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CVS 2.5.03 管理命令记要

Posted on 2007-04-17 17:16  剑廿三  阅读(880)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

# CVSNT 2.5.03 build 2382

set CVSROOT=:pserver:stephen:12345678@

cvs versions

# cvs passwd -a <NTUser>

cvs passwd -a wjj

cvs passwd -a stephen

# check out a module
md cvsout
cd cvsout
cvs checkout itvNewsExpress_0

# list access controls of a module

D:\cvsout>cvs lsacl itvNewsExpress_0

Directory: itvNewsExpress_0
Owner: stephen
Directory: itvNewsExpress_0
Owner: stephen

# help of 'chacl' parameter

D:\cvsout>cvs chacl
Usage: cvs chacl [-R] [-r branch] [-u user] [-j branch] [-n] [-p priority] [-m message]
 [-a [no]{read|write|create|tag|control|all|none}[,...]] [-d] [file or directory...]
        -a access       Set access
        -d              Delete ACL
        -j branch       Apply when merging from branch
        -m message      Custom error message
        -n              Do not inherit ACL
        -p priority     Override ACL priority
        -r branch       Apply to single branch
        -R              Recursively change subdirectories
        -u user         Apply to single user
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)

# exercise of 'chacl' parameter

D:\cvsout>cvs chacl -R -u wjj -a read -a write
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/.myeclipse
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/.settings
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/WebRoot
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/WebRoot/META-INF
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/WebRoot/WEB-INF
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/WebRoot/WEB-INF/classes
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib
setting ACL for directory itvNewsExpress_0/WebRoot/images