Option Explicit'定義堆棧的結構Public Type StackStruct Size As Integer'當前Stack中元素的個數 Pointer As Integer '指向Stack中棧頂的指針 MaxElementCount As Integer 'Stack中可以放入的元素的個數 Element() As Integer 'Stack中用於放置元素的數組 End Type'根椐用戶指定的StackSize來創建一個堆棧Public Function CreateStack(StackSize As Integer) 阅读全文
StatusDescription00Successful completion02Indexed files only. Possible causes:For a READ statement, the key value for the current key is equal to the value of that same key in the next record in the current key of reference.For a WRITE or REWRITE statement, the record just written created a duplicat 阅读全文