The following standard word abbreviations should be used in naming records, fields, and SQRs:
Word(s) | Abbreviation | Description |
Abbreviate Abbreviation |
ABRV | |
Academic | ACAD | |
Accept Acceptance Accepted |
ACPT | |
Access | ACCS | |
Accident | ACDNT | |
Accomplish Accomplishment Accomplishments |
ACMP | |
Account* | ACCT* | |
Accounting* | ACCTG* | |
Accounts Payable Advanced Placement |
AP | |
Accounts Receivable | AR | |
Accredited | ACRD | |
Accrual | ACRL | |
Accumulated* | ACCUM* | |
Accumulation Accumulative |
ACUM | |
Achieve Achievement |
ACHV | |
Acquisition* | ACQ* | |
Act Active Activity American College Test |
ACT | |
Action* | ACTN* | |
Actual | ACTL | |
Add Added |
ADD | |
Additional* | ADDL* | |
Address* | ADDR* | Narrative data which describes a person, place or thing's location |
Ad hoc | ADHC | |
Adjudicate Adjudicated Adjudication |
ADJD | |
Adjusted Gross Income | AGI | |
Adjustment* | ADJ* | |
Administered Administrated Administration |
ADM | |
Admissible Admission |
ADMS | |
Admittance Admitted |
ADMT | |
Advanced Placement Accounts Payable |
AP | |
Advice | ADVC | |
Affiliation | AFFL | |
After | AFT | |
Age | AGE | |
Agency | AGCY | |
Agent | AGNT | |
Aid | AID | |
Alien | ALN | |
All | ALL | |
Allocate Allocation* |
ALLOC* | |
Alpha | ALPH | |
Alter Alternate |
ALT | |
Alumni Alumnus |
ALMN | |
AM | AM | "Ante Meridiem" (morning) |
American College Test Act Active Activity |
ACT | |
Amount* | AMT* | Monetary value(s) |
Analysis | ANLS | |
Annual* | ANNL* | |
Anonymous | ANON | |
Answer | ANS | |
Apartment | APT | |
Appeal Appealed |
APEL | |
Applicant* | APP* | |
Application* | APPL* | |
Appointment | APPT | |
Approval Approve |
APRV | |
Area | AREA | |
Array | ARAY | |
Arrears | ARRS | |
Ascending | ASC | |
Assign Assigned Assignment |
ASGN | |
Association | ASSC | |
Assumption | ASMP | |
Athlete Athletic |
ATHL | |
Attach | ATCH | |
Attempt | ATMPT | |
Attend Attendance |
ATND | |
Attention | ATTN | |
Attribute | ATTR | |
Audit Audited |
ADT | |
Authority Authorize |
AUTH | |
Auxiliary | AUX | |
Availability Available |
AVL | |
Average | AVG | The mean of two or more numbers |
Average Cumulative Grade | ACG | |
Award Awarded |
AWRD | |
Balance* | BAL* | The net value (balance) of an account |
Bank | BNK | |
Bargain | BARG | |
Base Basic |
BAS | |
Batch | BTCH | |
Before | BEF | |
Begin Beginning |
BEGN | |
Beginning of Term | BOT | |
Benefits | BEN | |
Bid | BID | |
Bill Billing |
BILL | |
Billing and Receivables System | BRS | |
Birth | BRTH | |
Board | BRD | |
Break | BRK | |
Budget Budgetable |
BUD | |
Budget Balance Account | BBA | |
Build Building |
BLD | |
Business | BUS | |
Business Unit* | BU* | |
Buy Buyer |
BUY | |
Calculate Calculated Calculation* |
CALC* | |
Calendar* | CAL* | |
Call | CALL | |
Campaign | CMPN | |
Campus | CMPS | |
Cancel Canceled |
CAN | |
Capacity | CAP | |
Capitalization | CPLZ | |
Card | CRD | |
Career | CAR | |
Carrier | CRIR | |
Cartridge | CART | |
Case | CSE | |
Cash | CSH | |
Catalog | CTLG | |
Category* | CATG* | |
Census | CENS | |
Center | CTR | |
Certificate Certification |
