[Swift]LeetCode31. 下一个排列 | Next Permutation
Implement next permutation, which rearranges numbers into the lexicographically next greater permutation of numbers.
If such arrangement is not possible, it must rearrange it as the lowest possible order (ie, sorted in ascending order).
The replacement must be in-place and use only constant extra memory.
Here are some examples. Inputs are in the left-hand column and its corresponding outputs are in the right-hand column.
→ 1,3,2
→ 1,2,3
→ 1,5,1
→ 1,3,2
→ 1,2,3
→ 1,5,1
[9, 5, 4, 3, 1]
我们需要从右边找到第一对两个连续的数字 a[i]a[i] 和 a[i-1]a[i−1],它们满足 a[i]>a[i-1]a[i]>a[i−1]。现在,没有对 a[i-1]a[i−1]右侧的重新排列可以创建更大的排列,因为该子数组由数字按降序组成。因此,我们需要重新排列 a[i-1]a[i−1] 右边的数字,包括它自己。
现在,什么样的重新排列将产生下一个更大的数字?我们想要创建比当前更大的排列。因此,我们需要将数字 a[i-1]a[i−1] 替换为位于其右侧区域的数字中比它更大的数字,例如 a[j]a[j]。
我们交换数字 a[i-1]a[i−1] 和 a[j]a[j]。我们现在在索引 i-1i−1 处有正确的数字。 但目前的排列仍然不是我们正在寻找的排列。我们需要通过仅使用 a[i-1]a[i−1]右边的数字来形成最小的排列。 因此,我们需要放置那些按升序排列的数字,以获得最小的排列。
但是,请记住,在从右侧扫描数字时,我们只是继续递减索引直到我们找到 a[i]a[i] 和 a[i-1]a[i−1] 这对数。其中,a[i] > a[i-1]a[i]>a[i−1]。因此,a[i-1]a[i−1] 右边的所有数字都已按降序排序。此外,交换 a[i-1]a[i−1] 和 a[j]a[j] 并未改变该顺序。因此,我们只需要反转 a[i-1]a[i−1] 之后的数字,以获得下一个最小的字典排列。
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 let len:Int = nums.count 4 var i:Int = len - 2 5 while (i >= 0 && nums[i + 1] <= nums[i]) {i -= 1} 6 if i >= 0 7 { 8 var j:Int = len - 1 9 while (j >= 0 && nums[j] <= nums[i]) {j -= 1} 10 swap(&nums, i, j) 11 } 12 reverse(&nums, i + 1) 13 } 14 15 func reverse(_ nums:inout [Int],_ start:Int) 16 { 17 var i:Int = start, j:Int = nums.count - 1 18 while (i < j) 19 { 20 swap(&nums, i, j) 21 i += 1 22 j -= 1 23 } 24 } 25 26 func swap(_ nums:inout [Int],_ i:Int,_ j:Int) 27 { 28 var temp:Int = nums[i] 29 nums[i] = nums[j] 30 nums[j] = temp 31 } 32 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 if nums.count <= 1 { return } 4 var ind = -1 5 for i in (0..<(nums.count-1)).reversed() { 6 if nums[i] < nums[i+1] { 7 ind = i 8 break 9 } 10 } 11 if ind == -1 { 12 nums = nums.reversed() 13 return 14 } 15 let ind1 = ind 16 var temp = nums[ind+1] 17 var ind2 = ind+1 18 while ind < nums.count { 19 if nums[ind] > nums[ind1] && nums[ind] <= temp { 20 ind2 = ind 21 temp = nums[ind] 22 } 23 ind += 1 24 } 25 (nums[ind1], nums[ind2]) = (nums[ind2], nums[ind1]) 26 nums = Array(nums[0...ind1]) + Array(nums[(ind1+1)..<nums.count]).reversed() 27 } 28 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 guard let violateIndex = findViolate(nums) else { 4 nums.reverse() 5 return 6 } 7 8 swap(&nums, violateIndex, findLeastGreater(nums, violateIndex)) 9 nums = nums[0...violateIndex] + nums[(violateIndex + 1)...].reversed() 10 } 11 12 fileprivate func findViolate(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int? { 13 for i in (1..<nums.count).reversed() { 14 if nums[i] > nums[i - 1] { 15 return i - 1 16 } 17 } 18 19 return nil 20 } 21 22 fileprivate func findLeastGreater(_ nums: [Int], _ violateIndex: Int) -> Int { 23 for i in (violateIndex + 1..