RESTful Console Application

RESTful Console Application


Inspirited by RESTFul architecture, A console application targeted to same goals would use a match of RESTful definitions.


For convenience, we name the imaginary console application as 'app'.

RESTful WebService objects

  • Authentication
    Request header: Authentication
    Value: "Basic " or ":"
Property Description
username The user name in the Basic Authentication
password The user name in the Basic Authentication

For authentication methods OAuth and OAuth, we will consider then later.

  • Headers
    Headers are a list of header in key-value form.

  • Method

Using HTTP Methods for RESTful Services

Method Meaning
POST Create
GET Read
PUT Update/Replace
PATCH Update/Modify
  • Error Code
Code Meaning
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
409 Conflict if the resource already exists
500 Internal Exception
  • URL

  • Request

  • Response
    A content in json format.

RESTful Console application

  • Authentication


Argument Description
username The user name in the Basic Authentication
password The user name in the Basic Authentication

For example: app --username username --password pwd
We will implement authentication methods OAuth and OAuth later.

  • Headers

  • Method

Method Meaning
HEAD Return an empty json file for creating/updating
POST Create
GET Read
PUT Update/Replace

For example: app --method get

  • Error Code
Code Meaning
0 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
409 Conflict if the resource already exists
500 Internal Exception
  • URL
    For example: app --url app://resource?param1=value1&param2=value2

  • Request
    A content in json format.
    For example: app --request path/to/request.body

  • Response
    The console application output in json format.

    "status": 200,
    "response" : {}

More considerations

  • asynchronous
  • paging
  • export/print
    Export data into a csv/html(or other format) file.
  • imports
  • get urls definitions of all resources
  • meaningful URL
    • application schema
      app://schema/entities/entity points to a metadata resource of an entity.
      app://schema/application points to the resource of the application.
    • application resource(data)
      app://application/entities/entity points to data resource of an entity.
    • user
      for the current user information


  • restful-api-design
    In this page, there are more things like heads, actions, paging, asynchronous are discussed.
posted @ 2017-10-05 19:37  SNYang  阅读(273)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报