[Swift]实现Swift的两个协议:Hashable协议和Equatable协议(Type does not conform to protocol 'Hashable')
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1 public protocol Hashable : Equatable { 2 3 /// The hash value. 4 /// 5 /// Hash values are not guaranteed to be equal across different executions of 6 /// your program. Do not save hash values to use during a future execution. 7 /// 8 /// - Important: `hashValue` is deprecated as a `Hashable` requirement. To 9 /// conform to `Hashable`, implement the `hash(into:)` requirement instead. 10 var hashValue: Int { get } 11 12 /// Hashes the essential components of this value by feeding them into the 13 /// given hasher. 14 /// 15 /// Implement this method to conform to the `Hashable` protocol. The 16 /// components used for hashing must be the same as the components compared 17 /// in your type's `==` operator implementation. Call `hasher.combine(_:)` 18 /// with each of these components. 19 /// 20 /// - Important: Never call `finalize()` on `hasher`. Doing so may become a 21 /// compile-time error in the future. 22 /// 23 /// - Parameter hasher: The hasher to use when combining the components 24 /// of this instance. 25 func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) 26 }
1 public protocol Hashable : Equatable { 2 ///散列值。 3 // 4 ///不能保证哈希值在不同的 5 ///你的程序。不要保存哈希值以在将来执行时使用。 6 // 7 ///-重要提示:“hashvalue”被弃用为“hashable”要求。到 8 ///符合“hashable”,改为实现“hash(into:)”要求。 9 10 var hashValue: Int { get } 11 12 ///通过将此值的基本组件放入 13 ///给定哈希。 14 // 15 ///实现此方法以符合“hashable”协议。这个 16 ///用于散列的组件必须与比较的组件相同 17 ///在类型的`=`运算符实现中。调用'hasher.combine(:)` 18 ///每个组件。 19 // 20 ///-重要提示:不要在“hasher”上调用“finalize()”。这样做可能会成为 21 ///将来出现编译时错误。 22 // 23 ///-参数散列器:组合组件时要使用的散列器 24 ///此实例的。 25 26 func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) 27 }
Equatable 协议:
1 /// A type-erased hashable value. 2 3 /// 4 5 /// The `AnyHashable` type forwards equality comparisons and hashing operations 6 7 /// to an underlying hashable value, hiding its specific underlying type. 8 9 /// 10 11 /// You can store mixed-type keys in dictionaries and other collections that 12 13 /// require `Hashable` conformance by wrapping mixed-type keys in 14 15 /// `AnyHashable` instances: 16 17 /// 18 19 /// let descriptions: [AnyHashable: Any] = [ 20 21 /// AnyHashable("😄"): "emoji", 22 23 /// AnyHashable(42): "an Int", 24 25 /// AnyHashable(Int8(43)): "an Int8", 26 27 /// AnyHashable(Set(["a", "b"])): "a set of strings" 28 29 /// ] 30 31 /// print(descriptions[AnyHashable(42)]!) // prints "an Int" 32 33 /// print(descriptions[AnyHashable(43)]) // prints "nil" 34 35 /// print(descriptions[AnyHashable(Int8(43))]!) // prints "an Int8" 36 37 /// print(descriptions[AnyHashable(Set(["a", "b"]))]!) // prints "a set of strings" 38 39 public struct AnyHashable { 40 41 42 43 /// Creates a type-erased hashable value that wraps the given instance. 44 45 /// 46 47 /// The following example creates two type-erased hashable values: `x` wraps 48 49 /// an `Int` with the value 42, while `y` wraps a `UInt8` with the same 50 51 /// numeric value. Because the underlying types of `x` and `y` are 52 53 /// different, the two variables do not compare as equal despite having 54 55 /// equal underlying values. 56 57 /// 58 59 /// let x = AnyHashable(Int(42)) 60 61 /// let y = AnyHashable(UInt8(42)) 62 63 /// 64 65 /// print(x == y) 66 67 /// // Prints "false" because `Int` and `UInt8` are different types 68 69 /// 70 71 /// print(x == AnyHashable(Int(42))) 72 73 /// // Prints "true" 74 75 /// 76 77 /// - Parameter base: A hashable value to wrap. 78 79 public init<H>(_ base: H) where H : Hashable 80 81 82 83 /// The value wrapped by this instance. 84 85 /// 86 87 /// The `base` property can be cast back to its original type using one of 88 89 /// the casting operators (`as?`, `as!`, or `as`). 90 91 /// 92 93 /// let anyMessage = AnyHashable("Hello world!") 