  I'll do something about it..
  I'll consider this matter..
  I'm flattered.
  I'm so scared..
  I'm not in mood..
  I'm dying to see you..
  I can't make it..

key words and expressions:
  genius         天才         overseas       海外的,国外的
  extra          额外的       whether = if   是否
  engineering    工程         consider       考虑
  flatter        过奖,阿谀奉承

pattern drill:
  He wants to know if/why/when/what..
  ---------------- if you are busy..
  ---------------- why you are tired..
  ---------------- what you are reading..
  ---------------- when you will finish the work.
  宾语从句=>可由 if/why/when/what等引导词发起
  其从句语序为 疑问词 + 主 + 谓
      I don't know what you are talking about..
  一般疑问句变成宾语从句时,其引导词用 if
      My wife wants to know if Mary needs any help..
      Could/May/Can I speak to sb. plz?
      Is that you,sb? 随意的问法..
      This is he/she. 对方为that,自己为this
      Hold on plz!/Just a moment!
      Sorry,she's/he's not in,can I take a message?

posted on 2007-07-16 11:30  晓木  阅读(719)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报