  Make up your mind./I have a runny nose./What day is today?
  The view is great./I ache all over./It's out of the question.
  That is all I need./There comes a bus./The wall has ears. 

key words and expressions:
  fine arts         美术                     upside down    上下颠倒的
  appreciate     赏识,鉴赏            curtain             窗帘,门帘
  pattern          模式,图像            material           物质的,材料
  nose             鼻子,侦察出        runny              松软的,水分多的
  critic             批评家,评论家   critically           批评地,精密地,挑剔地
  pretend        假装,装扮            whether          是否,不管,无论
  still               尽管如此             watermelon      西瓜
  melon          瓜                          chopsticks      筷子
  as for          至于                      thanks to         由于      
  weather        天气,气候           even  if             即使
  whether or not      无论是...或..,是否
  Donot u know him?
  Yesterday We went to the museum and nowhere else.
  Would u like to eat/drink anything else?
  I really appreciate your help.

  whether..or not 引导的宾语从句 []为可省略部分
  I donot know whether u r telling the turth [or not].
  I forgot whether I had returned the money to him [or not].
  I cannot dicide whether to go or not.

posted on 2007-08-28 10:08  晓木  阅读(3050)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报