【子空间聚类】Sparse Subspace Clustering(SSC) Algorithm

  Symbol definition:

    is n linear subspace of .

   is the dimension of .

   is N noise-free data points.

    is a rank- matrix, represent  (>) points that lie in 


   is a unknown permutation matrix.

  SSC Algorithm:

  Step 1: Solve the sparse optimization program

  ① Uncorrupted data


  ② Corrupted data


  ps: E corresponds to a matrix of sparse outlying entries, and Z is a noise matrix.

  Step 2: Normalize the columns of C as  .

  ps: max norm :    .

  Step 3: Form a similarity grahp with N nodes wegiths on the edges between the nodes by




  Step: Use spectral clustering to the similarity graph.

  Output:  .

  Subspace-Sparse Recovery Theory



  ps:   is said to be independent.


  ③ Principle angle between  and  


  Independent Subspace Model:





posted @ 2013-11-11 20:27  ssdut-deng  阅读(6827)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报