/** *传入参数n,表示这个函数需要执行的时间(毫秒) *得到的结果是n + 200,这个值将用于下一步骤 */ function takeLongTime(n) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => resolve(n + 200), n) }) } function stemp1(n) { console.log(`stemp1 with ${n}`) return takeLongTime(n); } function stemp2(n) { console.log(`stemp2 with ${n}`) return takeLongTime(n); } function stemp3(n) { console.log(`stemp3 with ${n}`) return takeLongTime(n); } async function doIt() { console.log('doIt'); console.time('doIt'); const time1 = 300; const time2 = await stemp1(time1); const time3 = await stemp2(time2); const result = await stemp3(time3); console.log(`result is ${result}`) console.timeEnd('doIt'); } doIt();