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1 platform :ios, '12.0'
2 use_frameworks!
4 target 'DemoApp' do
5     source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
6     pod "Device", '~> 2.0.0'
7 end





  1 import UIKit
  2 //在当前的类文件中,引入已经安装的第三方类库
  3 import Device
  5 class ViewController: UIViewController {
  7     override func viewDidLoad() {
  8         super.viewDidLoad()
  9         // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
 10         //获取设备的版本信息
 11         getDeveiceVersion()
 12         //获取屏幕的尺寸
 13         getScreenSize()
 14         //获得设备的类型
 15         getDeveiceType()
 16         //检测设备的屏幕
 17         deviceHelpers()
 18     }
 20     //添加一个方法,用来获取设备的版本信息
 21     func getDeveiceVersion()
 22     {
 23         //对设备的版本号进行遍历,在控制台输出相应的信息。
 24         //第三方类库支持对最新版本手机的检测,
 25         //当苹果发布新设备时,请及时更新第三方类库。
 26         switch Device.version()
 27         {
 28             //手机
 29             case .iPhone4:       print("It's an iPhone 4")
 30             case .iPhone4S:      print("It's an iPhone 4S")
 31             case .iPhone5:       print("It's an iPhone 5")
 32             case .iPhone5C:      print("It's an iPhone 5C")
 33             case .iPhone5S:      print("It's an iPhone 5S")
 34             case .iPhone6:       print("It's an iPhone 6")
 35             case .iPhone6S:      print("It's an iPhone 6S")
 36             case .iPhone6Plus:   print("It's an iPhone 6 Plus")
 37             case .iPhone6SPlus:  print("It's an iPhone 6 S Plus")
 38             case .iPhone7:       print("It's an iPhone 7")
 39             case .iPhone7Plus:   print("It's an iPhone 7 Plus")
 41             //平板    
 42             case .iPad1:         print("It's an iPad 1")
 43             case .iPad2:         print("It's an iPad 2")
 44             case .iPad3:         print("It's an iPad 3")
 45             case .iPad4:         print("It's an iPad 4")
 46             //Air系列平板
 47             case .iPadAir:       print("It's an iPad Air")
 48             case .iPadAir2:      print("It's an iPad Air 2")
 49             //Mini平板
 50             case .iPadMini:      print("It's an iPad Mini")
 51             case .iPadMini2:     print("It's an iPad Mini 2")
 52             case .iPadMini3:     print("It's an iPad Mini 3")
 53             case .iPadMini4:     print("It's an iPad Mini 4")
 54             //Pro平板
 55             case .iPadPro:       print("It's an iPad Pro")
 57             //iPod设备    
 58             case .iPodTouch1Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 1")
 59             case .iPodTouch2Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 2")
 60             case .iPodTouch3Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 3")
 61             case .iPodTouch4Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 4")
 62             case .iPodTouch5Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 5")
 63             case .iPodTouch6Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 6")
 65             //处理设备为模拟器时的情况    
 66             case .Simulator:
 67                 print("It's a Simulator")
 68             //处理无法识别设备时的情况
 69             default:
 70                 print("It's an unknown device")
 71         }
 72     }
 74     //添加一个方法,用来获取屏幕的尺寸
 75     func getScreenSize()
 76     {
 77         //遍历设备的尺寸信息
 78         switch Device.size()
 79         {
 80             case .screen3_5Inch:
 81                 print("It's a 3.5 inch screen")
 82             case .screen4Inch:
 83                 print("It's a 4 inch screen")
 84             case .screen4_7Inch:
 85                 print("It's a 4.7 inch screen")
 86             case .screen5_5Inch:
 87                 print("It's a 5.5 inch screen")
 88             case .screen7_9Inch:
 89                 print("It's a 7.9 inch screen")
 90             case .screen9_7Inch:
 91                 print("It's a 9.7 inch screen")
 92             case .screen12_9Inch:
 93                 print("It's a 12.9 inch screen")
 94             //检测不到设备,输出相应信息
 95             default:
 96                 print("Unknown size")
 97         }
 98     }
100     //添加一个方法,用来获得设备的类型
101     func getDeveiceType()
102     {
103         //对设备的所有类型进行遍历
104         switch Device.type()
105         {
106             //音乐
107             case .iPod:
108                 print("It's an iPod")
109             //手机
110             case .iPhone:
111                 print("It's an iPhone")
112             //平板
113             case .iPad:
114                 print("It's an iPad")
115             //模拟器
116             case .Simulator:
117                 print("It's a Simulated device")
118             //检测失败
119             default:
120                 print("Unknown device type")
121         }
122     }
124     //添加一个方法,用来检测设备的屏幕
125     func deviceHelpers()
126     {
127         //检测设备的屏幕是否等于4寸
128         if Device.isEqualToScreenSize(Size.screen4Inch)
129         {
130             print("It's a 4 inch screen")
131         }
133         //检测设备的屏幕是否大于4.7寸
134         if Device.isLargerThanScreenSize(Size.screen4_7Inch)
135         {
136             print("Your device screen is larger than 4.7 inch")
137         }
139         //检测设备的屏幕是否小于4.7寸
140         if Device.isSmallerThanScreenSize(Size.screen4_7Inch)
141         {
142             print("Your device screen is smaller than 4.7 inch")
143         }
145         ////检测设备的屏幕是否拥有高清屏幕
146         if Device.isRetina()
147         {
148             print("It's a retina display")
149         }
150     }
152     override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
153         super.didReceiveMemoryWarning()
154         // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
155     }
156 }


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