  U should take advantage of it./I will play it by ear.
  Supper is ready at 6./U r kidding me./Skating is interesting.
  Let bygones be bygones./Mother doesnot make up./She has been to school.

key words and expressions:
  inconvenient   不便的,有困难的     movement       运动,动作
  bygone         过去的事,过去的      glimpse        一瞥,瞥见
  obviously      明显地                       New Delhi      新德里
  horrible       可怕的,恐怖的            pipe           管乐器,管
  catch/get a glimpse 见过一眼          musical        悦耳的,懂音乐的
  be cover with  被...覆盖                  tune           曲调,调子
  snake charmer  耍蛇人                   charmer        可爱的人,魔术师 
  first of all          首先

  I can easily tell that he's from the south.
  Can u tell the boy from his twin brother?
  I caught a glimpse of our new neighbour.
  The mountain was covered with snow all the year around.

  have的活用法 have + 动词的意思,其意义在于可以为这个动作加形容词
  I need to have a talk with u.
  Those two sailors had a fight in the bar last night.
  Did u have a good sleep last night?
  Can I have a try?
  They had a big quarrel over a small thing.
  We had our first glimpse of the snake.

posted on 2007-09-26 16:39  晓木  阅读(165)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报