<nums.count).reversed() { 24 if nums[i] > nums[violateIndex] { 25 return i 26 } 27 } 28 29 fatalError() 30 } 31 32 fileprivate func swap<T>(_ nums: inout [T], _ indexL: Int, _ indexR: Int) { 33 (nums[indexL], nums[indexR]) = (nums[indexR], nums[indexL]) 34 } 35 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 4 guard nums.count > 1 else { 5 return 6 } 7 8 for i in (0 ..< nums.count - 1).reversed() { 9 10 var lowestDiff = -1 11 var lowestIndex = -1 12 13 for j in (i+1 ..< nums.count) { 14 15 let diff = nums[j] - nums[i] 16 17 if diff > 0 && (diff < lowestDiff || lowestDiff == -1) { 18 lowestDiff = diff 19 lowestIndex = j 20 } 21 } 22 23 if (lowestIndex >= 0) { 24 print("swap \(nums[i]) \(nums[lowestIndex])") 25 swap(&nums, i, lowestIndex) 26 nums[i+1..<nums.count].sort() 27 return 28 } 29 } 30 31 for i in (0 ..< nums.count / 2) { 32 swap(&nums, i, nums.count - i - 1) 33 } 34 } 35 36 func swap(_ nums: inout [Int], _ i: Int, _ j: Int) { 37 let tmp = nums[i] 38 nums[i] = nums[j] 39 nums[j] = tmp 40 } 41 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 4 var end = nums.count - 1 5 6 while end > 0 { 7 if nums[end - 1] < nums[end] { 8 break 9 } 10 end -= 1 11 } 12 13 if end == 0 { 14 for i in 0..<nums.count / 2 { 15 nums.swapAt(i, nums.count - 1 - i) 16 } 17 } else { 18 end -= 1 19 var i = nums.count - 1 20 while i > end { 21 if nums[i] > nums[end] { 22 break 23 } 24 i -= 1 25 } 26 27 nums.swapAt(i, end) 28 29 for i in 0..<(nums.count - end) / 2 { 30 nums.swapAt(end + 1 + i, nums.count - 1 - i) 31 } 32 } 33 } 34 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 4 let size = nums.count 5 6 //数组为空或只有一个数 7 if size == 0 || size == 1 { 8 return 9 } 10 11 //只有两个数直接交换 12 if size == 2 { 13 nums.swapAt(0, 1) 14 return 15 } 16 17 //判断大小交换位置 18 for index in stride(from: size-1, through: 1, by: -1) { 19 20 if nums[index] > nums[index - 1] { 21 22 for subIndex in stride(from: size-1, through: index, by: -1) { 23 24 if nums[subIndex] > nums[index-1] { 25 26 nums.swapAt(index-1, subIndex) 27 break 28 } 29 } 30 31 for tmpIndex in stride(from: (size-1-index)/2, through: 0, by: -1) { 32 33 nums.swapAt(tmpIndex + index, size - 1 - tmpIndex) 34 } 35 36 return 37 38 } 39 } 40 41 //降序排列好,直接逆序 42 for index in stride(from: (size-1)/2, through: 0, by: -1) { 43 44 nums.swapAt(index, size-1-index) 45 } 46 } 47 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 4 guard nums.count > 1 else { 5 return 6 } 7 8 for i in (0 ..< nums.count - 1).reversed() { 9 10 var lowestDiff = -1 11 var lowestIndex = -1 12 13 for j in (i+1 ..< nums.count) { 14 15 let diff = nums[j] - nums[i] 16 17 if diff > 0 && (diff < lowestDiff || lowestDiff == -1) { 18 lowestDiff = diff 19 lowestIndex = j 20 } 21 } 22 23 if (lowestIndex >= 0) { 24 print("swap \(nums[i]) \(nums[lowestIndex])") 25 swap(&nums, i, lowestIndex) 26 nums[i+1..<nums.count].sort() 27 return 28 } 29 } 30 31 for i in (0 ..