CERT | |
Change Changed |
CHG | |
Chapter | CHAP | |
Charge | CRG | |
Chartfield | CHARTF | |
Check Checked |
CHK | |
Citizen Citizenship |
CTZN | |
City | CTY | |
Class | CLAS | |
Clear Cleared |
CLR | |
Close | CLO | |
Club | CLB | |
COBRA* | CBR* | |
Code* | CD* | Data which represents encoded values (translate or code table) |
Collect Collection |
CLCT | |
College | COLG | |
Column | CLMN | |
Combination Combine |
COMB | |
Command | CMD | |
Comment | CMT | An explanatory, illustrative or critical note, remark or observation |
Committee | CMMTTEE | |
Company* | CO* | |
Comparative* | COMPA* | |
Competitor | CPTR | |
Complete Completion Compliance |
CMPL | |
Component | CMPT | When the meaning is "part", use abbreviation "PRT". |
Composite Compensation |
COMP | |
Conditional | COND | |
Confidential | CNFD | |
Confirm Confirmation* |
CONF* | |
Constant | CNST CST |
Data which is unchanging or invariable |
Contact | CTCT | |
Continue Continuing Continuous |
CONT | |
Contract Contractor |
CNTR | |
Control* | CNTL* | |
Conversation* | CONVR* | |
Conversion* Convert* Converted |
CNV* | |
Correspondence | CRSP | |
Cost | COST | |
Count Counter |
CNT | A number of people or things that have been "counted", such as inventory cycle count |
Country | CTRY | |
County | CNTY | |
Course* | CRSE* | |
Coverage* | COVRG* | |
Create | CRE | |
Credential | CRDL | |
Credit* | CR* CRDT |
Use "CR" for field names relating to financial data Use "CRDT" for field names relating to academic work |
Cross | CRS | |
Cross List Cross Listed |
XLST | |
Cross Reference | XREF | |
Cumulative | CUM | |
Currency* | CURR* | |
Current* | CUR* | |
Cursor | CRSR | |
Custodian | CSTN | |
Customer* | CUST* | |
Daily | DLY | |
Data | DATA | |
Data Processing | DP | |
Date* | DT* | A calendar day, month, and year (including century) |
Date-Time Stamp | DTTM | |
Day* | DD* DY* |
A day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc.) |
Dead Death Deceased |
DEAD | |
Debit* | DR* | |
Decimal | DEC | |
Deduct Deduction* |
DED* | |
Default* | DFLT* | |
Deficit | DFCT | |
Definition* | DEFN* | |
Degree | DEG | |
Delete | DEL | |
Deliver Delivery |
DLVR | |
Demo | DMO | |
Dental | DNTL | |
Department* | DEPT* | |
Department of Motor Vehicles | DMV | |
Dependency Dependent* Depends |
DEP* | |
Deposit | DPST | |
Depreciation* | DEPR* | |
Description* | DESCR* DSC |
Narrative data which translates a code or number. When a suffix, use "_DSC" (see Standard Field Name Suffix table). |
Design | DSGN | |
Destination* | DEST* | |
Detail* | DETL* | |
Develop Development Deviation |
DEV | |
Difference Differential |
DIFF | |
Digit | DGT | |
Direct Direction Directional |
DIR | |
Disability Disabled |
DISA | |
Disbursed Disbursement |
DSB | |
Discount* | DISC* | |
Displacement | DSPL | |
Display | DISP | |
Disposition | DSP | |
Distribute Distribution* |
DIST* | |
District | DSTR | |
Division | DIV | |
Division of Continuing Education | DCE | |
Document | DOC | |
Donor | DONR | |
Down | DN | |
Drive Driver |
DRV | |
Drop | DRP | |
Due | DUE | |
Duplicate* Duplication |
DUP* | |
Each | EA | |
Early | ERLY | |
