#!/bin/bash # Apache Process Monitor # Restart Apache Web Server When It Goes Down # RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux restart command RESTART="service httpd restart" # uncomment if you are using Debian / Ubuntu Linux #RESTART="/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" #path to pgrep command PGREP="/usr/bin/pgrep" # find httpd pid $PGREP httpd if [ $? -eq 0 ] then # restart apache $RESTART fi
check process
#!/bin/bash process="/usr/sbin/httpd" start="service httpd restart" ps ax | awk `{print $5}` | grep -q "^$process$" || { # Apparently not running, so start the process eval "$start" exit $? } exit 0
check apache
#!/bin/bash URL="http://localhost/netsaint/index.html" TIMEOUT=10 #(seconds) MATCH="" restart="service httpd restart" wget -q -O – -T=$TIMEOUT –tries=1 "$URL" | grep -q "$MATCH" || { # Something is wrong, so restart eval "$restart" exit $? } exit 0
check port
#!/bin/bash port="80″ restart="service httpd restart" netstat -ln | awk `/^tcp/ {print $4}` | grep -q ":$port$" || { # Apparently not listening, so run restart command eval "$restart" exit $? } exit 0
log watch all
#!/bin/bash HOSTS=` host1|admin1@someplace.com host2|admin2@someplace.com host3|admin3@someplace.com for entry in $HOSTS ; do host=`echo "$entry" | sed `s/|.*$//`` email=`echo "$entry" | sed `s/^.*|//`` logwatch –mailto "$email" –hostname "$host" done
#!/bin/bash SLEEP=30 #seconds TIMEOUT=10 #seconds URL=`http://localhost/index.html` MATCH=`` while true ; do wget -q -O – -T=$TIMEOUT –tries=1 "$URL" | grep -q "$MATCH" || { /usr/local/sbin/report ERROR "Web server not responding" /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart && { /usr/local/sbin/report INFO "Web server restarted" } } sleep $SLEEP done
log watch example
#!/bin/bash # Note, needs to be placed in /etc/log.d/scripts/services and named # according to your configuration file (i.e. a config file of # `example.conf` would require this file to be named `example`. # This is as nice script that will show you the lines you will # be processing and reporting on. It will first display the # standard environment variables and then it takes STDIN and # dump it right back out to STDOUT. # These are the standard environment variables. echo "Date Range : $LOGWATCH_DATE_RANGE" echo "Detail Level: $LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL" echo "Temp Dir: $LOGWATCH_TEMP_DIR" echo "Debug Level: $LOGWATCH_DEBUG" # Now take STDIN and dump it to STDOUT
按如下方式设置调度作业 (cronjob):
*/5 * * * * /path/to/script.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
二下面的脚本用业监视系统进程 , 根据指定的服务端口是否打开,输出相应的信息
#!/bin/bash # Shell script to monitor running services such as web/http, ssh, mail etc. # If service fails it will send an Email to ADMIN user # service port ports="22 80 25″ # service names as per above ports service="SSH WEB MAIL" # No of services to monitor as per (above ports+1) SCOUNTER=4 #Email id to send alert ADMINEMAIL="admin@myispname.com" # counter c=1 echo "Running services status:" # use sudo if you want i.e. sudo /bin/netstat /bin/netstat -tulpn | grep -vE `^Active|Proto` | while read LINE do sendMail=0 # get active port name and use : as delimiter t=$(echo $LINE | awk `{ print $4}` | cut -d: -f2) [ "$t" == "" ] && t=-1 || : # get service name from $services and : as delimiter sname=$(echo $service | cut -d` ` -f$c) sstatus="$sname: No" # now compare port for i in $ports do if [ $i -eq $t ]; then sstatus="$sname: Ok" sendMail=1 fi done # display service status as OK or NO echo "$sstatus" #next service please c=$( expr $c + 1 ) [ "$sendMail" == "0" ] && echo $sstatus | mail -s "service down $sstatus" $ADMINEMAIL || : # break afer 3 services [ $c -ge $SCOUNTER ] && break || : done
#!/bin/bash # Simple SHELL script for Linux and UNIX system monitoring with # ping command # add ip / hostname separated by while space HOSTS="cyberciti.biz theos.in router" # no ping request COUNT=1 # email report when SUBJECT="Ping failed" EMAILID="me@mydomain.com" for myHost in $HOSTS do count=$(ping -c $COUNT $myHost | grep `received` | awk -F`,` `{ print $2 }` | awk `{ print $1 }`) if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then # 100% failed echo "Host : $myHost is down (ping failed) at $(date)" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" $EMAILID fi done
check drives
#!/bin/bash types="ext2|ext3|ufs|vfat" cutoff="90″ for drive in `mount | awk "/type ($types)/ {print \\\$1}"` ; do df "$drive" | awk -v "cutoff=$cutoff" `/^\// { gsub(/%$/, "", $5); if ($5 > cutoff) print "Drive " $1 " (" $6 ") is " $5 "% Full" }` done | /usr/local/sbin/report –stdin WARNING `Drives almost full`
check for failure
#!/bin/bash # Check for any drive failures egrep `I/O error: dev .+, sector` /var/log/messages | \ /usr/local/sbin/report –stdin CRITICAL `Drives failure` # Check for any RAID failures egrep `raid.*Disk failure on` /var/log/messages | \ /usr/local/sbin/report –stdin CRITICAL `RAID drive failure`
#!/bin/bash SLEEP=30 #seconds while true ; do cat /usr/local/etc/services.conf | while read line ; do match=`echo "$line" | sed `s/|.*$//`` cmd=`echo "$line" | sed `s/^.*|//`` ps ax -o `%c %P` | awk -v "process=$match" \ `{if (($1 == process) && ($2 == 1)) exit 1}` && { # Process not found! /usr/local/sbin/report ERROR "Process $match not running" [ -n "$cmd" ] && { $cmd && { /usr/local/sbin/report INFO \ "Process $match was restarted ($cmd)" } } } done sleep $SLEEP done
作者:ssooking 联系邮箱:c3Nvb2tpbmdAeWVhaC5uZXQ=
作者:ssooking 联系邮箱:c3Nvb2tpbmdAeWVhaC5uZXQ=