  I hope I didn't offend u..
  It won't take much time.
  Just be to on the sade side..
  U can't do this for me..
  It's been a long time.
  It's a long story..
  It's nothing..  

key words and expressions:
  professor       教授           introduce          介绍
  future          将来           offend             冒犯,打扰
  latest          最近的         get married        结婚(瞬间动作) 
  be married      结婚(持续动作)

pattern drill:
  He said he would repair the car tomorrow..
  She told me that her parents couldn't afford the house..
  She said it might rain..
    can   ----  could
    will  ----  would
    may   ----  might 
  She said that she could swim across the river..
  He said Penny would open the window..
  She told me she might return at six o'clock..

posted on 2007-07-12 09:10  晓木  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报