Earn Earned Earnings* |
EARN* | |
Earned Income Credit | EIC | |
Educate Education |
EDU | |
Effect Effective* |
EFF* | |
Effective Date* | EFFDT* | |
Effective Date Sequence* | EFFSEQ* | |
Effort | EFRT | |
Elect Elected Elective |
ELCT | |
Electronic Data Interchange | EDI | |
Electronic Funds Transfer | EFT | |
Electronic Mail | EM | |
Eligibility* Eligible |
ELIG* | |
Emergency | EMRG | |
Emphasis | EMPH | |
Employee* | EE* EMPL |
Employee ID* | EMPLID* | |
Employer* | ER* | |
Employment | EMPLMT | |
Encumber Encumbrance |
ENCB | |
End Ending |
END | |
End of Term | EOT | |
Endorse Endorsement |
ENDR | |
Endorsement | ENDR | |
Endow Endowment |
ENDW | |
Engineer Engineering |
ENGN | |
English | ENGL | |
Enrichment | ENRCH | |
Enrollment | ENRL | |
Enter Entered Entry |
ENTR | |
Entitle Entitlement |
ENTL | |
Equal Equality Equivalence Equivalent |
EQ | |
Equal Employment Opportunity Equal Opportunity |
EEO | |
Equip | EQP | |
Error | ERR | |
Establishment | ESTB | |
Ethnic | ETHN | |
Evaluation Evaluator |
EVAL | |
Event | EVNT | |
Exam | EXM | |
Exception | EXCP | |
Exclude Exclusion |
EXCL | |
Execute Execution |
EXEC | |
Exempt Exemption |
EXMT | |
Expect Expected |
EXPC | |
Expected Family Contribution | EFC | |
Expedite | XPDT | |
Expense Export Express |
EXP | |
Experimental | EXPM | |
Expiration Expire |
EXPR | |
Export Expense |
EXP | |
Extend Extended Extension |
EXT | |
External | EXTR | |
Facility | FCLT | |
Faculty | FAC | |
Family | FMLY | |
Family Eduaction Rights and Privacy Act | FERPA | |
Fast | FST | |
Father | FATH | |
Federal | FED | |
Federal Labor and Security Act | FLSA | |
Fee | FEE | |
Feet Full Time |
FT | |
Field Fields |
FLD | |
File | FILE | |
Final | FNL | |
Financial* | FIN* | |
Financial Aid | FA | |
Fine | FINE | |
First | FRST | |
Fiscal | FISC | |
Fiscal Year | FY | |
Fiscal Year to Date | FYTD | |
Fix Fixed |
FIX | |
Flag | FLG SW |
Data which functions as a flag or indicator. Used with only two possible states/conditions. Data should normally be "Y" or "N". |
Flexible Spending Account | FSA | |
Floor | FLR | |
For | FOR | |
Foreign | FGN | |
Foreign Key | FK | |
Form | FRM | |
Format | FMT | |
Former | FORMR | |
Free | FREE | |
Free Application for Federal Student Aid | FAFSA | |
Free on Board | FOB | |
Freeze Frozen |
FRZ | |
Frequency* | FREQ* | |
Fresh Freshman |
FRSH | |
From | FR | |
Fulfill Fulfilled |
FULF | |
Full Time | FT | |
Full Time Equivalent | FTE | |
Function Functional |
FCN | |
Fund Funding |
FUND | |
Future | FUT | |
Garnishment* | GARN* | |
General | GENL | |
General Education Degree | GED | |
General Ledger | GL | |
Geographic Geography |
GEOG | |
Gift | GFT | |
Global | GLBL | |
Government | GOVT | |
Grade | GDE GRD |
A value assigned to reflect performance or position on a scale |
Grade Point Average | GPA | |
Graduate | GRAD | |
Grant Granted |
GRNT | |
Gross | GROS | |
Group | GRP | |
Guarantee | GUAR | |
Guaranteed Student Loan | GSL | |
Guest | GST | |
Handicap Handicapped |
HAND | |
Head | HEAD | |
Header* | HDR* | |
Health | HLTH | |
Held Hold |
HLD | |
Help | HLP | |
