[Windows Phone 7]UI对屏幕的自适应的处理

        对于WP7的Silverlight项目默认Portrait mode而XNA项目默认是Landscape mode的,要想改变这个初始的模式的话,可以通过更改PhoneApplicationPage页面的SupportedOrientations这个属性。





    // Summary:
    // An enumeration defining the possible orientations of a page.
    public enum PageOrientation
        // Summary:
        // No orientation is specified.
        None = 0,
        // Summary:
        // Portrait orientation.
        Portrait = 1,
        // Summary:
        // Landscape orientation.
        Landscape = 2,
        // Summary:
        // Portrait orientation.
        PortraitUp = 5,
        // Summary:
        // Portrait orientation.
        PortraitDown = 9,
        // Summary:
        // Landscape orientation with the top of the page rotated to the left.
        LandscapeLeft = 18,
        // Summary:
        // Landscape orientation with the top of the page rotated to the right.
        LandscapeRight = 34,
posted @ 2010-11-22 21:49  十二号的国王  阅读(348)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报