  He is looking for a job/He doesnot care about me.
  I develop films myself./I felt no regret for it.
  I meet the boss himself./I get up at six o'clock.

key words and expressions:
  punishment     处罚             capital punishment    极刑
  conscience      良心,道德心     in time               及时,很快
  villager           村民               persuade              说服,劝说
  furniture        家具,设备         a clear conscience    问心无愧
  guilty            犯罪的,有罪的    a guilty conscience   问心有愧
  gymnasium    体育馆             stadium               运动场
  remind         提醒,使想起        remain                保持,逗留
  Vienna         维也纳

  He is not sure whether his plan will work or not.
  He is sure that his plan will work.
  He sold the house together with the furniture.
  In time u will learn everything.
  I need some more time.
  While in Vienna he studied music.

posted on 2007-10-17 14:36  晓木  阅读(204)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报