OpenStack Grizzly Architecture(Ken Pepple; Solinea Inc.; 2013-06-15)

OpenStack Grizzly Architecture(Ken Pepple; Solinea Inc.; 2013-06-15),从 Ken Pepple 个人博客网站2013年博文链接进入,Ken 的个人网站不太更新了,新文章在 Solinea


前一篇 TechTarget 文中提到 2013 年的 Grizzly 版本才算是 OpenStack 第一个稳定版本

Ken 写这篇博客的目的是帮助架构师更深入地理解 OpenStack,OpenStack 版本不断演化,新功能不断出现,这给架构师造成了困惑

Grizzly 版本的7个组件

There are currently seven core components of OpenStack: Compute, Object Storage, Identity, Dashboard, Block Storage, Network and Image Service.

Dashboard 就是 Horizon,Identity 叫 Keystone,Block Storage 是从 Nova 中分离出来的,初始叫 Nova-volume,现在叫 Cinder。Network 也是从 Nova 中分离出来,初始叫 Nova-network,当时给了个名称叫 Quantum。

概念架构(Conceptual Architecture)


逻辑架构(Logical Architecture)

As you can imagine, the logical architecture is far more complicated than the conceptual architecture shown above. As with any service-oriented architecture, diagrams quickly become “messy” trying to illustrate all the possible combinations of service communications.



Pepple 的叙述方式。

【Quantum 网络模块参考资料】Florian Otel has written very thorough article on implementing Open vSwitch is you are looking for an example of Quantum in action.

【北向 API】Cinder’s architecture follows the Quantum model, which provides for a northbound API and vendor plugins underneath it.

2013年秋季的 Havana 版有2个新项目(Ceilometer、Heat)将上线

而2014年春季的 Icehouse 版本又将上线2个项目

  • Reddwarf is a database as a service offering that provides MySQL databases within OpenVZ containers upon demand.

  • Ironic


    • Moniker that provides DNS-as-a-service for OpenStack

    • Marconi which is a message queueing service

    • Savanna to provision Hadoop clusters on OpenStack

    • Murano that allows a non-experienced user to deploy reliable Windows based environments

    • Convection is a task or workflow service to execute command sequences or long running jobs

posted on 2017-11-17 11:24  Stevens0102  阅读(112)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
