
package main import ( "fmt" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" "sync" ) var naturalNumberCh = make(chan int, 100) var wg sync.WaitGroup func write() { threadID := windows.GetCurrentThreadId() defer func() { wg.Done() //记得channel写入完成关闭,否则for range循环读一直不结束! close(naturalNumberCh) fmt.Printf("----write-%d结束\n", threadID) }() for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ { naturalNumberCh <- i } } func read() { defer wg.Done() threadID := windows.GetCurrentThreadId() //记得写完了关闭Channel,否则for range循环不结束! for n := range naturalNumberCh { fmt.Printf("----read-goroutine-%d读取到值%d\n", threadID, n) } } func main() { defer fmt.Println("mian函数结束") readerCount := 3 writeCount := 1 //开1个写go程 for i := 0; i < writeCount; i++ { go write() } //开3个读go程执行结束后主动通知main函数,发请求结束的请求! for i := 0; i < readerCount; i++ { go read() } gocount := readerCount + writeCount wg.Add(gocount) wg.Wait() }

package main import ( "fmt" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) var naturalNumberCh = make(chan int, 100) var readDoneCh = make(chan bool, 3) func write() { threadID := windows.GetCurrentThreadId() defer func() { //记得channel写入完成关闭,否则for range循环读一直不结束! close(naturalNumberCh) fmt.Printf("----write-%d结束\n", threadID) }() for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ { naturalNumberCh <- i } } func read() { threadID := windows.GetCurrentThreadId() //记得写完了关闭Channel,否则for range循环不结束! for n := range naturalNumberCh { fmt.Printf("----read-goroutine-%d读取到值%d\n", threadID, n) } readDoneCh <- true } func main() { defer fmt.Println("mian函数结束") readerCount := 3 writeCount := 1 //开1个写go程 for i := 0; i < writeCount; i++ { go write() } //开3个读go程执行结束后主动通知main函数,发请求结束的请求! for i := 0; i < readerCount; i++ { go read() } //等待3个读go程都执行完毕了,main函数再结束 for i := 0; i < readerCount; i++ { fmt.Println(<-readDoneCh) } }

package main import ( "context" "fmt" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" "time" ) var naturalNumberCh = make(chan int, 100) func write() { threadID := windows.GetCurrentThreadId() defer func() { //记得channel写入完成关闭,否则for range循环读一直不结束! close(naturalNumberCh) fmt.Printf("----write-%d结束\n", threadID) }() for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ { naturalNumberCh <- i } } func read(ctx context.Context) { threadID := windows.GetCurrentThreadId() for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): fmt.Printf("----read-goroutine-%d需要强制结束!\n", threadID) return default: //记得写完了关闭Channel,否则for range循环不结束! for n := range naturalNumberCh { fmt.Printf("----read-goroutine-%d读取到值%d\n", threadID, n) } } } } func main() { defer fmt.Println("mian函数结束") readerCount := 3 writeCount := 1 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) //开1个写go程 for i := 0; i < writeCount; i++ { go write() } //开3个读go程执行结束后主动通知main函数,发请求结束的请求! for i := 0; i < readerCount; i++ { go read(ctx) } //等读go程读取完成 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) cancel() //等读go程全部关闭 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) }
package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) import ( "sync" ) var wg sync.WaitGroup //toSchool 子goroutine func toSchool() { defer wg.Done() for { fmt.Println( "walking~~~~" ) time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) } } func main() { wg.Add(1) //当1个子goroutine开启的时候.... go toSchool() fmt.Println( "台风来了!" ) //我们如何在不结束自己的前提下结束这些衍生的子goroutine呢? wg.Wait() } |
package main import ( "fmt" "time" "sync" ) var wg sync.WaitGroup var canToSignel=true func toSchool() { defer wg.Done() //不断地监测这个信号 for canToSignel { fmt.Println( "I'm on the way walking to scholl~~~~" ) time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) } } func main() { wg.Add(1) go toSchool() time.Sleep(time.Second*10) fmt.Println( "The typhoon is coming!" ) //修改全局变量(信号) canToSignel=false wg.Wait() } |
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) var wg sync.WaitGroup //全局channel var signalChan = make( chan bool, 1) func child() { defer wg.Done() for { fmt.Println( "我是child goroutine" ) time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) //检测全局channel中是否有消息推送 select { case <-signalChan: return default : } } } func main() { wg.Add(1) go child() time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) signalChan <- true wg.Wait() } |
//通过往channel中发送信号的方式 var canToChannel = make( chan bool, 1) func toSchool() { defer wg.Done() //不断地监测这个信号 select { case <-canToChannel: break default : fmt.Println( "I'm on the way walking to scholl~~~~" ) time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) } } func main() { wg.Add(1) go toSchool() time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) fmt.Println( "The typhoon is coming!" ) //提交退出信号 canToChannel<-true wg.Wait() } |
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
Incoming requests to a server should create a Context, and outgoing calls to servers should accept a Context.
