Certificates 证书

Apple Developer Program membership is required to request, download, and use signing certificates issued by Apple. You must also be the Team Agent or an admin of your development team to request distribution certificates used for submitting apps to the App Store or Mac App Store. For more information on how to use signing certificates, review the App Distribution Guide.

必须具备 Apple Developer Program 会员资格才可申请、下载和使用 Apple 签发的签名证书。要申请用于向 App Store 或 Mac App Store 提交 app 的发布证书,您还必须是团队代理或您所在开发团队的管理员。有关如何使用签名证书的更多信息,请参阅App Distribution Guide.(developer.apple.com(三))。

In most cases, Xcode is the preferred method to request and install digital certificates for iOS and OS X. However, to request certificates for the Apple Push Notification service, Passbook, Mobile Device Management (MDM), and Safari extensions, you will need to request and download them fromCertificates, Identifiers & Profiles in your account on the developer website.

大多数情况下,Xcode 是申请和安装用于 iOS 和 OS X 的数字证书的首选方法。但是,申请用于 Apple Push Notification Service、Passbook、移动设备管理 (MDM) 和 Safari Extensions 的证书时,则需要使用您的开发者帐户在 Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles 中进行申请和下载。

Expired or Revoked Certificates 如果证书已到期或已撤销,会出现什么情况?

  • 1.Apple Push Notification Service Certificate  
  • Apple Push Notification Service 证书   
  • You can no longer send push notifications to your app.    
  • 你将无法向您的app发送推送通知。
  • 2.Pass Type ID Certificate (Passbook)    
  • Pass Type ID证书
    If your certificate expires, passes that are already installed on users' devices will continue to function normally. However, you will no longer be able to sign new passes or send updates to existing passes. If your certificate has been revoked, your passes will no longer function properly.  
  • 如果您的证书过期,已安装在用户的设备上的仍然可以正常运行。但是,您不能再向 App Store 提交新的 app 或更新。如果你的证书撤销了,将不能正常作用。
  • 3.iOS Distribution Certificate (App Store)
  • iOS 发布证书(App Store)
    If your Apple Developer Program membership is valid, your existing apps on the App Store will not be affected. However, you will no longer be able to submit new apps or updates to the App Store.
  • 如果您的 Apple Developer Program 会员资格有效,则您在 App Store 上的现有 app 将不受影响。但是,您不能再向 App Store 提交新的 app 或更新。
  • 4.iOS Distribution Certificate (in-house, internal use apps)
  • iOS发布证书(内部使用版本apps)
    Users will no longer be able to run apps that have been signed with this certificate. You must distribute a new version of your app that is signed with a new certificate.
  • 用户不能再运行已使用此证书签名的 app。您必须发布使用新证书签名的新版本 app。
  • 5.Mac App Distribution Certificate and Mac Installer Distribution Certificate (Mac App Store)
  • Mac App发布证书和Mac安装证书认证(Mac App Store)
  • If your Apple Developer Program membership is valid, your existing apps on the Mac App Store will not be affected. However, you will no longer be able to submit new apps or updates to the Mac App Store.
  • 如果您的 Apple Developer Program 会员资格有效,则您在 Mac App Store 上的现有 app 将不受影响。但是,您不能再向 Mac App Store 提交新的 app 或更新。
  • 6.Developer ID Application Certificate and Developer ID Installer Certificate (Mac applications)
  • Developer ID应用软件证书和Developer ID安装证书(Mac应用)
    If your certificate expires, users can still download, install, and run versions of your Mac applications that were signed with this certificate. However, you will need a new certificate to sign updates and new applications. If your certificate has been revoked, users will no longer be able to install applications that have been signed with this certificate.
  • 如果您的证书到期,用户仍然可以下载、安装和运行使用该证书签名的 Mac 应用软件版本。但是,您需要使用新的证书来为更新和新应用软件签名。如果您的证书已撤销,用户将不能再安装使用该证书签名的应用软件。

Note: Apple can revoke digital certificates at any time at its sole discretion. For more information, read theApple Developer Program license agreements in your account on the developer website.

注:Apple 可以随时自行决定数字证书的撤销。有关更多信息,请阅读 Member Center 中的 Apple Developer Program 许可协议。

Compromised Certificates 泄露的证书

If you suspect that your Pass Type ID certificate or Developer ID certificate and private key have been compromised, and would like to request revocation of the certificate, send an email toproduct-security@apple.com. You can continue to develop and distribute passes by requesting an additional certificate from your account on the developer website.

如果你怀疑你的Pass Type ID证书或者开发者ID证书和密钥被泄露了,想要申请证书的撤销,发送email到product-security@apple.com.你可以继续开发和发布通过你的账户在开发者网站上申请的额外的证书。

I received an error message saying, "Xcode could not find a valid private-key/certificate pair for this profile in your keychain." 我收到这样一条错误信息:“Xcode 无法在您的钥匙串中找到适用于此描述文件的有效密钥/证书对”。

This error message indicates that your system's Keychain is missing either the public or private key for the certificate you are using to sign your application.

此错误信息表明系统的钥匙串中丢失了您用于对 app 进行签名的证书公钥或密钥。

This often happens when you are trying to sign and build your application from a different system than the one you originally used to request your code signing certificate. It can also happen if your certificate has expired or has been revoked. Ensure that your app's provisioning profile contains a valid code signing certificate, and that your system's Keychain contains that certificate, the private key originally used to generate that certificate, and the WWDR Intermediate Certificate.

如果您尝试对 app 进行签名和build所用的 Mac 并非原本用于申请代码签名证书的 Mac,则通常会发生此错误。还可能发生在证书已到期或已撤销的情况下。请确保应用程序的pp文件包含有效的代码签名证书,而且 Mac 的“钥匙串”包含该证书,密钥最初用于生成该证书和“WWDR 中级证书”。

For instructions on how to resolve this error, review the Code Signing support page.


What happens to my Developer ID–signed applications if myApple Developer Program membership expires? 如果我的 Apple Developer Program 会员身份到期,使用我的 Developer ID 签名的应用软件会出现什么情况?

If your membership expires, users can still download, install, and run your Developer ID–signed applications. However, once your Developer ID certificate expires, you must be an Apple Developer Program member to get new Developer ID certificates to sign updates and new applications.

如果您的会员身份到期,用户仍然可以下载、安装和运行使用您的 Developer ID 签名的应用软件。但是,在您的 Developer ID 证书到期后,您必须成为 Apple Developer Program 会员才能获取新的 Developer ID 证书,以便为更新和新应用软件签名。