[Swift]LeetCode75. 颜色分类 | Sort Colors
Given an array with n objects colored red, white or blue, sort them in-place so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, white and blue.
Here, we will use the integers 0, 1, and 2 to represent the color red, white, and blue respectively.
Note: You are not suppose to use the library's sort function for this problem.
Input: [2,0,2,1,1,0] Output: [0,0,1,1,2,2]
Follow up:
- A rather straight forward solution is a two-pass algorithm using counting sort.
First, iterate the array counting number of 0's, 1's, and 2's, then overwrite array with total number of 0's, then 1's and followed by 2's. - Could you come up with a one-pass algorithm using only constant space?
给定一个包含红色、白色和蓝色,一共 n 个元素的数组,原地对它们进行排序,使得相同颜色的元素相邻,并按照红色、白色、蓝色顺序排列。
此题中,我们使用整数 0、 1 和 2 分别表示红色、白色和蓝色。
输入: [2,0,2,1,1,0] 输出: [0,0,1,1,2,2]
- 一个直观的解决方案是使用计数排序的两趟扫描算法。
首先,迭代计算出0、1 和 2 元素的个数,然后按照0、1、2的排序,重写当前数组。 - 你能想出一个仅使用常数空间的一趟扫描算法吗?
1 class Solution { 2 func sortColors(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 4 var i = 0 5 var left = 0 6 var right = nums.count - 1 7 8 while i <= right { 9 if nums[i] == 0 { 10 nums.swapAt(i, left) 11 i += 1 12 left += 1 13 } else if nums[i] == 1 { 14 i += 1 15 } else { 16 nums.swapAt(i, right) 17 right -= 1 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 }
1 class Solution { 2 /// 桶排序法, 0...red 都是 0,blue...nums.count-1 都是2 3 func sortColors(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 4 var red = -1 5 var blue = nums.count 6 var i = 0 7 8 while i < blue { 9 if nums[i] == 0 { 10 red += 1 11 (nums[i], nums[red]) = (nums[red], nums[i]) 12 i += 1 13 } else if nums[i] == 2 { 14 blue -= 1 15 (nums[i], nums[blue]) = (nums[blue], nums[i]) 16 } else { 17 i += 1 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 }
1 class Solution { 2 func sortColors(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 var zeroCounter = 0 4 var oneCounter = 0 5 var twoCounter = 0 6 7 for each in nums{ 8 if each == 0{ 9 zeroCounter += 1 10 }else if each == 1{ 11 oneCounter += 1 12 }else if each == 2{ 13 twoCounter += 1 14 } 15 } 16 17 for each in 0..<zeroCounter{ 18 nums[each] = 0 19 } 20 21 for each in 0..<oneCounter{ 22 nums[zeroCounter+each] = 1 23 } 24 25 for each in 0..<twoCounter{ 26 nums[zeroCounter+oneCounter+each] = 2 27 } 28 29 } 30 }
1 class Solution { 2 func sortColors(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 var redCount = 0, whiteCount = 0, blueCount = 0 4 for i in 0..<nums.count { 5 if nums[i] == 0 { 6 redCount = redCount + 1 7 nums[redCount - 1] = 0 8 } else if nums[i] == 1 { 9 whiteCount = whiteCount + 1 10 } else { 11 blueCount = blueCount + 1 12 } 13 } 14 for i in redCount..<redCount+whiteCount { 15 nums[i] = 1 16 } 17 for i in redCount+whiteCount..<nums.count { 18 nums[i] = 2 19 } 20 } 21 }