  How is everything?/I have no choice/I like ice-cream
  I love this game/I am on your side./No pain no gain
  Well,it depends/I will try my best/We r all for it
  That was a close call/I will be look forward to it./Chances u slim.

key words and expressions:
  Nigeria         尼日利亚                     rural         乡下的
  urban           城市的,市内的            autonomous    自治的
  tropical        热带的,热情的            silk          丝绸
  commercial      商业的,贸易的        slim          苗条的,纤细的
  complete        完成,全部的              strange       新奇的,陌生的
  district        区域,地方                      restrict      限制,约束
  modern          现代的                       stay with     与...并驾齐驱,留下做客
  dwelling        住处                            campus        校园,大学教育
  handsome        英俊的,慷慨的        humour        幽默,诙谐
  farming         农业,耕作                   carry on      继续开展,坚持
  staring         目不转睛的,凝视的

  If she comes,she will get a surprise.        条件状语从句,一般从句一般现在时,主句一般将来时
  This is the only choice.                              only 必须用定冠词 the
  After my sister had left,work on it began.  //时间状语从句的两种表达方式
  Work on it had begun after my sister left.

  It sounds good./The coffee tastes very strong.
  It looks very strange./She appeared sleepy.
  This room smells terrible./He seems angry/
  Silk feels very soft.

posted on 2007-08-22 09:06  晓木  阅读(244)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报