➤博客园地址:山青咏芝(https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/ )
助力理解优先队列:LeetCode347. 前K个高频元素 | Top K Frequent Elements
你是否在刷题的过程中遇到这样的情况?在一个循环中插入数组元素,同时需要对数组进行排序,在当前循环中按优先级获取数组的元素进行相关操作,如果将插入和排序分为两个步骤,很可能得到这样的结果:Time Limit Exceeded[超出时间限制]。这就需要有一种数据结构:在插入操作的过程中,元素已被放置在正确的排序位置上,插入元素后后可以直接按优先级获取数组的元素。优先队列PriorityQueue可以实现这种功能。在优先队列中,元素被赋予优先级。最大值或最小值都可以被定义为优先级。当优先队列的元素并非简单的Int类型,而是多维数组或元组等其他数据结构,可以自定义优先级。
左孩子下标:2p + 1
右孩子下标:2p + 2
Talk is cheap.Show me your code.废话少说,放码过来。
1 /* 2 Created by 山青咏芝 on 2019/6/2 3 */ 4 //Mark:最大优先队列 5 class PriorityQueue 6 { 7 //用于存储优先队列数据 8 var array:[Int] 9 //优先队列数据大小 10 var size:Int 11 12 //初始化优先队列 13 init() 14 { 15 //数组初始长度32 16 self.array = [Int](repeating: 0, count: 32) 17 //队列初始大小为0 18 self.size = 0 19 } 20 21 //MARK:队列扩容为原来的2倍 22 func resize() 23 { 24 self.array += self.array 25 } 26 27 //Mark:入队 28 func enQueue(_ key:Int) 29 { 30 //队列长度超出范围,扩容 31 if size >= array.count 32 { 33 resize() 34 } 35 array[size] = key; 36 size += 1 37 //上浮 38 upAdjust() 39 } 40 41 //Mark:出队 42 func deQueue() -> Int 43 { 44 //获取堆顶元素 45 let head:Int = array[0] 46 size -= 1 47 //最后一个元素移动到堆顶 48 array[0] = array[size] 49 downAdjust() 50 return head 51 } 52 53 //Mark:上浮操作 54 func upAdjust() 55 { 56 var childIndex:Int = size - 1 57 var parentIndex:Int = (childIndex - 1)/2 58 // temp保存插入的叶子节点值,用于最后的赋值 59 let temp:Int = array[childIndex] 60 while(childIndex > 0 && temp > array[parentIndex]) 61 { 62 //无需真正交换,单向赋值即可 63 array[childIndex] = array[parentIndex] 64 childIndex = parentIndex 65 parentIndex = parentIndex / 2 66 } 67 array[childIndex] = temp 68 } 69 70 //Mark:下沉操作 71 func downAdjust() 72 { 73 // temp保存父节点值,用于最后的赋值 74 var parentIndex:Int = 0 75 let temp:Int = array[parentIndex] 76 var childIndex:Int = 1 77 while (childIndex < size) 78 { 79 // 如果有右孩子,且右孩子大于左孩子的值,则定位到右孩子 80 if childIndex + 1 < size && array[childIndex + 1] > array[childIndex] 81 { 82 childIndex += 1 83 } 84 // 如果父节点大于任何一个孩子的值,直接跳出 85 if temp >= array[childIndex] {break} 86 //无需真正交换,单向赋值即可 87 array[parentIndex] = array[childIndex] 88 parentIndex = childIndex 89 childIndex = 2 * childIndex + 1 90 } 91 array[parentIndex] = temp 92 } 93 }
1 let queue:PriorityQueue = PriorityQueue() 2 queue.enQueue(0) 3 queue.enQueue(9) 4 queue.enQueue(1) 5 queue.enQueue(8) 6 queue.enQueue(3) 7 print(queue.deQueue()) 8 print(queue.deQueue()) 9 print(queue.deQueue()) 10 print(queue.deQueue()) 11 print(queue.deQueue()) 12 //Print 9 13 //Print 8 14 //Print 3 15 //Print 1 16 //Print 9
1 public struct PriorityQueue<T> { 2 fileprivate var heap: Heap<T> 3 public init(sort: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool) { 4 heap = Heap(sort: sort) 5 } 6 7 public var isEmpty: Bool { 8 return heap.isEmpty 9 } 10 11 public var count: Int { 12 return heap.count 13 } 14 15 public func peek() -> T? { 16 return heap.peek() 17 } 18 19 public mutating func push(_ element: T) { 20 heap.insert(element) 21 } 22 23 public mutating func pop() -> T? { 24 return heap.remove() 25 } 26 27 public mutating func changePriority(index i: Int, value: T) { 28 return heap.replace(index: i, value: value) 