
1. ubuntu password : 2. psftp guideline: 1) connect ftp : psftp -P 50244 -i ~/.ssh/ ;   psftp -P 50244 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -l cranio 2) remote operation: cd, ls; generate key: Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: b9:be:a0:c4:b1:f9:28:96:50:1d:73:ff:42:bc:e4:79 root@jqi-Precision-T3600 3) local operation: lcd lls; 4) download and upload: mget, mput -r; 5)end connection: bye. 3. linux call different version of  gcc and g++ :
execute in terminal :
gcc -v
g++ -v
Okay, so that part is fairly simple. The tricky part is that when you issue the command GCC it is actually a sybolic link to which ever version of GCC you are using. What this means is we can create a symbolic link from GCC to whichever version of GCC we want.
  • You can see the symbolic link :
ls -la /usr/bin | grep gcc-4.4
ls -la /usr/bin | grep g++-4.4
  • So what we need to do is remove the GCC symlink and the G++ symlink and then recreate them linked to GCC 4.3 and G++ 4.3:
rm /usr/bin/gcc
rm /usr/bin/g++

ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.3 /usr/bin/gcc
ln -s /usr/bin/g++-4.3 /usr/bin/g++
  • Now if we check the symbolic links again we will see GCC & G++ are now linked to GCC 4.3 and G++ 4.3:
ls -la /usr/bin/ | grep gcc
ls -la /usr/bin/ | grep g++
  • Finally we can check our GCC -v again and make sure we are using the correct version:
gcc -v
g++ -v

4. jre install:

6. opencv2.4.9+ubuntu14.04:
posted @ 2014-10-11 05:06  stonestone  阅读(101)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报