  Don't jump to conclusions..
  Don't just shake your head..
  That was a lousy moive..
  Have u thought about staying home?
  I'll come.I give u my word..
  I swear I'll never tell anying..
  I'll make it up to u..
  I'm always punctual..
  U may leave it to me..
  I wish I could..
  What's so funny?
  What's the rush?
  Stay out of this matter,plz.
  I couldn't agree more..

key words and expressions:
  punctual      准时的,严守时刻的           rush        匆忙,赶紧
  shake           摇摆                                   conclusion  结论
  lousy             恶心的,污秽的                 thought     想法,思考
  angrily           愤怒的                              theatre     戏院
  attention        注意,关注                         eavesdrop   偷听
  rudely            粗鲁地                              loudly      大声地
  bear=stand    忍受,负担                         surround    围绕,包围
  rusty             生硬的,生锈的                  forest      森林 woods
  bearty spot   风景区                              among       在...之中
  rubbish        垃圾                                   tyre        轮胎
  litter             垃圾                                  sad         伤心的,悲哀的
  prosecute     起诉,依法处理                 trespasser  入侵者
  be cover with 覆盖着                             hear sb.    听见某人的话

pattern drill:
  It hasn't been opened yet..
  It will be opened soon..
  The play was interesting..
  They were talking loudly..
  They didn't pay any attention..
  被动语态 be + 过去分词 (不同时态)
  现在完成时 have/has been + 过去分词  The thief hasn't been caught yet..
  一般将来时 will be + 过去分词        He will be caught soon..

  过去进行时 was/were + 现在分词 (过去某个时间点进行的动作) 
  A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me..
  一般过去时 动词过去式  I couldn't hear the actors./I had a very good seat..

posted on 2007-07-18 10:09  晓木  阅读(469)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报