29 } 30 } 31 32 extension PriorityQueue where T: Equatable { 33 public func index(of element: T) -> Int? { 34 return heap.index(of: element) 35 } 36 } 37 38 public struct Heap<T> { 39 var nodes = [T]() 40 41 private var orderCriteria: (T, T) -> Bool 42 43 public init(sort: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool) { 44 self.orderCriteria = sort 45 } 46 47 public init(array: [T], sort: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool) { 48 self.orderCriteria = sort 49 configureHeap(from: array) 50 } 51 52 private mutating func configureHeap(from array: [T]) { 53 nodes = array 54 for i in stride(from: (nodes.count/2-1), through: 0, by: -1) { 55 shiftDown(i) 56 } 57 } 58 59 public var isEmpty: Bool { 60 return nodes.isEmpty 61 } 62 63 public var count: Int { 64 return nodes.count 65 } 66 67 @inline(__always) internal func parentIndex(ofIndex i: Int) -> Int { 68 return (i - 1) / 2 69 } 70 71 @inline(__always) internal func leftChildIndex(ofIndex i: Int) -> Int { 72 return 2*i + 1 73 } 74 75 @inline(__always) internal func rightChildIndex(ofIndex i: Int) -> Int { 76 return 2*i + 2 77 } 78 79 public func peek() -> T? { 80 return nodes.first 81 } 82 83 public mutating func insert(_ value: T) { 84 nodes.append(value) 85 shiftUp(nodes.count - 1) 86 } 87 88 public mutating func insert<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Iterator.Element == T { 89 for value in sequence { 90 insert(value) 91 } 92 } 93 94 public mutating func replace(index i: Int, value: T) { 95 guard i < nodes.count else { return } 96 97 remove(at: i) 98 insert(value) 99 } 100 101 @discardableResult public mutating func remove() -> T? { 102 guard !nodes.isEmpty else { return nil } 103 104 if nodes.count == 1 { 105 return nodes.removeLast() 106 } else { 107 let value = nodes[0] 108 nodes[0] = nodes.removeLast() 109 shiftDown(0) 110 return value 111 } 112 } 113 114 @discardableResult public mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> T? { 115 guard index < nodes.count else { return nil } 116 117 let size = nodes.count - 1 118 if index != size { 119 nodes.swapAt(index, size) 120 shiftDown(from: index, until: size) 121 shiftUp(index) 122 } 123 return nodes.removeLast() 124 } 125 126 internal mutating func shiftUp(_ index: Int) { 127 var childIndex = index 128 let child = nodes[childIndex] 129 var parentIndex = self.parentIndex(ofIndex: childIndex) 130 131 while childIndex > 0 && orderCriteria(child, nodes[parentIndex]) { 132 nodes[childIndex] = nodes[parentIndex] 133 childIndex = parentIndex 134 parentIndex = self.parentIndex(ofIndex: childIndex) 135 } 136 137 nodes[childIndex] = child 138 } 139 140 internal mutating func shiftDown(from index: Int, until endIndex: Int) { 141 let leftChildIndex = self.leftChildIndex(ofIndex: index) 142 let rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1 143 144 var first = index 145 if leftChildIndex < endIndex && orderCriteria(nodes[leftChildIndex], nodes[first]) { 146 first = leftChildIndex 147 } 148 if rightChildIndex < endIndex && orderCriteria(nodes[rightChildIndex], nodes[first]) { 149 first = rightChildIndex 150 } 151 if first == index { return } 152 153 nodes.swapAt(index, first) 154 shiftDown(from: first, until: endIndex) 155 } 156 157 internal mutating func shiftDown(_ index: Int) { 158 shiftDown(from: index, until: nodes.count) 159 } 160 161 } 162 163 extension Heap where T: Equatable { 164 165 public func index(of node: T) -> Int? { 166 return nodes.firstIndex(where: { $0 == node }) 167 } 168 169 @discardableResult public mutating func remove(node: T) -> T? { 170 if let index = index(of: node) { 171 return remove(at: index) 172 } 173 return nil 174 } 175 }
1 var pq = PriorityQueue<Int> { $0 > $1 } 2 pq.push(1) 3 pq.push(2) 4 pq.push(3) 5 dump(pq) 6 /* 7 ▿ prog.PriorityQueue<Swift.Int> 8 ▿ heap: prog.Heap<Swift.Int> 9 ▿ nodes: 3 elements 10 - 3 11 - 1 12 - 2 13 - orderCriteria: (Function) 14 */ 15 print(pq.pop()) 16 //Print Optional(3)
1 public struct PriorityQueue<T: Comparable> { 2 fileprivate var heap = [T]() 3 private let ordered: (T, T) -> Bool 4 5 //创建具有给定顺序的新PriorityQueue。 6 //order:true:降序 | false:升序 7 //StartingValues:用于初始化PriorityQueue的元素数组。 8 public init(_ ascending: Bool = false,_ startingValues: [T] = []) { 9 self.init(order: ascending ? { $0 > $1 } : { $0 < $1 }, startingValues: startingValues) 10 } 11 12 public init(order: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool, startingValues: [T] = []) { 13 ordered = order 14 //堆构造 15 heap = startingValues 16 var i = heap.count/2 - 1 17 while i >= 0 { 18 sink(i) 19 i -= 1 20 } 21 } 22 23 //优先级队列存储了多少个元素 24 public var count: Int { return heap.count } 25 26 //如果且仅当优先级队列为空时为true 27 public var isEmpty: Bool { return heap.isEmpty } 28 29 // 在优先级队列中添加新元素,复杂度:O(lg n) 30 // element: 要插入优先级队列的元素. 31 public mutating func push(_ element: T) { 32 heap.append(element) 33 swim(heap.count - 1) 34 } 35 36 //移除并返回具有最高优先级的元素(如果升序,则为最低优先级)。复杂度: O(lg n) 37 //returns:优先级队列中优先级最高的元素,如果优先级队列为空,则为零。 38 public mutating func pop() -> T? { 39 if heap.isEmpty { return nil } 40 //增加了Swift 2兼容性 41 if heap.count == 1 { return heap.removeFirst() } 42 //以便不使用同一位置的两个实例调用swap() 43 heap.swapAt(0, heap.count - 1) 44 let temp = heap.removeLast() 45 sink(0) 46 return temp 47 } 48 49 private mutating func sink(_ index: Int) { 50 var index = index 51 while 2 * index + 1 < heap.count { 52 var j = 2 * index + 1 53 if j < (heap.count - 1) && ordered(heap[j], heap[j + 1]) { j += 1 } 54 if !ordered(heap[index], heap[j]) { break } 55 heap.swapAt(index, j) 56 index = j 57 } 58 } 59 60 private mutating func swim(_ index: Int) { 61 var index = index 62 while index > 0 && ordered(heap[(index - 1) / 2], heap[index]) { 63 heap.swapAt((index - 1) / 2, index) 64 index = (index - 1) / 2 65 } 66 } 67 }
1 var pq: PriorityQueue<Int> = PriorityQueue<Int>(false,[Int]()) 2 pq.push(1) 3 pq.push(2) 4 pq.push(3) 5 dump(pq) 6 /* 7 ▿ prog.PriorityQueue<Swift.Int> 8 ▿ heap: 3 elements 9 - 3 10 - 1 11 - 2 12 - ordered: (Function) 13 */ 14 print(pq.pop()) 15 //Print Optional(3)
