C++17 链接 C++11 lib 出现重复定义
C++11 实现 static constexpr 是按照const static 实现的,需要在 .cpp 中定义:
// tmp.h
class StatisTest {
static constexpr const char literal[] = "xxx literal";
// tmp.cc
#include "tmp.h"
const char StatisTest::literal[];
// compile with cxx11
g++ -c tmp.cc
[root@63213cb4961f ~]# nm tmp.o
0000000000000000 R _ZN10StatisTest7literalE
// use_tmp.cc
#include "tmp.h"
#include <iostream>
void printliteral() {
std::cout << StatisTest::literal << std::endl;
[root@63213cb4961f ~]# g++ -std=c++17 main.cc tmp.o use_tmp.o
use_tmp.o:(.rodata._ZN10StatisTest7literalE[_ZN10StatisTest7literalE]+0x0): multiple definition of `StatisTest::literal'
tmp.o:(.rodata+0x0): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status