Prototyping with SketchFlow

Recently, we introduced a new set of tools that add on to Expression Blend 3 that are designed to address the early stages of design. 


With SketchFlow, you can


a)     sketch out ideas

b)    turn those ideas into working prototypes that are as rough or as real as you want them to be

c)     present those interactive user experiences for review and comment in the SketchFlow player 


SketchFlow prototypes are quick and informal, enabling designers to easily explore a variety of ideas. You can run and explore prototypes from the first rough sketch on. When you are ready to develop further, you can convert a prototype into a real application in Expression Blend or Visual Studio.


Sketching ideas

When you start working on a new prototype project for either WPF or Silverlight, you’ll see the panels, control toolbox, and artboard that you are likely accustomed to in Expression Blend. You can use the existing set of controls found in Expression Blend 3 or your own custom controls. 


SketchFlow also provides a set of “sketch-styled” controls that provide your prototype with a consistent sketch look so focus can remain on the concepts of the user experience without being distracted by the details of the visuals too early. The sketch-styled controls are fully functional and can be reverted to the high fidelity controls at any moment. Below is a flavor of how the sketch-styled controls appear.


Sketch styles 


Mapping flow and navigation

While the artboard provides a view on an individual screen, the Application Flow panel allows you to map out the flow of your application, and then quickly make changes to that flow without reworking the design.


In the application below, solid blue arrows represent stops along the way in the user experience, while dashed green arrows represent content that can be shared or reused between screens, such as a set of common site navigation buttons that appear on multiple pages.


Application Flow


Gathering feedback

SketchFlow provides a way to showcase your prototype to others using the SketchFlow Player. The SketchFlow Player allows you to explore the prototype from the first moment on, even while it consists of nothing but a few rough sketches. The player lets you navigate your prototype, run animations that illustrate how your prototype might work, or switch into different states of your UI, all without wiring up actual UI elements. This lowers the cost of evaluating ideas in early stages before much expense has been incurred.


But showing a prototype to others is only part of the review process, so the SketchFlow Player provides tools to collect feedback from reviewers.  Reviewers can provide feedback either as text, like the comments in the Feedback tab in the screenshot below, or as ink, like the red arrow in the screenshot below. Then you can incorporate this feedback into the prototype using the Feedback panel in Expression Blend, allowing you to iterate on your design using suggestions from your team.


SketchFlow Player


Adding interactivity and data

SketchFlow leverages features of Expression Blend 3 to let you make your prototypes come alive. Add interactivity without code using Behaviors, prototype your data-driven UI with sample data, and import content from Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. 


For more information, watch a video on SketchFlow or read my previous post on the Expression Blend 3 Preview.


 SketchFlow 来设计原型

[原文地址]: Prototyping with SketchFlow

最近,我们在Expression Blend 3中加入了一套新的工具,旨在用来辅助设计的早期阶段。


a) 为您的想法设计草图

b) 把这些想法转化为可工作的原型,其精细程度可根据您的需要,从极其粗糙到接近真实产品都可胜任

c) 在SketchFlow播放器中,展示这些交互用户体验,以供审查和评论

SketchFlow用来创建快速、非正式的原型,从而使设计人员能够轻松地探索各种想法。您可以从第一张粗略草图开始运行、探讨原型。当您准备进一步开发时,可以将原型通过Expression Blend或Visual Studio转换成一个真正的应用程序。


当您开始为一个WPF或者Silverlight项目创建新的原型时,您会看到可能已经非常熟悉的Expression Blend面板、控制工具箱和artboard。您可以使用Expression Blend 3中现有的控件或您自定义的控件。





Gathering Feedback 收集反馈


但是向他人展示原型只是审查流程的一部分,因此SketchFlow播放器还提供了工具来收集评论者的反馈意见。评论者可以以不同形式提供反馈:文字的形式,如下面的截图中在反馈标签中的意见;或墨水形式,如下面的截图的红色箭头。然后您可以使用Expression Blend中的反馈面板,将这些反馈意见整合到原型中,这使得您可以利用来自您的团队的各种建议来迭代您的设计。


SketchFlow利用Expression Blend 3的功能,帮助您创建栩栩如生的原型:使用“行为”来添加交互而不使用代码,用样本数据来创建的数据驱动的用户界面原型,以及从Adobe Photoshop和Illustrator导入内容。

欲了解更多信息,请观看SketchFlow 视频,或阅读我以前的帖子 Expression Blend 3 预览


posted on 2009-07-24 22:44  微星  阅读(849)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报