构建一个.net的干货类库,以便于快速的开发 - 工具类


  1. 取得用户IP
  2. 取得网站根目录的物理路径
  3. 枚举相关
  4. 非法关键字检查
  5. 绝对路径改为相对路径
  6. 获取小数位(四舍五入 ,保留小数)
  7. 生成缩略图






 1  /// <summary>
 2         /// 取得用户IP
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <returns></returns>
 5         public static string GetAddressIP()
 6         {
 7             ///获取本地的IP地址
 8             string AddressIP = string.Empty;
 9             if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_VIA"] != null) 
10             {
11                 AddressIP = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"].ToString(); 
12             }
13             else 
14             {
15                 AddressIP = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();  
16             }
17             return AddressIP;
18         }
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 1 /// <summary>
 2         /// 取得网站根目录的物理路径
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <returns></returns>
 5         public static string GetRootPath()
 6         {
 7             string AppPath = "";
 8             HttpContext HttpCurrent = HttpContext.Current;
 9             if (HttpCurrent != null)
10             {
11                 AppPath = HttpCurrent.Server.MapPath("~");
12             }
13             else
14             {
15                 AppPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
16                 if (Regex.Match(AppPath, @"\\$", RegexOptions.Compiled).Success)
17                     AppPath = AppPath.Substring(0, AppPath.Length - 1);
18             }
19             return AppPath;
20         }
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  1 /// <summary>
  2         /// 获取枚举列表
  3         /// </summary>
  4         /// <param name="enumType">枚举的类型</param>
  5         /// <returns>枚举列表</returns>
  6         public static Dictionary<int, string> GetEnumList(Type enumType)
  7         {
  8             Dictionary<int, string> dic = new Dictionary<int, string>();
  9             FieldInfo[] fd = enumType.GetFields();
 10             for (int index = 1; index < fd.Length; ++index)
 11             {
 12                 FieldInfo info = fd[index];
 13                 object fieldValue = Enum.Parse(enumType, fd[index].Name);
 14                 object[] attrs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumTextAttribute), false);
 15                 foreach (EnumTextAttribute attr in attrs)
 16                 {
 17                     int key = (int)fieldValue;
 18                     if (key != -100)//-100为NULL项
 19                     {
 20                         string value = attr.Text;
 21                         dic.Add(key, value);
 22                     }
 23                 }
 24             }
 25             return dic;
 26         }
 28         /// <summary>
 29         /// 获取枚举名称
 30         /// </summary>
 31         /// <param name="enumType">枚举的类型</param>
 32         /// <param name="id">枚举值</param>
 33         /// <returns>如果枚举值存在,返回对应的枚举名称,否则,返回空字符</returns>
 34         public static string GetEnumTextById(Type enumType, int id)
 35         {
 36             string ret = "";
 37             Dictionary<int, string> dic = GetEnumList(enumType);
 38             foreach (var item in dic)
 39             {
 40                 if (item.Key == id)
 41                 {
 42                     ret = item.Value;
 43                     break;
 44                 }
 45             }
 47             return ret;
 48         }
 50         /// <summary>
 51         /// 根据枚举值获取对应中文描述
 52         /// </summary>
 53         /// <param name="enumValue">枚举值</param>
 54         /// <returns>枚举值中文描述</returns>
 55         public static string GetEnumTextByEnum(object enumValue)
 56         {
 57             string ret = "";
 58             if ((int)enumValue != -1)
 59             {
 60                 Dictionary<int, string> dic = GetEnumList(enumValue.GetType());
 61                 foreach (var item in dic)
 62                 {
 63                     if (item.Key == (int)enumValue)
 64                     {
 65                         ret = item.Value;
 66                         break;
 67                     }
 68                 }
 69             }
 71             return ret;
 72         }
 76         /// <summary>
 77         /// 获取枚举名称
 78         /// </summary>
 79         /// <param name="enumType">枚举的类型</param>
 80         /// <param name="index">枚举值的位置编号</param>
 81         /// <returns>如果枚举值存在,返回对应的枚举名称,否则,返回空字符</returns>
 82         public static string GetEnumTextByIndex(Type enumType, int index)
 83         {
 84             string ret = "";
 86             Dictionary<int, string> dic = GetEnumList(enumType);
 88             if (index < 0 ||
 89                 index > dic.Count)
 90                 return ret;
 92             int i = 0;
 93             foreach (var item in dic)
 94             {
 95                 if (i == index)
 96                 {
 97                     ret = item.Value;
 98                     break;
 99                 }
100                 i++;
101             }
103             return ret;
104         }
106         /// <summary>
107         /// 获取枚举值
108         /// </summary>
109         /// <param name="enumType">枚举的类型</param>
110         /// <param name="name">枚举名称</param>
111         /// <returns>如果枚举名称存在,返回对应的枚举值,否则,返回-1</returns>
112         public static int GetEnumIdByName(Type enumType, string name)
113         {
114             int ret = -1;
116             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
117                 return ret;
119             Dictionary<int, string> dic = GetEnumList(enumType);