The chain of function calls between them must propagate the Context,
optionally replacing it with a derived Context
created using WithCancel, WithDeadline, WithTimeout, or WithValue.
When a Context is canceled, all Contexts derived from it are also canceled.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | type Context interface { Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) Done() <- chan struct {} Err() error Value(key interface {}) interface {} } |
类型,专门用来简化 对于处理1个请求的N个 goroutine 之间与请求域的数据、取消信号、截止时间等相关操作,这些操作可能涉及多个 API 调用。
Background()和TODO() (根节点)
。我们代码中最开始都是以这两个内置的上下文对象作为最顶层的partent context
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | //1个具体的日志收集任务(TaillTask) type TaillTask struct { path string topic string instance *tail.Tail //exit task ctx context.Context exit context.CancelFunc } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | package taillog import ( "context" "github.com/hpcloud/tail" "fmt" "jd.com/logagent/kafka" ) //1个具体的日志收集任务(TaillTask) type TaillTask struct { path string topic string instance *tail.Tail //exit task ctx context.Context exit context.CancelFunc } //实例化1个具体的日志收集任务(TaillTask) func (T *TaillTask) NewTaillTask(path, topic string)(task *TaillTask,err error){ ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) task=&TaillTask{path: path, topic: topic, ctx: ctx, exit: cancel,} //taill 文件配置 config := tail.Config{ ReOpen: true, //重新打开文件 Follow: true, //跟随文件 Location: &tail.SeekInfo{Offset: 0, Whence: 2}, //从文件的哪个地方开始读 MustExist: false, //文件不存在不报错 Poll: true, } //给task任务填充taill(1个具体打开文件的taillobj) task.instance, err = tail.TailFile(task.path, config) if err != nil { fmt.Println( "文件打开失败" , err) } //直接去采集日志 go task.run() return } //从tailobj中读取日志内容---->kafka topic方法 func (T *TaillTask)run() { fmt.Printf( "开始收集%s日志\n" ,T.path) for { select { //父进程调用了cancel case <-T.ctx.Done(): fmt.Printf( "taill任务%s%s退出了...\n" ,T.topic,T.path) return case line := <-T.instance.Lines: fmt.Printf( "从%s文件中获取到内容%s" ,T.path,line.Text) //taill采集到数据-----channel------>kafka 异步 kafka.SendToChan(T.topic, line.Text) } } } |
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "time" ) var wg sync.WaitGroup func grandChild(ctx context.Context) { defer wg.Done() for { time.Sleep(time.Second*1) fmt.Println( "grandchild function " ) select { //<-chan struct{} case <-ctx.Done(): return default : } } } func child(ctx context.Context) { defer wg.Done() go grandChild(ctx) for { time.Sleep(time.Second*5) fmt.Println( "child function " ) select { //<-chan struct{} case <-ctx.Done(): return default : } } } func main() { //定义1个全局的context类型的变量 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) wg.Add(2) go child(ctx) time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) //退出 /* cancel closes c.done, cancels each of c's children, and, if removeFromParent is true, removes c from its parent's children. */ cancel() wg.Wait() } |
package main import ( "context" "fmt" ) func gen(ctx context.Context) <- chan int { //定义1个destnation channel dest := make( chan int) n := 1 //匿名函数协程不断得给这个dest channel中输入数字 go func () { for { select { //context结束该匿名函数协程结束 case <-ctx.Done(): return case dest <- n: n++ } } }() return dest } func main() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() //调用 for n := range gen(ctx) { fmt.Println(n) if n == 5 { //main函数结束之后,调用了context取消 return } } } |
