  I need small change..
  U looke very serious about something..
  I can not seem to get to sleep..
  I do not seem to have any luck today..
  Do not try to brainwash me..
  That is reminds me..
  What the hell r u doing?
key words and expressions:
  plenty of           大量,许多             captain          舰长,船长
  seem                似乎,好像              prepare          准备,预备
  proud               自豪的,骄傲的      sailor           水手,海员
  set out             出发,启航               Portsmouth       朴茨茅斯
  The Atlantic Ocean  大西洋            The Arctic Ocean 北冰洋
  the Indian Ocean    印度洋              Pacific Ocean    太平洋

  pacific             和平的,平静的        harbour          海港
  neighbour           邻居                      henceforward     从今以后,自此以后  

  We will set out(start out) for Tibet in a week..
  There is plenty of room in my bag..
  We have prepared plenty of food for the party..

  一般将来时=> shall(will) + 动词原形 I shall visit him tomorrow..
  Goodbye and good luck..        再见,一路顺风
  in any case/however/no matter  无论如何/不论
  set out/set off/start off      出发,开始,启程
  plenty of  形容不可数名词

posted on 2007-08-06 10:19  晓木  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报