  Where are you going?
  Where have you been?
  Where can I check in?
  When will it be ready?
  Where can I go for help?
  Where's the rest room,plz?

key words and expressions:
  platform      平台,月台           had better         最好
  exactly       正确地              next door to       隔壁
  slow/fast     快/慢(时间)
  conductor     售票员(汽车)        porter             收票员(火车)
  return ticket 返程票(英)          round-trip ticket  返程票(美)

pattern drill:
  When did... you go to..?
  When will.. you go to..?
  I went go to Sydney a week ago.
  I will go to Berlin in four weeks' time.

  in two minutes' time(多久之后)
  in three days' time
  in four weeks' time
  in five months' time
  in six years' time
  give sb. one's regards        plz give her my regards..

posted on 2007-06-11 11:07  晓木  阅读(142)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报