1 public struct Heap { 2 var elements: [Int] = [] 3 let sort: (Int, Int) -> Bool 4 var isEmpty: Bool { 5 return self.elements.isEmpty 6 } 7 8 var count: Int { 9 return self.elements.count 10 } 11 12 func peek() -> Int? { 13 return elements.first 14 } 15 16 init(sort: @escaping (Int, Int) -> Bool, elements: [Int] = []) { 17 self.sort = sort 18 self.elements = elements 19 20 if !elements.isEmpty { 21 for i in stride(from: elements.count/2 - 1, through: 0, by: -1) { 22 siftDown(from: i) 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 27 mutating func siftDown(from index: Int) { 28 var parent = index 29 while true { 30 let left = leftIndex(of: parent) 31 let right = rightIndex(of: parent) 32 var candidate = parent 33 if left < count && sort(elements[left], elements[candidate]) { 34 candidate = left 35 } 36 if right < count && sort(elements[right], elements[candidate]) { 37 candidate = right 38 } 39 if candidate == parent { 40 return 41 } 42 elements.swapAt(parent, candidate) 43 parent = candidate 44 } 45 } 46 47 mutating func siftUp(from index: Int) { 48 var child = index 49 var parent = parentIndex(of: child) 50 while child > 0 && sort(elements[child], elements[parent]) { 51 elements.swapAt(child, parent) 52 child = parent 53 parent = parentIndex(of: child) 54 } 55 } 56 57 mutating func push(_ element: Int) { 58 elements.append(element) 59 siftUp(from: count-1) 60 } 61 62 mutating func pop() -> Int? { 63 guard !isEmpty else { return nil } 64 elements.swapAt(0, count-1) 65 defer { 66 siftDown(from: 0) 67 } 68 return elements.popLast() 69 } 70 71 func leftIndex(of index: Int) -> Int { 72 return (2 * index) + 1 73 } 74 75 func rightIndex(of index: Int) -> Int { 76 return (2 * index) + 2 77 } 78 79 func parentIndex(of index: Int) -> Int { 80 return (index - 1) / 2 81 } 82 }
1 var pq:Heap = Heap(sort: >) 2 pq.push(1) 3 pq.push(2) 4 pq.push(3) 5 dump(pq) 6 /* 7 ▿ prog.Heap 8 ▿ elements: 3 elements 9 - 3 10 - 1 11 - 2 12 - sort: (Function) 13 */ 14 print(pq.pop()) 15 //Print Optional(3)
1 class Heap { 2 var arr = [0] 3 var count: Int { 4 return arr.count-1 5 } 6 var top: Int { 7 return arr[1] 8 } 9 func push(_ num: Int) -> Void { 10 arr.append(num) 11 var i = arr.count-1 12 while i > 1 { 13 if arr[i] > arr[i/2] { 14 (arr[i], arr[i/2]) = (arr[i/2], arr[i]) 15 } else { 16 break 17 } 18 i /= 2 19 } 20 } 21 22 func pop() -> Int { 23 var ret = self.top 24 var last = arr.removeLast() 25 if self.count == 0 { 26 return ret 27 } 28 arr[1] = last 29 var i = 1 30 while i < arr.count { 31 let left = i*2 32 let right = i*2+1 33 var next = i 34 if left < arr.count && arr[left] > arr[next] { 35 next = left 36 } 37 if right < arr.count && arr[right] > arr[next] { 38 next = right 39 } 40 if i != next { 41 (arr[i], arr[next]) = (arr[next], arr[i]) 42 i = next 43 } else { 44 break 45 } 46 } 47 return ret 48 } 49 }
1 var pq:Heap = Heap() 2 pq.push(1) 3 pq.push(2) 4 pq.push(3) 5 dump(pq) 6 /* 7 ▿ prog.Heap #0 8 ▿ arr: 4 elements 9 - 0 10 - 3 11 - 1 12 - 2 13 */ 14 print(pq.pop()) 15 //Print 3
