Add To Dock FAQ

Q: 这个App要怎么使用呢?

A: 首次打开App之后右键点击程序坞上的图标,在菜单上选择"在程序坞中保留"。这样下次就可以直接从程序坞中使用我们的App了。


Q: 加到程序坞中的项目是以什么顺序排列的,我要怎么删除呢?

A: 目前被项目是以被加入的顺序排列的,想删除项目可以把鼠标移动到该项目上然后点击右上角的红色删除按钮。


Q: How to use this App?

A: After opening the app for the first time, right-click the icon on the Dock, and select "Keep in Dock" from the menu. In this way, you can use our App directly from the Dock next time.


Q: In what order are the items added to the Dock arranged, and how do I delete them?

A: The items are currently arranged in the order they were added. If you want to delete an item, you can move the mouse to the item and click the red delete button in the upper right corner.

posted @ 2021-08-04 17:15  裸奔的小鸟  阅读(121)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报