< nums.count / 2) { 32 swap(&nums, i, nums.count - i - 1) 33 } 34 } 35 36 func swap(_ nums: inout [Int], _ i: Int, _ j: Int) { 37 let tmp = nums[i] 38 nums[i] = nums[j] 39 nums[j] = tmp 40 } 41 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 if nums.count < 2 { 4 return 5 } 6 7 var max = nums[nums.count - 1] 8 var i = nums.count - 2 9 while i >= 0 { 10 if nums[i] < max { 11 break 12 } 13 max = nums[i] 14 i = i - 1 15 } 16 if i < 0 { 17 nums.sort() 18 return 19 } 20 var x = nums[i] 21 nums[(i+1)...].sort() 22 var left = i + 1 23 var right = nums.index(before: nums.endIndex) 24 25 while right > (left + 1) { 26 var m = left + (right - left) / 2 27 if nums[m] <= x { 28 left = m 29 } else { 30 right = m 31 } 32 } 33 34 var ind = (x < nums[left]) ? left : right 35 nums[i] = nums[ind] 36 nums[ind] = x 37 } 38 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 var toSwap = -1 4 5 if nums.count <= 1 { 6 return 7 } 8 9 for index in (1...nums.count - 1).reversed() { 10 if nums[index] > nums[index - 1] { 11 toSwap = index - 1 12 break 13 } 14 } 15 16 if toSwap != -1 { 17 var min = Int.max, swapIndex = toSwap 18 for index in (toSwap + 1...nums.count - 1).reversed() { 19 if nums[index] < min && nums[index] > nums[toSwap] { 20 swapIndex = index 21 min = nums[index] 22 } 23 } 24 nums.swapAt(toSwap, swapIndex) 25 nums[toSwap + 1...nums.count - 1].reverse() 26 } else { 27 nums.reverse() 28 } 29 } 30 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 //no arrangement possible 4 if(nums.sorted().reversed() == nums){ 5 nums = nums.sorted() 6 return 7 } 8 let n = nums.count 9 var position = -1 10 for i in (0 ..< n - 1).reversed() { 11 print(i) 12 if nums[i] < nums[i + 1] { 13 position = i 14 break 15 } 16 } 17 var indexToSwap = -1 18 var diff = Int.max 19 20 21 for j in (position+1 ..< n).reversed() { 22 let d = nums[j] - nums[position] 23 if d < diff && d > 0 { 24 indexToSwap = j 25 diff = d 26 } 27 } 28 nums.swapAt(position, indexToSwap) 29 nums = nums[0 ... position] + nums[position + 1 ... nums.count - 1].reversed() 30 31 32 33 34 35 } 36 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 if nums.count < 2 { 4 return 5 } 6 7 var max = nums[nums.count - 1] 8 var i = nums.count - 2 9 while i >= 0 { 10 if nums[i] < max { 11 break 12 } 13 max = nums[i] 14 i = i - 1 15 } 16 if i < 0 { 17 nums.sort() 18 return 19 } 20 var x = nums[i] 21 nums[(i+1)...].sort() 22 var left = i + 1 23 var right = nums.index(before: nums.endIndex) 24 25 while right > left { 26 var m = left + (right - left) / 2 27 if nums[m] <= x { 28 if nums[m+1] > x { 29 left = m 30 right = m + 1 31 break 32 } 33 left = m + 1 34 } else { 35 if nums[m-1] <= x { 36 left = m - 1 37 right = m 38 break 39 } 40 right = m - 1 41 } 42 } 43 44 nums[i] = nums[right] 45 nums[right] = x 46 } 47 }
1 class Solution { 2 func nextPermutation(_ nums: inout [Int]) { 3 var left = 0 4 var right = nums.count - 1 5 for i in (0 ..< nums.count - 1).reversed() { 6 if nums[i] >= nums[i + 1] { 7 continue 8 } else { 9 left = i 10 break 11 } 12 } 13 14 var nextIndex = 0 15 for i in (0 ..< nums.count).reversed() { 16 if nums[i] > nums[left] { 17 nextIndex = i 18 break 19 } 20 } 21 22 nums.swapAt(left, nextIndex) 23 if nextIndex != 0 { 24 left += 1 25 } 26 while left < right { 27 nums.swapAt(left, right) 28 left += 1 29 right -= 1 30 } 31 } 32 }
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