Hierarchy | HIER | |
High | H | Normally used in conjunction with another word (i.e., High School abbreviated as "HS"). |
High School | HS | |
High School Services | HSS | |
Higher Education | HED | |
Highway | HWAY | |
Hire | HIRE | |
History | HST | |
Home | HM | |
Honor | HONR | |
Honor Society | HSC | |
Hospital | HOSP | |
Hour | HH | A duration of time expressed in hours |
Hourly | HRLY | |
Hours* | HRS* | |
House Housing |
HSE | |
How | HOW | |
Human Resources | HR | |
Human Resource System | HRS | |
Identification Identifier* Indicator |
ID* | Alphanumeric data which identifies a person, place, or thing |
Image | IMG | |
Immune Immunization |
IMUN | |
Impact | IMPC | |
Implementation | IMPL | |
Import | IMP | |
Import/Export | IMPEXP | |
Inch | IN | |
Include | INCL | |
Income | INCM | |
Increase Increment |
INCR | |
Index | INDX | |
Indicator | ID IND |
Individual | INDV | |
Individual Student Information Report | ISIR | |
Information | INFO | |
Initial Initialize |
INIT | |
Injury* | INJ* | |
Inoculation | INOC | |
Input | INPT | |
Inquiry | INQ | |
Insert | ISRT | |
Institution | INST | |
Instruction Instructional Instructor |
ISTR | |
Instructional Need Analysis System | INAS | |
Insurance | INS | |
Inter-Unit* | IU* | |
Interest | INT | |
Interface* | INTFC* | |
Internal | INTR | |
International | INTL | |
Interval | INVL | |
Interview Interviewer |
INTV | |
Invent | INVN | |
Inventory | INV | |
Investment* | INVEST* | |
Invitation Invite |
INVT | |
Invoice | INVC | |
Issue Issued |
ISS | |
Item | ITM | |
Job | JOB | |
Journal* | JRNL* | |
Junior | JR | |
Junior Science | JS | |
Key | KEY | |
Label | LBL | |
Labor | LBR | |
Laboratory | LAB | |
Language | LNG | |
Last List |
LST | |
Late | LATE | |
Latitude | LAT | |
Layoff | LAYF | |
Leave | LV | |
Lecture | LCTR | |
Ledger* | LED* | |
Legal | LGL | |
Lender | LNDR | |
Length* | LEN* | |
Letter | LTR | |
Level | LVL | |
Liaison | LISN | |
Liberal Education | LBD | |
Library | LIB | |
License | LIC | |
License Plate Number | LIC_PLTE_NBR | |
Life | LIFE | |
Limit* | LIM* | |
Line* Loan |
LN* | |
Link Linked |
LNK | |
Liquid | LIQ | |
List Last |
LST | |
Literal | LTRL | |
Load | LOAD | |
Loan Line* |
LN | |
Locate Location* |
LOC* | |
Lock | LK | |
Locker | LKR | |
Log | LOG | |
Log on | LOGON | |
Long Longest |
LONG | |
Long Term Care | LTC | |
Long Term Disability | LTD | |
Longitude | LON | |
Lot | LOT | |
Low | LOW | |
Mail Mailer Mailing |
Maintenance* | MAINT* | |
Major | MJR | |
Make | MK | |
Manager | MGR | |
Map | MAP | |
Marital | MRTL | |
Message Agent Server | MAS | |
Mask | MSK | |
Master Academic Records System | MARS | |
Match Matching |
MTCH | |
Math | MTH | |
Matriculated Matriculation |
MTRC | |
Maximum* | MAX* | |
Medical Medicinal |
MED | |
Meet Meeting |
MT | |
Member | MBR | |
Membership | MSHP | |
Memo Memorandum |
MMO | |
Memorial | MEMR | |
Merchandise | MERCHNDS | |
Merchant | MERCH | |
Merit | MERT | |
Message Messages* |
MSG* | |
Meter | MTR | |
Method | METH | |
Microfilm | MFILM | |
Middle | MID | |
Military | MIL | |
Minimum* | MIN* | |
Minor | MINR | |
Minute | MNT MM |
