). If needed, create an Apple ID and join the Apple Developer Program, as described in Managing Accounts. If you enroll in the Apple Developer Program as an individual, you’re the team agent for a one-person team. If you enroll in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, you’re the team agent and can invite other people to join your team, as described in Inviting Team Members. You specify whether a person is a team admin, who can perform most of the same tasks as a team agent, or a team member who can’t create assets in their developer account. To learn more about team roles, read About Apple Developer Program Team Roles and Privileges.

Then refer to the tables in this section for the tasks you perform depending on your role and Apple Developer Program membership. (Refer to the glossary for the definitions of terms used in this guide.)

If you’re a team agent or admin and want to submit your app to the store:


To learn how to



Add your Apple ID to Xcode

Adding Your Apple ID Account in Xcode


Set your bundle ID and assign your project to a team

Configuring Identity and Team Settings

Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution


Configure app services

Adding Capabilities


Launch your app on devices

Launching Your App on Devices


Perform final configuration steps before distributing your app

Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution


Test your iOS, tvOS, and watchOS app on different devices

Exporting Your App for Testing (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)


Fix problems during testing

Analyzing Crash Reports


Upload your app to iTunes Connect for approval

Submitting Your App to the Store


Release and maintain your app on the store

Managing Your App in iTunes Connect


Maintain your Apple Developer Program assets

Maintaining Your Signing Identities and Certificates

Maintaining Identifiers, Devices, and Profiles


Fix issues with your code signing assets


If you’re a team agent or admin for an organization:


To learn how to



Add team members and assign roles for organization accounts

Managing Your Developer Account Team

If you’re a team member for an organization who is developing an app for the store:


To learn how to



Add your Apple ID to Xcode

Adding Your Apple ID Account in Xcode


Set your bundle ID and assign your project to a team

Configuring Identity and Team Settings

Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution


Launch your app on devices

Launching Your App on Devices


Fix issues with your code signing assets


If you’re a team agent or admin in the Apple Developer Enterprise Program:


To learn how to



Manage your certificates and distribute your app

Distributing Apple Developer Enterprise Program Apps

If you’re a team agent and want to distribute your Mac app outside of the Mac App Store:


To learn how to



Perform final configuration steps before distributing your app

Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution


Create a Developer ID-signed app

Distributing Apps Outside the Mac App Store


Create additional Developer ID certificates

Creating Additional Developer ID Certificates

For Mac apps, if you select None as the distribution method, as described in Choosing a Signing Identity (Mac), you don’t need to read this guide.

See Also

This guide assumes you are already familiar with the software and tools you use to write code. If not, start by reading a number of platform-specific tutorials. Next, read the technology overview documents followed by the appropriate human interface guidelines for your platform, and most important, the guidelines for submitting your app to the store.


iOS, tvOS, watchOS


To get started . . .

App Distribution Quick Start

App Distribution Quick Start

To learn more about technologies . . .

iOS Technology Overview

App Programming Guide for iOS

App Programming Guide for tvOS

App Programming Guide for watchOS

Mac Technology Overview

Mac App Programming Guide

To learn about the user interface guidelines . . .

iOS Human Interface Guidelines

App Store Review Guidelines

Apple TV Human Interface Guidelines

Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines

OS X Human Interface Guidelines

Mac App Store Review Guidelines

To learn more about tools . . .

Xcode Overview

iTunes Connect Developer Guide

Simulator User Guide

Using Application Loader

Xcode Overview

iTunes Connect Developer Guide

Using Application Loader

To learn about tools for large teams. . .

Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide

Testing with Xcode

Source Control Management Help

Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide

Testing with Xcode

Source Control Management Help

For more information on the app review process, go to App Review.