


花展设有5座国际花园,由来自英国、法国、日本、菲律宾的国际优秀花园设计师设计; 10家国内知名园林公司构建的花境; 深圳各区精心打造融合绿色、文化、科技理念的11座精品花园。






We leave at 9 a.m. By bus, by subway, by shared bicycle,We arrived Xianhu Botanical Garden at 11 a.m. There are so many people in the queue at the gate. After checking in, we want to go straight to the theme flower exhibition area and buy tickets to take the bus to the mountain (there is a detail when buying tickets, not to buy round-trip tickets, only to buy one-way tickets). In the morning, buses can still go up the hill. In the afternoon, buses are stopped because of too many people on the road. In the afternoon, visitors, climbers and worshippers can only walk. (It seems that it is foresight that gardeners sell only one-way tickets when they sell bus tickets in the morning. It is estimated that the crowds will exceed the capacity of the mountain road.)

The theme of this flower exhibition is violet, and the flower language is eternal love and beauty.

In the garden, three hours of flower viewing is extremely full and strenuous, dazzling, colorful, took a lot of photos, as follows, select a part of the photos to share with the teachers.





















































posted @ 2019-03-26 08:18  Stephen_java  阅读(482)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报