A duration of time expressed in minutes |
Miscellaneous | MISC | |
Mode | MDE | |
Modification Modifier |
MOD | |
Monetary Money |
MONY | |
Month* | MM* MN* |
A calendar month in numeric form (e.g., 01=January) |
Month-to-Date* | MTD* | |
More | MORE | |
Mother | MOTH | |
Move | MOVE | |
Multiple | MULT | |
Name | NM NME |
Word(s) by which a person, place or thing is commonly known |
National | NATL | |
National Association of College and University Business Officers | NACUBO | |
National Student Loan Direct System | NSLDS | Commonly known as the "Perkins Loan" |
Navigation | NAV | |
New | NEW | |
Next | NXT | |
Next of Kin | NOK | |
No Charge | NC | |
No Credit | NOCR | |
No Print | NPRT | |
Nominal | NOM | |
Non | NON | |
Non-Personal Services | NPS | |
Not | NOT | |
Not Applicable | NA | |
Note Notice Notification Notify |
NOTE | |
Number* Numeric |
NBR* | Numeric data which identifies a person, place, or thing |
Object Objective |
OBJ | |
Occupation | OCP | |
Occurs | OCC | |
Offer Offered |
OFFR | |
Office | OFFC | |
Officer | OFCR | |
Official | OFCL | |
Old | OLD | |
Online | ONLN | |
Open | OPN | |
Operator* | OPR* | |
Option Optional Options |
OPT | |
Order | ORDR | |
Organization Organize |
ORG | |
Orientation | ORNT | |
Origin Original Origination |
ORIG | |
Other | OTHR | |
Out | OUT | |
Over | OVR | |
Overhead | OH | |
Override | OVRD | |
Overtime | OT | |
Own Owned |
OWN | |
Owner | OWNR | |
Packaged | PACK | |
Paid | PAID | |
Paper | PPR | |
Parameter* | PARM* | |
Parent | PAR | |
Parity Priority |
PRTY | |
Park | PRK | |
Part Partial |
PRT | |
Part Time | PT | |
Participation | PRTP | |
Pass Passed |
PASS | |
Past | PAST | |
Patron | PTRN | |
Pay Payable Payment |
PAY | |
Payroll | PYRL | |
Pedestrian | PED | |
Pell (Pell Grant) | PEL | |
Pending | PEND | |
Pension | PENS | |
Percent* Percentage Percentile |
PCT* | Part of a whole expressed in hundredths |
Period* | PD* | |
Period-to-Date* | PTD* | |
Perkins Loan | NSLDS | Common name for National Student Loan Direct System |
Permanent | PERM | |
Permit | PRMT | |
Person | PERS | |
Personal Personnel |
PSNL | |
Personal Identification | PIN | |
Personnel Action Notification | PAN | |
Phone | PHN | |
Physics | PHYS | |
Place | PLCE | |
Plan | PLN | |
Plate | PLTE | |
Pledge | PLDG | |
PM | PM | "Post Meridiem" (afternoon) |
Point | PNT | |
Policy | PLCY | |
Position* | POSN* | |
Post Posted |
POST | |
Postal | PSTL | |
Potential | POTN | |
Predicted | PRED | |
Preference Preferred |
PREF | |
Prefix | PRFX | |
Premium | PREM | |
Prerequisite | PREQ | |
Prescribed | PSCR | |
Presentation | PRST | |
President | PRES | |
Previous Prior |
PREV | |
Price | PRC | |
Price Level | PL | |
Primary | PRIM | |
Primary Key | PK | |
Principal Principle |
PRIN | |
Principal Investigator | PI | |
Print Printed |
PRN | |
Prior Previous |
PREV | |
Priority Parity |
PRTY | |
Probation Problem |
PROB | |
Procedure Process |
PROC | |
Profession Professional |
PRFS | |
Proficiency | PRFC | |
Profile* | PROF* | |
Program | PROG | |
Project Projected |
PROJ | |
Promissory | PRMS | |
Promotion | PROM | |
