Weaveworks CEO: Kubernetes 为企业软件提供应用商店体验(2020-12-01)

Talking to Alexis Richardson, CEO of Weaveworks, which popularized GitOps, a new way to operate and manage Kubernetes in production. The reason enterprises have missed the "app store moment" is because "everybody's infrastructure has been different for so long." He went on, "Containers are the way to solve that problem because they provide the next level of abstraction to encapsulate applications." Containers come close to this app store ideal, but it's really Kubernetes that adds the security, management, and other features that will finally turn enterprise software into an asset rather than an embarrassment.  

 "enterprises need a way to describe, configure, manage, support, and patch the whole stack reproducibly, wherever they want to with compliance, security, and audit. That is what GitOps gives you, and Weaveworks is the only product in town that provides that as a full-stack approach." As Weaveworks describes, GitOps is a way to do Kubernetes cluster management and application delivery by using Git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications.


"Kubernetes is a way to consolidate variation of different types of deployments onto one model," said Richardson. One model for managing applications, but plenty of variability between clouds (and other vendors). To get the level of consistency needed for an app store model within the Azure ecosystem, for example, Richardson argued that we need a unified Kubernetes experience within that ecosystem: The same Kubernetes running self-managed on-premises or in the cloud, and fully managed in the cloud.  

红帽、谷歌和亚马逊的 Kubernetes 版本

Red Hat has been offering this for some time (the same OpenShift running as a Kubernetes distribution that enables an enterprise to go multicloud or hybrid cloud with OpenShift), and Google (which founded Kubernetes) has spent the last year enabling Anthos to be able to manage Kubernetes anywhere, including on rival clouds. But both options are a bit different from what AWS announced at AWS re:Invent: Its own Kubernetes distribution, Amazon EKS Distro. This is the same Kubernetes distribution that AWS runs for EKS, which is now available to run on-premises. 


原文链接:TechRepublic | Kubernetes will deliver the app store experience for enterprise software, says Weaveworks CEO(Matt Asay, 2020-12-01)


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