  If I had known that,I could have helped you.. //虚拟语气
  U r too outspoken..
  I could not care less..
  I did not mind staying up late..
  I can not afford it..
  He hit the ceiling at the news.
  U have my word..
key words and expressions:
  effort        努力,成就                 guide      领路人,指导
  ceiling       最大限度,天花板     hit        打击,碰撞
  stay up       不睡觉                    politely   礼貌地,客气地
  outspoken     坦率直言的         hall       会堂,礼堂,大厅
  lobby         大厅,休息室           refuse     拒绝,谢绝,废物,垃圾
  refer to      提及,查阅               refer      提交,涉及
  strike        罢工,打,撞击           the minute hand  分针
  shout         呼喊,呼叫
  hit the ceiling 勃然大怒,暴跳如雷

pattern drill: 
  refuse to do sth. = be unwilling to do sth.
  The tour guide gathered the visitors in the lobby..
  The river passes through the city.
  He walked past the building..

  时间的表示方式   past <= 30     to > 30
  a quarter to nine/seven minutes to eight/ twenty-five minutes to four
  half past three/a quarter past ten/sixteen minutes past two

posted on 2007-07-31 08:58  晓木  阅读(1012)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报