Proposal | PRPS | |
Prospect | PRSP | |
Province | PRVN | |
Purchase | PUR | |
Purchase Order | PO | |
Purge | PRG | |
Purpose | PURP | |
Qualitative Quality |
QAL | |
Quantitative Quantity* |
QTY* | A number of things other than money |
Quantity-to-Date Quarter-to-Date* |
QTD* | |
Quarter | QTR | |
Question | QSTN | |
Race | RACE | |
Range | RNG | |
Rank | RNK | Relative standing or position |
Rate* | RT* | Numeric value expressing amount per some unit of coverage |
Read Reading |
READ | |
Real Reallocation |
REAL | |
Reason* | RSN* | |
Recall | RCL | |
Receipt | RCPT | |
Receive Received* |
RECV* | |
Receiver | RCVR | |
Recharge | RCHG | |
Recognition Recognize |
RECG | |
Recommend | RCMD | |
Reconciliation* | RECON* | |
Record* | REC* | |
Recreate Recreation |
RECR | |
Recruit Recruiting |
RCRT | |
Reduce Reduced Reduction* |
RED* | |
Refer Reference* Referral Referred |
REF* | |
Refund | RFND | |
Regional | RGNL | |
Registrar | REGR | |
Registration | REG | |
Reject Rejection |
RJCT | |
Relate Relation Relationship |
RLAT | |
Release | RLSE | |
Religion Religious |
RELG | |
Remaining | RMNG | |
Reminder | RMDR | |
Renewal | RNWL | |
Repeat Repeatable Repeated |
REPT | |
Replace Replaced |
REPL | |
Reply | RPLY | |
Report* | RPT* | |
Request* Requested Require Required* Requisition* |
REQ* | |
Requirements* | RQMT* | |
Research | RES | |
Reserve Reserved |
RSRV | |
Reserve Officers Training Corps | ROTC | |
Residence Residency Resident |
RSDT | |
Resign | RSGN | |
Resource | RSRC | |
Response | RESP | |
Restart | RST | |
Restock | RSTK | |
Restrict Restricted Restrictions |
RSTR | |
Result | RSLT | |
Retire* Retirement* |
RET* | |
Retroactive | RETR | |
Return | RTN | |
Revenue | REV | |
Review | RVW | |
Revision | REVS | |
Revoke | REVK | |
Roll | RL | |
Roll up | RLUP | |
Room | RM | |
Route | ROUT | |
Row | ROW | |
RSVP | RSVP | French abbreviation meaning "please reply" |
Run | RUN | |
Run Control | RUNCTL | |
Salary* | SAL* | |
Sale | SALE | |
Salutation | SLTN | |
Same | SM | |
Save | SAVE | |
Scale | SCAL | |
Schedule* Scheduled Scheduling |
SCHED* | |
Scholar Scholarship |
Scholastic School |
SCHL | |
Scholastic Aptitude Test | SAT | |
Science | SCI | |
Score | SCR | A number that expresses merit or performance |
Screen | SCRN | |
Search | SRCH | |
Second | SCND SS |
Use "SCND" for field names relating to number two in a countable series Use "SS" for field names relating to a duration of time expressed in seconds |
Section | SCTN | |
Secure Security* |
SEC* | |
Segment | SEG | |
Select* Selection Selective |
SEL* | |
Semester | SEM | |
Semi Finalist | SEMF | |
Senate Senator |
SEN | |
Send | SND | |
Senior | SR | |
Sent | SNT | |
Separate | SEPR | |
Sequence* | SEQ* | |
Serial | SERL | |
Service | SERV | |
Session* | SESSN* | |
Sex | SEX | |
Sharing | SHR | |
Sheet | SHET | |
Shelter | SHLT | |
Shift | SHFT | |
Shipping | SHIP | |
Short | SHRT | |
Sign | SGN | |
Simulated | SIM | |
Site | SITE | |
Size | SZ | |
Skill | SKL | |
Skip | SKP | |
Social Society |
SOC | |
Social Security Number | SSN | |
Soft | SFT | |
Solid | SLID | |
Sophomore | SOPH | |
