modal verbs(一)

什么是modal verb?翻译成中文就是情态动词。



英语中情态动词总共就那么几个:can , could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, have to, used to ,ought to, dare, need.

  • need和dare既可以做情态动词也可以做实义动词,所以容易提到情态动词不太容易想到这两个。
  • have (has,had) to , used to是具有情态动词特征的动词。

一、modal verb的formulation

接下来看看modal verb的formulation公式,也就是它的一些feature.

  • They are always follwed by the 'infinitive without to' 后面加不带to的动词不定式
  • They are same for all the pronouns. 所有的代词都用同样的modal verb,没有什么单三之类的。
  • They do not need auxiliaries. They take direct negative and question forms.modal verb不需要助动词,它直接加not就是否定形式。比如want“想要”,表达“不想要”我们需要助动词do的否定形式我们会说do not want;但是情态动词can 直接就是can not。
  • They never combine with another modal verb.



1,Ability or lack of ability in the present or future.


  • They can't dance.
  • Man can not live without air.

表示能力的can也可以被be able to 代替。

2,Giving / not giving permission

  • You can use my office.
  • You can't smoke here.



  • Can this be true?
  • How can you be so careless!
  • This cannot be done by him.

4,can(could) + have + 过去分词”的疑问或否定形式表示对过去发生的行为怀疑或不肯定

  • He cannot have been to that town.
  • Can he have got the book?


  • You cannot be too careful to cross the street.
  • I can not thank enough for your kindness.我再怎么感谢你的好意也不为过。(我应该好好感谢你。)


 1,Ability or lack of ability in the past

  • I could read without glasses last year.去年我还可以不戴眼镜看书,言外之意就是今年就不可以啦,我老啦之类的.
  • I could not sleep last night.

2,在疑问句中making a request时候用

  • Could you repeat that please?
  • Could we have a break please?


Could I come to see you tomorrow?

  • Yes, you can.
  • No, I'm afraid not.

3,用在肯定句中Making a suggestion

记得是only in the affirmative.

What do you suggest we have for dinner? We could have fish.



posted @ 2017-09-19 22:21  starof  阅读(4303)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报