120             foreach (var item in dic)
121             {
122                 if (item.Value.CompareTo(name) == 0)
123                 {
124                     ret = item.Key;
125                     break;
126                 }
127             }
129             return ret;
130         }
132         /// <summary>
133         /// 获取名字对应枚举值
134         /// </summary>
135         /// <typeparam name="T">枚举类型</typeparam>
136         /// <param name="name">枚举名称</param>
137         /// <returns></returns>
138         public static T GetEnumIdByName<T>(string name) where T : new()
139         {
140             Type type = typeof(T);
141             T enumItem = new T();
142             enumItem = (T)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(type).ConvertFrom("-1");
143             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
144                 return enumItem;
145             FieldInfo[] fd = typeof(T).GetFields();
146             for (int index = 1; index < fd.Length; ++index)
147             {
148                 FieldInfo info = fd[index];
149                 object fieldValue = Enum.Parse(type, fd[index].Name);
150                 object[] attrs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumTextAttribute), false);
151                 if (attrs.Length == 1)
152                 {
153                     EnumTextAttribute attr = (EnumTextAttribute)attrs[0];
154                     if (name.Equals(attr.Text))
155                     {
156                         enumItem = (T)fieldValue;
157                         break;
158                     }
159                 }
160             }
161             return enumItem;
162         }
165         /// <summary>
166         /// 获取枚举值所在的位置编号
167         /// </summary>
168         /// <param name="enumType">枚举的类型</param>
169         /// <param name="name">枚举名称</param>
170         /// <returns>如果枚举名称存在,返回对应的枚举值的位置编号,否则,返回-1</returns>
171         public static int GetEnumIndexByName(Type enumType, string name)
172         {
173             int ret = -1;
175             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
176                 return ret;
178             Dictionary<int, string> dic = GetEnumList(enumType);
179             int i = 0;
180             foreach (var item in dic)
181             {
182                 if (item.Value.CompareTo(name) == 0)
183                 {
184                     ret = i;
185                     break;
186                 }
187                 i++;
188             }
190             return ret;
191         }
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 1 /// <summary>
 2         /// 非法关键字检查
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="Emtxt">要检查的字符串</param>
 5         /// <returns>如果字符串里没有非法关键字,返回true,否则,返回false</returns>
 6         public static bool CheckWord(string Emtxt)
 7         {
 8             string keyword = @"";//因为论坛也有关键字检查所以这里的字库就小伙伴们自己去找^_^
 9             Regex regex = new Regex(keyword, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
10             if (regex.IsMatch(Emtxt))
11             {
12                 return false;
13             }
14             return true;
15         }
17         /// <summary>
18         /// SQL注入关键字过滤
19         /// </summary>
20         private const string StrKeyWord = @"^\s*select | select |^\s*insert | insert |^\s*delete | delete |^\s*from | from |^\s*declare | declare |^\s*exec | exec | count\(|drop table|^\s*update | update |^\s*truncate | truncate |asc\(|mid\(|char\(|xp_cmdshell|^\s*master| master |exec master|netlocalgroup administrators|net user|""|^\s*or | or |^\s*and | and |^\s*null | null ";
22         /// <summary>
23         /// 关键字过滤
24         /// </summary>
25         /// <param name="_sWord"></param>
26         /// <returns></returns>
27         public static string ResplaceSql(string _sWord)
28         {
29             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sWord))
30             {
31                 Regex regex = new Regex(StrKeyWord, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
32                 _sWord = regex.Replace(_sWord, "");
33                 _sWord = _sWord.Replace("'", "''");
34                 return _sWord;
35             }
36             else
37             {
38                 return "";
39             }
40         }
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 1 /// <summary>
 2         /// 绝对路径改为相对路径
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="relativeTo"></param>
 5         /// <returns></returns>
 6         public static string RelativePath(string relativeTo)
 7         {
 8             string absolutePath = GetRootPath();
 9             string[] absoluteDirectories = absolutePath.Split('\\');
10             string[] relativeDirectories = relativeTo.Split('\\');
12             //获得这两条路径中最短的
13             int length = absoluteDirectories.Length < relativeDirectories.Length ? absoluteDirectories.Length : relativeDirectories.Length;
15             //用于确定退出的循环中的地方
16             int lastCommonRoot = -1;
17             int index;
19             //找到共同的根目录
20             for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
21                 if (absoluteDirectories[index] == relativeDirectories[index])
22                     lastCommonRoot = index;
23                 else
24                     break;
26             //如果我们没有找到一个共同的前缀,然后抛出
27             if (lastCommonRoot == -1)
28                 throw new ArgumentException("Paths do not have a common base");
30             //建立相对路径
31             StringBuilder relativePath = new StringBuilder();
33             //加上 ..