1 struct Heap<Element> 2 { 3 var elements : [Element] 4 let priorityFunction : (Element, Element) -> Bool 5 6 init(elements: [Element] = [], priorityFunction: @escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) { 7 self.elements = elements 8 self.priorityFunction = priorityFunction 9 buildHeap() 10 } 11 12 mutating func buildHeap() { 13 for index in (0 ..< count / 2).reversed() { 14 siftDown(elementAtIndex: index) 15 } 16 } 17 18 var isEmpty : Bool { return elements.isEmpty } 19 var count : Int { return elements.count } 20 21 func peek() -> Element? { 22 return elements.first 23 } 24 25 mutating func push(_ element: Element) { 26 elements.append(element) 27 siftUp(elementAtIndex: count - 1) 28 } 29 30 mutating func siftUp(elementAtIndex index: Int) { 31 let parent = parentIndex(of: index) 32 guard !isRoot(index), 33 isHigherPriority(at: index, than: parent) 34 else { return } 35 swapElement(at: index, with: parent) 36 siftUp(elementAtIndex: parent) 37 } 38 39 mutating func pop() -> Element? { 40 guard !isEmpty 41 else { return nil } 42 swapElement(at: 0, with: count - 1) 43 let element = elements.removeLast() 44 if !isEmpty { 45 siftDown(elementAtIndex: 0) 46 } 47 return element 48 } 49 50 mutating func siftDown(elementAtIndex index: Int) { 51 let childIndex = highestPriorityIndex(for: index) 52 if index == childIndex { 53 return 54 } 55 swapElement(at: index, with: childIndex) 56 siftDown(elementAtIndex: childIndex) 57 } 58 59 // Helper functions 60 func isRoot(_ index: Int) -> Bool { 61 return index == 0 62 } 63 64 func leftChildIndex(of index: Int) -> Int { 65 return (2 * index) + 1 66 } 67 68 func rightChildIndex(of index: Int) -> Int { 69 return (2 * index) + 2 70 } 71 72 func parentIndex(of index: Int) -> Int { 73 return (index - 1) / 2 74 } 75 76 func isHigherPriority(at firstIndex: Int, than secondIndex: Int) -> Bool { 77 return priorityFunction(elements[firstIndex], elements[secondIndex]) 78 } 79 80 func highestPriorityIndex(of parentIndex: Int, and childIndex: Int) -> Int { 81 guard childIndex < count && isHigherPriority(at: childIndex, than: parentIndex) 82 else { return parentIndex } 83 return childIndex 84 } 85 86 func highestPriorityIndex(for parent: Int) -> Int { 87 return highestPriorityIndex(of: highestPriorityIndex(of: parent, and: leftChildIndex(of: parent)), and: rightChildIndex(of: parent)) 88 } 89 90 mutating func swapElement(at firstIndex: Int, with secondIndex: Int) { 91 guard firstIndex != secondIndex 92 else { return } 93 elements.swapAt(firstIndex, secondIndex) 94 } 95 } 96 97 extension Heap where Element : Equatable { 98 mutating func remove(_ element: Element) { 99 guard let index = elements.index(of: element) 100 else { return } 101 swapElement(at: index, with: count - 1) 102 elements.remove(at: count - 1) 103 siftDown(elementAtIndex: index) 104 } 105 106 mutating func boost(_ element: Element) { 107 guard let index = elements.index(of: element) 108 else { return } 109 siftUp(elementAtIndex: index) 110 } 111 }
1 var pq = Heap<Int>(elements: [], priorityFunction: >) 2 pq.push(1) 3 pq.push(2) 4 pq.push(3) 5 dump(pq) 6 /* 7 ▿ prog.Heap<Swift.Int> 8 ▿ elements: 3 elements 9 - 3 10 - 1 11 - 2 12 - priorityFunction: (Function) 13 */ 14 print(pq.pop()) 15 //Print Optional(3)
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