94 95 /// if let unwrappedMessage = anyMessage.base as? String { 96 97 /// print(unwrappedMessage) 98 99 /// } 100 101 /// // Prints "Hello world!" 102 103 public var base: Any { get } 104 105 106 107 public static func != (lhs: AnyHashable, rhs: AnyHashable) -> Bool 108 109 } 110 111 112 113 extension AnyHashable : Equatable { 114 115 116 117 /// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two type-erased hashable 118 119 /// instances wrap the same type and value. 120 121 /// 122 123 /// Two instances of `AnyHashable` compare as equal if and only if the 124 125 /// underlying types have the same conformance to the `Equatable` protocol 126 127 /// and the underlying values compare as equal. 128 129 /// 130 131 /// The following example creates two type-erased hashable values: `x` wraps 132 133 /// an `Int` with the value 42, while `y` wraps a `UInt8` with the same 134 135 /// numeric value. Because the underlying types of `x` and `y` are 136 137 /// different, the two variables do not compare as equal despite having 138 139 /// equal underlying values. 140 141 /// 142 143 /// let x = AnyHashable(Int(42)) 144 145 /// let y = AnyHashable(UInt8(42)) 146 147 /// 148 149 /// print(x == y) 150 151 /// // Prints "false" because `Int` and `UInt8` are different types 152 153 /// 154 155 /// print(x == AnyHashable(Int(42))) 156 157 /// // Prints "true" 158 159 /// 160 161 /// - Parameters: 162 163 /// - lhs: A type-erased hashable value. 164 165 /// - rhs: Another type-erased hashable value. 166 167 public static func == (lhs: AnyHashable, rhs: AnyHashable) -> Bool 168 169 } 170 171 172 173 extension AnyHashable : Hashable { 174 175 176 177 /// The hash value. 178 179 public var hashValue: Int { get } 180 181 182 183 /// Hashes the essential components of this value by feeding them into the 184 185 /// given hasher. 186 187 /// 188 189 /// - Parameter hasher: The hasher to use when combining the components 190 191 /// of this instance. 192 193 public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) 194 195 } 196 197 198 199 extension AnyHashable : CustomStringConvertible { 200 201 202 203 /// A textual representation of this instance. 204 205 /// 206 207 /// Calling this property directly is discouraged. Instead, convert an 208 209 /// instance of any type to a string by using the `String(describing:)` 210 211 /// initializer. This initializer works with any type, and uses the custom 212 213 /// `description` property for types that conform to 214 215 /// `CustomStringConvertible`: 216 217 /// 218 219 /// struct Point: CustomStringConvertible { 220 221 /// let x: Int, y: Int 222 223 /// 224 225 /// var description: String { 226 227 /// return "(\(x), \(y))" 228 229 /// } 230 231 /// } 232 233 /// 234 235 /// let p = Point(x: 21, y: 30) 236 237 /// let s = String(describing: p) 238 239 /// print(s) 240 241 /// // Prints "(21, 30)" 242 243 /// 244 245 /// The conversion of `p` to a string in the assignment to `s` uses the 246 247 /// `Point` type's `description` property. 248 249 public var description: String { get } 250 251 } 252 253 254 255 extension AnyHashable : CustomDebugStringConvertible { 256 257 258 259 /// A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging. 260 261 /// 262 263 /// Calling this property directly is discouraged. Instead, convert an 264 265 /// instance of any type to a string by using the `String(reflecting:)` 266 267 /// initializer. This initializer works with any type, and uses the custom 268 269 /// `debugDescription` property for types that conform to 270 271 /// `CustomDebugStringConvertible`: 272 273 /// 274 275 /// struct Point: CustomDebugStringConvertible { 276 277 /// let x: Int, y: Int 278 279 /// 280 281 /// var debugDescription: String { 282 283 /// return "(\(x), \(y))" 284 285 /// } 286 287 /// } 288 289 /// 290 291 /// let p = Point(x: 21, y: 30) 292 293 /// let s = String(reflecting: p) 294 295 /// print(s) 296 297 /// // Prints "(21, 30)" 298 299 /// 300 301 /// The conversion of `p` to a string in the assignment to `s` uses the 302 303 /// `Point` type's `debugDescription` property. 