34             for (index = lastCommonRoot + 1; index < absoluteDirectories.Length; index++)
35                 if (absoluteDirectories[index].Length > 0)
36                     relativePath.Append("..\\");
38             //添加文件夹
39             for (index = lastCommonRoot + 1; index < relativeDirectories.Length - 1; index++)
40                 relativePath.Append(relativeDirectories[index] + "\\");
41             relativePath.Append(relativeDirectories[relativeDirectories.Length - 1]);
43             return relativePath.ToString();
44         }
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  6.获取小数位(四舍五入 ,保留小数)


 1        /// <summary>
 2         /// 四舍五入,保留2位小数
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="obj"></param>
 5         /// <returns></returns>
 6         public static decimal Rounding(decimal obj)
 7         {
 8             return Rounding(obj, 2);
 9         }
10         /// <summary>
11         /// 四舍五入,保留n位小数
12         /// </summary>
13         /// <param name="obj"></param>
14         /// <param name="len">保留几位小数</param>
15         /// <returns></returns>
16         public static decimal Rounding(decimal obj, int len)
17         {
18             return Math.Round(obj, len, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
19         }
21         /// <summary>
22         /// 只舍不入,保留2位小数
23         /// </summary>
24         /// <param name="obj"></param>
25         /// <returns></returns>
26         public static decimal RoundingMin(decimal obj)
27         {
28             return RoundingMin(obj, 2);
29         }
31         /// <summary>
32         /// 只舍不入,保留n位小数
33         /// </summary>
34         /// <param name="obj"></param>
35         /// <param name="len"></param>
36         /// <returns></returns>
37         public static decimal RoundingMin(decimal obj, int len)
38         {
39             var str = "0." + "".PadLeft(len, '0') + "5";
40             decimal dec = Convert.ToDecimal(str);
41             return Rounding(obj - dec, len);
42         }
45         /// <summary>
46         /// 只舍不入,保留2位小数
47         /// </summary>
48         /// <param name="obj"></param>
49         /// <returns></returns>
50         public static decimal RoundingMax(decimal obj)
51         {
52             return RoundingMax(obj, 2);
53         }
55         /// <summary>
56         /// 只舍不入,保留n位小数
57         /// </summary>
58         /// <param name="obj"></param>
59         /// <param name="len"></param>
60         /// <returns></returns>
61         public static decimal RoundingMax(decimal obj, int len)
62         {
63             var str = "0." + "".PadLeft(len, '0') + "4";
64             decimal dec = Convert.ToDecimal(str);
65             return Rounding(obj + dec, len);
66         }
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 1 /// <summary>  
 2         /// 生成缩略图  
 3         /// </summary>  
 4         /// <param name="sourceFile">原始图片文件</param>  
 5         /// <param name="quality">质量压缩比</param>  
 6         /// <param name="multiple">收缩倍数</param>  
 7         /// <param name="outputFile">输出文件名</param> 
 8         /// <returns>成功返回true,失败则返回false</returns>  
 9         public static bool ThumImage(string sourceFile, long quality, int multiple, string outputFile)
10         {
11             try
12             {
13                 long imageQuality = quality;
14                 Bitmap sourceImage = new Bitmap(sourceFile);
15                 ImageCodecInfo myImageCodecInfo = GetEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");
16                 System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder myEncoder = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality;
17                 EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
18                 EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, imageQuality);
19                 myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;
20                 float xWidth = sourceImage.Width;
21                 float yWidth = sourceImage.Height;
22                 Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap((int)(xWidth / multiple), (int)(yWidth / multiple));
23                 Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newImage);
25                 g.DrawImage(sourceImage, 0, 0, xWidth / multiple, yWidth / multiple);
26                 g.Dispose();
27                 newImage.Save(outputFile, myImageCodecInfo, myEncoderParameters);
28                 sourceImage.Dispose();
29                 System.IO.File.Delete(sourceFile);
30                 return true;
31             }
32             catch (Exception e)
33             {
34                 return false;
35             }
37         }
39         /// <summary>  
40         /// 获取图片编码信息  
41         /// </summary>  
42         private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoderInfo(String mimeType)
43         {
44             int j;
45             ImageCodecInfo[] encoders;
46             encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
47             for (j = 0; j < encoders.Length; ++j)
48             {
49                 if (encoders[j].MimeType == mimeType)
50                     return encoders[j];
51             }
52             return null;
53         }
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posted @ 2016-08-05 09:58  starmile  阅读(1157)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报