Sort | SRT | |
Source | SRC | |
Special Specialty |
SPCL | |
Specific Specification |
SPEC | |
Sponsor Sponsored |
SPON | |
Sports | SPRT | |
Spouse | SPSE | |
Square | SQ | |
Stack | STCK | |
Staff | STF | |
Stage | STG | |
Stamp | STMP | |
Standard | STD | |
Standard Deviation | STDV | |
Start Starting |
STRT | |
State | ST | |
Statement | STMT | |
Static | STC | |
Statistics* | STAT* | |
Status | STS | |
Step | STP | |
Stipend | STPD | |
Stock | STK | |
Stop | STOP | |
Street | STR | |
String | STRG | |
Structure | STRC | |
Student | STU | |
Student Academic Records | SAR | |
Student Credit Hour | SCH | |
Study | STDY | |
Subcampaign | SCMP | |
Subject | SUBJ | |
Subordinate | SUB | |
Subsidiary | SUBS | |
Suffix | SFX | |
Summation Summary* |
SUM* | |
Supervisor* Support |
SUP* | |
Supplement Supplemental* |
SUPL* | |
Survey | SRVY | |
Suspense | SUSP SUSPN |
Switch | FLG SW |
Data which functions as a flag or indicator. Used with only two possible states/conditions. Data should normally be "Y" or "N". |
System | SYS | |
Table Tables |
TBL | |
Taken | TKN | |
Tape | TAPE | |
Target | TRGT | |
Taught | TGHT | |
Tax Taxable |
TX | |
Tax ID Number | TIN | |
Team | TEAM | |
Temperature | TEMP | |
Template* | TMPL* | |
Temporary | TMP | |
Tenure | TENR | |
Term | TRM | |
Terminal | TRML | |
Terminate | TRMT | |
Test | TST | |
Text | TXT | Narrative informational data such as a message or error text |
Thermidor | THERM | 13th Month |
Ticket | TKT | |
Time | TM | Hours and minutes. May include seconds, hundredths of seconds. |
Time keeping | TMKP | |
Time-stamp | TS | A system generated Time-stamp |
Title | TITL | |
Today | TDY | |
Total* | TOT* | |
Tour | TOUR | |
Town | CTY | |
Track Tracking |
TRK | |
Traditional | TRAD | |
Training* | TRN* | |
Transact Transaction* |
TRANS* | |
Transcript | TSCP | |
Transfer* | XFER* | |
Translate Translation |
XLT | Meaning "Crosswalk Table" |
Transmit Transmittal |
XMIT | |
Travel | TRVL | |
Tuition* | TUIT* | |
Type | TYP | |
Undergraduate | UGRD | |
Unemployment | UNEMPL | |
Unit | UNIT | |
Unit of Measure* | UOM* | |
Universal | UNVRSL | |
University | UNIV | |
Unpaid | UNPD | |
Unsecure Unsecured |
Up To | MAX | |
Update Updated |
UPDT | |
Upper | UPR | |
US Department of Education | USDE | |
Use Used |
USE | |
User | USR | |
Vacation* | VACN* | |
Valedictorian | VLDC | |
Valid Validate Validation |
VLD | |
Value | VAL | |
Variable | VAR | |
Vehicle* | VEH* | |
Vendor | VEND | |
Verbal | VRBL | |
Verify Verified |
VERF | |
Veteran | VET | |
Vice President | VP | |
Violation | VIO | |
Visa | VISA | |
Visit | VST | |
Voucher | VCHR | |
W2 | W2 | |
W4 | W4 | |
W9 | W9 | |
Waived | WVED | |
Week Work Worked Worker(s) |
WK | |
Width | WID | |
With | W | Normally used as part of a compound word (i.e., Withdrawl abbreviated as "WDRL"). |
Withdrawal | WDRL | |
Withhold Withholding |
WHLD | |
Women | WMN | |
Worksheet | WKST | |
Write Written |
WRT | |
Year* | YR* YY* |
A calendar year, including century (e.g., 1997) |
Year-to-Date* | YTD* | |
Zip | ZIP | |
Zone |
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