304 305 public var debugDescription: String { get } 306 307 } 308 309 310 311 extension AnyHashable : CustomReflectable { 312 313 314 315 /// The custom mirror for this instance. 316 317 /// 318 319 /// If this type has value semantics, the mirror should be unaffected by 320 321 /// subsequent mutations of the instance. 322 323 public var customMirror: Mirror { get } 324 325 } 326 327 328 329 /// A type that can be hashed into a `Hasher` to produce an integer hash value. 330 331 /// 332 333 /// You can use any type that conforms to the `Hashable` protocol in a set or as 334 335 /// a dictionary key. Many types in the standard library conform to `Hashable`: 336 337 /// Strings, integers, floating-point and Boolean values, and even sets are 338 339 /// hashable by default. Some other types, such as optionals, arrays and ranges 340 341 /// automatically become hashable when their type arguments implement the same. 342 343 /// 344 345 /// Your own custom types can be hashable as well. When you define an 346 347 /// enumeration without associated values, it gains `Hashable` conformance 348 349 /// automatically, and you can add `Hashable` conformance to your other custom 350 351 /// types by implementing the `hash(into:)` method. For structs whose stored 352 353 /// properties are all `Hashable`, and for enum types that have all-`Hashable` 354 355 /// associated values, the compiler is able to provide an implementation of 356 357 /// `hash(into:)` automatically. 358 359 /// 360 361 /// Hashing a value means feeding its essential components into a hash function, 362 363 /// represented by the `Hasher` type. Essential components are those that 364 365 /// contribute to the type's implementation of `Equatable`. Two instances that 366 367 /// are equal must feed the same values to `Hasher` in `hash(into:)`, in the 368 369 /// same order. 370 371 /// 372 373 /// Conforming to the Hashable Protocol 374 375 /// =================================== 376 377 /// 378 379 /// To use your own custom type in a set or as the key type of a dictionary, 380 381 /// add `Hashable` conformance to your type. The `Hashable` protocol inherits 382 383 /// from the `Equatable` protocol, so you must also satisfy that protocol's 384 385 /// requirements. 386 387 /// 388 389 /// The compiler automatically synthesizes your custom type's `Hashable` and 390 391 /// requirements when you declare `Hashable` conformance in the type's original 392 393 /// declaration and your type meets these criteria: 394 395 /// 396 397 /// - For a `struct`, all its stored properties must conform to `Hashable`. 398 399 /// - For an `enum`, all its associated values must conform to `Hashable`. (An 400 401 /// `enum` without associated values has `Hashable` conformance even without 402 403 /// the declaration.) 404 405 /// 406 407 /// To customize your type's `Hashable` conformance, to adopt `Hashable` in a 408 409 /// type that doesn't meet the criteria listed above, or to extend an existing 410 411 /// type to conform to `Hashable`, implement the `hash(into:)` method in your 412 413 /// custom type. 414 415 /// 416 417 /// In your `hash(into:)` implementation, call `combine(_:)` on the provided 418 419 /// `Hasher` instance with the essential components of your type. To ensure 420 421 /// that your type meets the semantic requirements of the `Hashable` and 422 423 /// `Equatable` protocols, it's a good idea to also customize your type's 424 425 /// `Equatable` conformance to match. 