当context的截止日过期时, ctx.Done()返回后context deadline exceeded。
import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "time" ) var wg sync.WaitGroup func connectMyql(ctx context.Context) { defer wg.Done() for { time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) fmt.Println( "我连我连...我连莲莲...." ) select { case <-ctx.Done(): fmt.Println(ctx.Err()) return default : } } } func main() { //设置context 10秒钟之后过期 d := time.Now().Add(time.Second * 10) ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), d) /* 尽管ctx会过期,但在任何情况下调用它的cancel函数都是很好的实践 如果不这样做,可能会使上下文及其父类存活的时间超过必要的时间。 */ defer cancel() wg.Add(1) go connectMyql(ctx) wg.Wait() } |
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "time" ) var wg sync.WaitGroup func connectMyql(ctx context.Context) { defer wg.Done() for { time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) fmt.Println( "我连我连...我连莲莲...." ) select { case <-ctx.Done(): fmt.Println(ctx.Err()) return default : } } } func main() { //设置context 从当前时间开始10秒钟之后过期(决对时间) // d := time.Now().Add(time.Second * 10) // ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), d) //设置相对时间 5秒钟后过期(相对时间) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5) /* 尽管ctx会过期,但在任何情况下调用它的cancel函数都是很好的实践 如果不这样做,可能会使上下文及其父类存活的时间超过必要的时间。 */ defer cancel() wg.Add(1) go connectMyql(ctx) wg.Wait() } |
WithCancel、WithDeadline、WithTimeout,With 这个verb 就是context可以追溯和退出其衍生子goroutines 的关键所在! 在子goroutine开启时就与生俱来一些元数据!
1 | func WithValue(parent Context, key, val interface {}) Context |
WithValue returns a copy of parent in which the value associated with key is val.
Use context Values only for request-scoped data that transits processes and APIs, not for passing optional parameters to functions.
The provided key must be comparable and should not be of type string or any other built-in type to avoid collisions between packages using context.
Users of WithValue should define their own types for keys. To avoid allocating when assigning to an interface{}, context keys often have concrete type struct{}. Alternatively, exported context key variables' static type should be a pointer or interface.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "time" ) // context.WithValue //TraceCode 自定义类型 type TraceCode string var wg sync.WaitGroup func worker(ctx context.Context) { defer wg.Done() key := TraceCode( "TRACE_CODE" ) // 在子goroutine中获取trace code,(string)是类型断言! traceCode, ok := ctx.Value(key).(string) if !ok { fmt.Println( "invalid trace code" ) } for { fmt.Printf( "worker, trace code:%s\n" , traceCode) // 假设正常连接数据库耗时1秒 time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) // 10秒后自动调用 select { case <-ctx.Done(): fmt.Println( "worker done!" ) return default : } } } func main() { // 设置1个10秒的超时 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10) //在系统的入口中设置trace code传递给后续启动的goroutine实现微服务日志数据聚合 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, TraceCode( "TRACE_CODE" ), "666" ) wg.Add(1) go worker(ctx) //主线程等待10秒后 time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) //通知子goroutine结束 cancel() wg.Wait() fmt.Println( "over" ) } |
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