[LaTeX|翻译]What are .cls and .sty files? How are they different?


What are .cls and .sty files? How are they different?


In general, .cls and .sty files are supplementary files that increases the functionality of LaTeX. They are the files loaded with the \documentclass{...} and \usepackage{...} commands, respectively. We generally call .cls files ‘classes’, and .sty files ‘style files’, of often just ‘packages’.


They both may contain arbitrary TEX and LATEX code, but they are used in separate ways. Loading a class via \documentclass is mandatory, and may only appear once in a LATEX document; usually, it is the very first command. On the other hand, packages are optional and as many of them may be loaded as one could wish (prior to the beginning of the document itself).
在理想的样例中,一个类文件定义了整个文档的结构。article类就是一个很好的例子,这个类定义了排版的文章需要的命令,包括\section, \tableofcontents\authorand等等。
In the ideal case, a class file will completely define the structure of the document. The familiar article class is a good example: it provides commands for typesetting articles, such as \section, \tableofcontents, \authorand so on.


Packages, or style files, are then used to provide anything else that the class doesn’t accommodate. These fall into two broad categories: amendments to the class file, or additional functionality. For example, the graphicx package provides methods to include images and apply all manner of graphical effects to elements in a document. This package will work with essentially any class file.


On the other hand, the sectsty package provides methods to customise the section headers in the default LATEX classes (article, report, or book). So, trying to use it with the memoir class, say, will result in it over writing memoir’s method of creating section headers, and calamity will ensue.


To summarise,.cls and .sty files are loaded by LATEX to provide and improve methods that are used to create documents. Generally speaking, class files implement the specific structure of the document, whereas packages are used to provide either generic functionality to any document, or to ‘style’ the methods provided by a specific class.

原文:What are.clsand.styfiles? How are they different?

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