git merge 问题

远端分支更新后,本地需要使用 git pull 或者 git fetch 获取更新

有时候会出现拉取后,本地分支新出现一个 merge commit,这个 commit 会干扰到项目 commit 的历史线

所以我们一般在 git fetch 或者 git pull 后再使用 git reset --hard xxxx 来同步上下游的 commit 历史线(xxx 的上游最新的 commit 的 hash)

当然也可以手动禁止 git pull 后的自动合并


  • git fetch 下载远程仓库的更新,但不会自动合并到当前分支,需要手动进行合并。
  • git pull 下载远程仓库的更新,并且自动尝试将其合并到当前分支上。


一般情况下,绝对不要随便 rebase

如果远端分支更新了,远端分支上还有子模块也更新了,可以使用 --recurse-submodules

$ git pull official master --recurse-submodules
 * branch              master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Fetching submodule external/breakpad
Fetching submodule external/crashpad
Fetching submodule external/crashpad/third_party/lss/lss
   9719c1e..ed31caa  main        -> origin/main
 * [new tag]         v2022.10.12 -> v2022.10.12
Fetching submodule external/crashpad/third_party/mini_chromium/mini_chromium
Fetching submodule external/crashpad/third_party/zlib/zlib
   63c0cec..24c07df  main       -> origin/main
   63c0cec..24c07df  master     -> origin/master
Fetching submodule external/libunwindstack-ndk
Fetching submodule external/third_party/lss
   063448f..ed31caa  main       -> origin/main
Already up to date.
Submodule path 'external/crashpad': checked out '6c9b05f368edb80ac113a54b49007c053eee1c97'

也不要随便 git merge 分支

$ git merge origin/feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

这样操作后,会扰乱原来的 commits,就像这样

$ git log --oneline
696d918f (HEAD -> feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression, origin/feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression' i
nto feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression
d14457da Update crashpad build script
b9e7882b Remove build remnants of CMake <= 3.12...
cac38477 Fix format in sentry_transport.c
726a876f Update change-log
66b532d6 Revert "separate crashpad gzip choice"
260760e8 separate crashpad gzip choice
e060cc8d format
2184c014 add change log
4fc501c2 restore ENVELOPE_MIME define
f69f0b83 rename vars and improve code logic
3f2c13c1 lint
09643e79 improve format
cc0411e1 add #
66f01542 add GZIP_COMPRSSION defintion
780770eb modify some code
29761d1f reuse body/_owned
43e44759 use sentry__xx
75654b3e add zlib.h
92ece2b1 add gzip compression
fda2a372 (official/master, master) Add user feedback capability to the Native SDK (#966)
33c1198d Update crashpad build script
4dcbbae6 Remove build remnants of CMake <= 3.12...
6b879c00 Fix format in sentry_transport.c
8094b4ad Update change-log
c98f2193 Revert "separate crashpad gzip choice"
282100fc separate crashpad gzip choice
9bec2cba format
e830aea2 add change log
9b1bc43f build(deps): bump black from 24.2.0 to 24.3.0 in /tests (#967)
48fc18e9 restore ENVELOPE_MIME define
56ed2f6d rename vars and improve code logic
2530bdd6 lint
32e90a4b improve format
db233905 add #


使用 git reset --hard 定位到最新的 commit,具体可以观察 PR 上最后一个 commit 提交记录

$ git reset --hard 33c1198d
HEAD is now at 33c1198d Update crashpad build script


$ git log --oneline
33c1198d (HEAD -> feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression) Update crashpad build script
4dcbbae6 Remove build remnants of CMake <= 3.12...
6b879c00 Fix format in sentry_transport.c
8094b4ad Update change-log
c98f2193 Revert "separate crashpad gzip choice"
282100fc separate crashpad gzip choice
9bec2cba format
e830aea2 add change log
48fc18e9 restore ENVELOPE_MIME define
56ed2f6d rename vars and improve code logic
2530bdd6 lint
32e90a4b improve format
db233905 add #
c07a6a4e add GZIP_COMPRSSION defintion
2fac701c modify some code
0f370b02 reuse body/_owned
0d36bb08 use sentry__xx
cd7f0825 add zlib.h
f60449b6 add gzip compression
e812e7c7 fix: failing clang-asan/llvm-cov tests (#965)
8f262299 ci: build zlib for mingw (#964)
2ae5de65 (origin/master) chore: add note about experimental state of standalone SDK (#952)
0043edf8 docs: provide example for breadcrumb data property (#951)
5596cbba build: remove obsolete CRASHPAD_WER_ENABLED (#950)
9ea60904 (upstream/master) Merge branch 'release/0.7.0'
4ec95c07 (tag: 0.7.0) release: 0.7.0

此时再 git merge master,以解决冲突

$ git merge master
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

再次查看 commits

$ git log --oneline
42ebfb57 (HEAD -> feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression) Merge branch 'master' into feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression
fda2a372 (official/master, master) Add user feedback capability to the Native SDK (#966)
33c1198d Update crashpad build script
4dcbbae6 Remove build remnants of CMake <= 3.12...
6b879c00 Fix format in sentry_transport.c
8094b4ad Update change-log
c98f2193 Revert "separate crashpad gzip choice"
282100fc separate crashpad gzip choice
9bec2cba format
e830aea2 add change log
9b1bc43f build(deps): bump black from 24.2.0 to 24.3.0 in /tests (#967)
48fc18e9 restore ENVELOPE_MIME define
56ed2f6d rename vars and improve code logic
2530bdd6 lint
32e90a4b improve format
db233905 add #
c07a6a4e add GZIP_COMPRSSION defintion
2fac701c modify some code
0f370b02 reuse body/_owned
0d36bb08 use sentry__xx
cd7f0825 add zlib.h
f60449b6 add gzip compression
e812e7c7 fix: failing clang-asan/llvm-cov tests (#965)
8f262299 ci: build zlib for mingw (#964)
2ae5de65 (origin/master) chore: add note about experimental state of standalone SDK (#952)
0043edf8 docs: provide example for breadcrumb data property (#951)

没啥问题就 git push -f 吧,git push 会一直提示 Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind

不管它了,先解决重复 commits 问题吧


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