426 427 /// 428 429 /// As an example, consider a `GridPoint` type that describes a location in a 430 431 /// grid of buttons. Here's the initial declaration of the `GridPoint` type: 432 433 /// 434 435 /// /// A point in an x-y coordinate system. 436 437 /// struct GridPoint { 438 439 /// var x: Int 440 441 /// var y: Int 442 443 /// } 444 445 /// 446 447 /// You'd like to create a set of the grid points where a user has already 448 449 /// tapped. Because the `GridPoint` type is not hashable yet, it can't be used 450 451 /// in a set. To add `Hashable` conformance, provide an `==` operator function 452 453 /// and implement the `hash(into:)` method. 454 455 /// 456 457 /// extension GridPoint: Hashable { 458 459 /// static func == (lhs: GridPoint, rhs: GridPoint) -> Bool { 460 461 /// return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y 462 463 /// } 464 465 /// 466 467 /// func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { 468 469 /// hasher.combine(x) 470 471 /// hasher.combine(y) 472 473 /// } 474 475 /// } 476 477 /// 478 479 /// The `hash(into:)` method in this example feeds the grid point's `x` and `y` 480 481 /// properties into the provided hasher. These properties are the same ones 482 483 /// used to test for equality in the `==` operator function. 484 485 /// 486 487 /// Now that `GridPoint` conforms to the `Hashable` protocol, you can create a 488 489 /// set of previously tapped grid points. 490 491 /// 492 493 /// var tappedPoints: Set = [GridPoint(x: 2, y: 3), GridPoint(x: 4, y: 1)] 494 495 /// let nextTap = GridPoint(x: 0, y: 1) 496 497 /// if tappedPoints.contains(nextTap) { 498 499 /// print("Already tapped at (\(nextTap.x), \(nextTap.y)).") 500 501 /// } else { 502 503 /// tappedPoints.insert(nextTap) 504 505 /// print("New tap detected at (\(nextTap.x), \(nextTap.y)).") 506 507 /// } 508 509 /// // Prints "New tap detected at (0, 1).") 510 511 public protocol Hashable : Equatable { 512 513 514 515 /// The hash value. 516 517 /// 518 519 /// Hash values are not guaranteed to be equal across different executions of 520 521 /// your program. Do not save hash values to use during a future execution. 522 523 /// 524 525 /// - Important: `hashValue` is deprecated as a `Hashable` requirement. To 526 527 /// conform to `Hashable`, implement the `hash(into:)` requirement instead. 528 529 var hashValue: Int { get } 530 531 532 533 /// Hashes the essential components of this value by feeding them into the 534 535 /// given hasher. 536 537 /// 538 539 /// Implement this method to conform to the `Hashable` protocol. The 540 541 /// components used for hashing must be the same as the components compared 542 543 /// in your type's `==` operator implementation. Call `hasher.combine(_:)` 544 545 /// with each of these components. 546 547 /// 548 549 /// - Important: Never call `finalize()` on `hasher`. Doing so may become a 550 551 /// compile-time error in the future. 552 553 /// 554 555 /// - Parameter hasher: The hasher to use when combining the components 556 557 /// of this instance. 558 559 func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) 560 561 } 562 563 564 565 /// The universal hash function used by `Set` and `Dictionary`. 566 567 /// 568 569 /// `Hasher` can be used to map an arbitrary sequence of bytes to an integer 570 571 /// hash value. You can feed data to the hasher using a series of calls to 572 573 /// mutating `combine` methods. When you've finished feeding the hasher, the 574 575 /// hash value can be retrieved by calling `finalize()`: 576 577 /// 578 579 /// var hasher = Hasher() 580 581 /// hasher.combine(23) 582 583 /// hasher.combine("Hello") 584 585 /// let hashValue = hasher.finalize() 586 587 /// 588 589 /// Within the execution of a Swift program, `Hasher` guarantees that finalizing 590 591 /// it will always produce the same hash value as long as it is fed the exact 592 593 /// same sequence of bytes. However, the underlying hash algorithm is designed 594 595 /// to exhibit avalanche effects: slight changes to the seed or the input byte 596 597 /// sequence will typically produce drastic changes in the generated hash value. 