  You can never tell..
  I won't buy your story..
  It hurts like hell..
  It can't be helped.
  Sorry to bother you..
  Sorry to have bothered you..

key words and expressions:
  bother        打扰,烦扰            embarrass         使尴尬,局促不安的
  excited       兴奋的               an elderly lady   年老的
  compact       简洁的,紧凑的        powder            粉,火药
  amused        有趣的,愉快的        kindly            和蔼的,温和的
  middle-aged   中年                 a young lady      年幼的
  ugly          丑陋的,难看的        curiously         好奇地
  opposite      ^^^^对面             regularly         整齐地,有规律地
  opportunity   机会,时机            get on // get off 上/下车                

pattern drill:
  The window is shut regularly..
  These flowers were watered yesterday..
  The children are taken to school every day..
  被动语态 be + 过去分词 =>不想强调动作的发出者或主语模糊时
  Sally was invited to a children's party..
  现在分词变成形容词时一般用于形容物  an exciting race.   an embarrassing moment.
  过去分词变成形容词时一般用于形容人  Sally was excited.  I was very embarrassed.

posted on 2007-07-17 14:43  晓木  阅读(202)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报