Oracle EBS-SQL (SYS-24):职责列表

select B.application_name, TL.responsibility_name

from fnd_responsibility_tl tl, fnd_responsibility a,
fnd_application_tl B, fnd_application C

where a.responsibility_id = tl.responsibility_id and
tl.language like 'ZHS' and
B.application_id=C.application_id AND
B.language LIKE 'US%' AND
A.application_id = B.application_id AND
tl.responsibility_name LIKE 'A' OR
tl.responsibility_name LIKE 'B%' OR
tl.responsibility_name LIKE 'C%' OR
tl.responsibility_name LIKE 'D%' OR
tl.responsibility_name LIKE 'E%' OR
tl.responsibility_name LIKE 'F%' OR
tl.responsibility_name LIKE 'G%' OR
tl.responsibility_name LIKE '%'

ORDER BY A.application_id, TL.responsibility_name

posted on 2014-06-09 15:48  st.sun  阅读(321)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