598 599 /// 600 601 /// - Note: Do not save or otherwise reuse hash values across executions of your 602 603 /// program. `Hasher` is usually randomly seeded, which means it will return 604 605 /// different values on every new execution of your program. The hash 606 607 /// algorithm implemented by `Hasher` may itself change between any two 608 609 /// versions of the standard library. 610 611 public struct Hasher { 612 613 614 615 /// Creates a new hasher. 616 617 /// 618 619 /// The hasher uses a per-execution seed value that is set during process 620 621 /// startup, usually from a high-quality random source. 622 623 public init() 624 625 626 627 /// Adds the given value to this hasher, mixing its essential parts into the 628 629 /// hasher state. 630 631 /// 632 633 /// - Parameter value: A value to add to the hasher. 634 635 @inlinable public mutating func combine<H>(_ value: H) where H : Hashable 636 637 638 639 /// Adds the contents of the given buffer to this hasher, mixing it into the 640 641 /// hasher state. 642 643 /// 644 645 /// - Parameter bytes: A raw memory buffer. 646 647 public mutating func combine(bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) 648 649 650 651 /// Finalizes the hasher state and returns the hash value. 652 653 /// 654 655 /// Finalizing consumes the hasher: it is illegal to finalize a hasher you 656 657 /// don't own, or to perform operations on a finalized hasher. (These may 658 659 /// become compile-time errors in the future.) 660 661 /// 662 663 /// Hash values are not guaranteed to be equal across different executions of 664 665 /// your program. Do not save hash values to use during a future execution. 666 667 /// 668 669 /// - Returns: The hash value calculated by the hasher. 670 671 public __consuming func finalize() -> Int 672 673 }
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protocol Hashable : Equatable
散列值意味着将其基本组件输入散列函数,由散列类型表示。基本组成部分是那些有助于类型的实现等价的部分。两个相等的实例必须以相同的顺序向哈希(in to:)中的哈希器提供相同的值。
要自定义类型的哈希一致性,要在不符合上面列出的条件的类型中采用哈希,或者要扩展现有类型以符合哈希,请在自定义类型中实现哈希(in to:)方法。
1 //X-Y坐标系中的点。 2 struct GridPoint { 3 var x: Int 4 var y: Int 5 }
1 extension GridPoint: Hashable { 2 static func == (lhs: GridPoint, rhs: GridPoint) -> Bool { 3 return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y 4 } 5 6 func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { 7 hasher.combine(x) 8 hasher.combine(y) 9 } 10 }
1 var tappedPoints: Set = [GridPoint(x: 2, y: 3), GridPoint(x: 4, y: 1)] 2 let nextTap = GridPoint(x: 0, y: 1) 3 if tappedPoints.contains(nextTap) { 4 print("Already tapped at (\(nextTap.x), \(nextTap.y)).") 5 } else { 6 tappedPoints.insert(nextTap) 7 print("New tap detected at (\(nextTap.x), \(nextTap.y)).") 8 } 9 // Prints "New tap detected at (0, 1).")
1 class Point:Hashable 2 { 3 static func == (lhs: Point, rhs: Point) -> Bool { 4 return lhs.X == rhs.X && lhs.Y == rhs.Y 5 } 6 7 func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) 8 { 9 hasher.combine(x) 10 hasher.combine(y) 11 } 12 13 init(_ x:Int,_ y:Int) 14 { 15 self.x = x 16 self.y = y 17 } 18 19 private var x:Int = 0 20 var X:Int 21 { 22 get{return x} 23 set{x = newValue} 24 } 25 26 private var y:Int = 0 27 var Y:Int 28 { 29 get{return y} 30 set{y = newValue} 31 } 32 }
1 var set:Set<Point> = Set<Point>() 2 let point1:Point = Point(1,1) 3 let point2:Point = Point(2,2) 4 let point3:Point = Point(1,1) 5 print(point1 == point2) 6 //Print false 7 print(point1 == point3) 8 //Print true 9 set.insert(point1) 10 set.insert(point2) 11 set.insert(point3) 12 print(set) 13 //[__lldb_expr_66.Point, __lldb_expr_66.Point]
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