  Take your time...
  Take care...
  Suit yourself...
  That's more like it...
  That's just what I was thinking..
  That's not a problem..
  That's life..
  That's good to know.. 
  Take my word for it..
  Take it or leave it..
key words and expressions:
  awful       可怕的,讨厌的    suit  合适,适宜于..
  vegetable   蔬菜,植物的      again and again  反复的,再三地
  at all 根本,一般用在否定句用来强调语气
pattern drill:
  When did they do before last night?     listened stereo
  He doesn't have any biscuits..
  He hasn't got any biscuits..
  I don't like this photo at all. -->加重语气
  What do we need?    We need a lot of things.

  a lot of  肯定句(可/不可)
  many      否定(可)
  much      否定(不可)
  any       否定(可/不可)
  some      肯定(可/不可)

posted on 2007-05-30 08:47  晓木  阅读(230)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报