  If I were in your shoes./Those are watermelons.
  The road divides here./That's always the case.
  None of your business./My car needs washing.
  Not a sound was heard./Over my dead body.
  What is this regarding?

key words and expressions:
  sanitation      卫生,卫生设施         ailment      疾病,不安
  exchange        交换台,交流            relative     亲戚,相关的
  successful      成功的                      ask for      请求,索要
  one more thing  还有一事               following    下一个,下列
  discuss         讨论,论述                   inquire      询问,查究
  certain         某一个,确定的,某些  patient      忍耐的,病人
  divide          分,划分                       involve      潜心于,包括,笼罩
  caller          打电话的人                 issue        问题,出版 

  He hopes he will win and I hope so too.   //so做代词,代替前面说过的事
  If u say so,I'll have to belive it.
  R u ready?If so,let's go.

  a Mr. John Gilbert  = a gentleman named John Gilbert
  I'd like to inquire about the flights.          //询问,打听
  She inquired after my mother's health.          //问候
  We'll inquire into the matter as soon as we can.//调查
  I've had a beer and I'm going to order another one.
  I have a few more questions to ask.
  We will discuss this another time.

posted on 2007-09-19 16:01  晓木  阅读(1017)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报