Sliding Window - The Smallest Window II(AIZU) && Leetcode 76
For a given array a1,a2,a3,...,aNa1,a2,a3,...,aN of NN elements and an integer KK, find the smallest sub-array size (smallest window length) where the elements in the sub-array contains all integers in range [1,2,...,K1,2,...,K]. If there is no such sub-array, report 0.
Idea: two pointer. is left and another is right, start from 0
2.move right pointer first until finding all the elements satisfying the requirements
3.move left (narrowing the subarray) until break the(sum<k)
4.then move right (repeat 2,3)
5.end with two pointers move to end
import java.util.Scanner; public class SmallestWindow2 { // // -- reference public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; int n = in.nextInt(); int K = in.nextInt();//target int a[] = new int[n+1]; for(int i = 1; i<=n ;i++){ a[i] = in.nextInt(); } int tag[] = new int[K+1]; //use two pointer int p1 = 0, p2 = 0; int min = n+1;//smallest size int sum = 0; //moving the pointer and check the sum < k while(p1<=n){ //p2 = p1; if(sum==K) { min = Math.min(min, p2-p1); //System.out.println(min); } //main body //move right pointer if(sum<K){ p2++; if(p2>n) break; if(a[p2] <= K){ if(tag[a[p2]]==0) sum++; tag[a[p2]]++; } }else { p1++; if(p1>n) break; if(a[p1]<=K){ tag[a[p1]]--; if(tag[a[p1]]==0) sum--; } } } if(min == n+1) System.out.println(0); else System.out.println(min); } }
folder: smallest window with two pointers
similar problems: the folder in AIZU(1-4)
leetcode problem -- 76
leetcode problem 76 minimum window substring
follow up of the previous problem: 1.can find duplicate elements 2. string instead of numbers
For string: create the hashmap: key: char, value: integer
For duplicate number: create the original hashmap for conditions.
//if(num==0) sum++; //if(num<1) sum++; // first appears or < if(num<Tmap.get(c)) sum++; map.put(c,++num);
the evolving process from the last to the current one and it is interesting that num id always >=0
class Solution { public String minWindow(String s, String t) { int K = t.length(); int N = s.length(); int L = -1,R = -1; int left = -1, right = -1; int sum = 0;// size of subarray of T int ans = N+1; Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); Map<Character, Integer> Tmap = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); for(Character c : t.toCharArray()){ map.put(c,0); if(Tmap.containsKey(c)){ Tmap.put(c,Tmap.get(c)+1); }else Tmap.put(c,1); } while(true){ if(sum==K){ if(ans > (right-left)){ //ans = Math.min(ans, right-left); ans = right-left; L = left; R = right; } } if(sum<K){ // right++; if(right>=N) break; //find the elements char c = s.charAt(right); if(map.containsKey(c)){ int num = map.get(c); //if(num==0) sum++; //if(num<1) sum++; // first appears or < if(num<Tmap.get(c)) sum++; map.put(c,++num); } }else{ left++; if(left>=N) break; char c = s.charAt(left); if(map.containsKey(c)){ int num = map.get(c); num--; map.put(c,num); //if(num==0) sum--; //if(num<1) sum--; if(num<Tmap.get(c)) sum--; } } } if((L==-1) && (R==-1) ) return ""; else return s.substring(L+1,R+1); } }
String: str.length(), str.toCharArray(), s.substring(), s.charAt();
Hashmap: map.containsKey(), map.put(key,value), map.get(key), map.entrySet, Map.entry<Key,Value>