ATS 自定义日志格式


 1 %<chi>                客户端IP
 2 %<caun>               The username of the authenticated client. A hyphen (-) means that no authentication was required.
 3 %<ttms>               响应时间,单位是毫秒/ms
 4 %<cqts>               时间戳(The time of the client request since January 1, 1970 UTC (EPOCH), with second resolution.)
 5 %<cqhm>               The client request method: GET, POST, and so on.
 6 %<cquuc>              原始的URL,即 This field records a URL before it is remapped (reverse proxy mode).
 7 %<cqhv>               HTTP版本,The client request HTTP version.
 8 %<pssc>               HTTP状态码
 9 %<psql>               边缘server 返回的response长度,包括响应体和响应头,单位是 字节/byte
10 %<hii>                边缘server IP
11 %<pqsi>               回源server的IP,边缘server未命中,同机房server回源/上层server回源
12 %<crc>                边缘server响应的状态码
13 %<phr>                回源server响应的状态码
14 %<{Via}psh>           边缘server响应HTTP头部信息,截取Via信息
15 %<{Referer}cqh>       客户端请求的HTTP头部信息,截取Referer信息
16 %<{User-Agent}cqh>    客户端请求的HTTP头部信息,截取User-Agent信息

# 更多详细信息参考:

Cache Result Codes

 1     1)"TCP_MEM_HIT:NONE"                  边缘server内存命中(官网没有找到相关说明,自己臆断而来)
 2     2)"TCP_HIT:NONE"                      边缘server缓存命中
 3     3)"TCP_MISS:SIBLING_HIT"              边缘server Miss,icp同机房回源命中
 4     4)"TCP_MISS:PARENT_HIT"               边缘server Miss,icp Miss,parent回源命中
 5     5)"TCP_REFRESH_HIT:PARENT_HIT"        边缘server含有客户端请求的object,但是不新鲜,所以边缘server向parent发起一个“if-modified-since”请求,parent返回304not-modified的响应,最后边缘server将本地的object返回。
 6     6)"TCP_REFRESH_MISS:PARENT_HIT"       边缘server含有客户端请求的object,但是不新鲜,所以边缘server向parent发起一个“if-modified-since”请求,parent返回一个新的object给边缘server,最后边缘server将新获取到的object返回。
 7     7)"ERR_CLIENT_ABORT:SIBLING_HIT"      客户端还没有完成数据的获取就断掉了链接(icp回源)
 8     8)"ERR_CLIENT_ABORT:PARENT_HIT"       客户端还没有完成数据的获取就断掉了链接(parent回源)
 9     ...
10     9)"TCP_IMS_HIT:NONE"                  The client issued an if-modified-since request and the object was in cache and fresher than the IMS date, or an if-modified-since request to the origin server revealed the cached object was fresh. Traffic Server served the cached object to the client.
11     10)"TCP_IMS_MISS:PARENT_HIT"      
12     11)"TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT:"                The object was in the cache but was stale. Traffic Server made an if-modified-since request to the origin server but the server did not respond. Traffic Server sent the cached object to the client.
13      ...
15         "ERR_CONNECT_FAIL"        ->       Traffic Server could not reach the origin server.
17     # 更多详细信息参考:


1 <LogFormat>
2     <Name = "access"/>
3     <Format = "\"live\" \"0.1\" \"%<chi>\" \"%<caun>\" \"%<ttms>\" \"%<cqts>\" \"%<cqhm>\" \"%<cquuc>\" \"%<cqhv>\" \"%<pssc>\" \"%<psql>\" \"%<hii>\" \"%<pqsi>\" \"%<crc>:%<phr>\" \"%<{Via}psh>\" \"%<{Referer}cqh>\" \"%<{User-Agent}cqh>\""/>
4 </LogFormat>
5 <LogObject>
6     <Format = "access"/>
7     <Filename = "access.log"/>
8 </LogObject>
posted @ 2017-05-01 21:44  lixin[at]hitwh  阅读(1817)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报