  What a good deal./What should I do?/U asked for it.
  U have my word./Believe it or not?/Donot count on me.
  Donot let me down./Donot fall for it./Easy come esay go.
  It's a pain in the neck./I am behind my work./Far from it.

key words and expressions:
  pick on      作弄,总是挑剔    honesty               正直,诚实
  policy       方针,政策             vacuity                空虚
  ignorance    无知,不知          upset                   使..心烦,颠覆
  wicked       坏的,邪恶的       sympathetic         有同情心的,合意的,赞成的
  ugly         丑陋的,难看的      complain about    抱怨,悲叹,控诉
  as a result  结果                     in any case           无论如何
  these days   现在,目前          one of these days 总有一天

  My stomach is upset.
  The bad news upset me.
  'Everyone is losing moeny these days,' he said.   用现在进行时表示反复发生的事,有抱怨之意
  U r always picking on me.
  It could be worse.       虚拟语气,表示假设某种状态
  Short skirts are in fashion these days. 
  Honesty is the best policy.


   'I left the money in my room!' I said,'and it is not there now!'
   'Well,' I said to the manager,'there is still some honesty in this world!'
   'Everyone is losing money these days,' he said.

posted on 2007-08-24 09:10  晓木  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报