【Machine Learning】K-means clustering algorithm and EM algorithm

  1、The step of K-means clustering algorithm :

  Step 1: Initialize cluster centroids  randomly

  Step 2: Repeat until convergence:{

        For every i, set


        For every j, set



  Definition:  are the training data set.

  Analysis: K(a parameter of the algorithm)is the number of clusters.First, we get K cluster centorids, then, we iterate through each data point  ,to find the closest cluster centroid  , next, moving each cluster centroid  to the mean of the points assigned to it. Repeat last two step until convergence.

  K-means algorithm is used to find local optimal solution. The initialization can significantly affect the result of clustering.

  2、EM(Exceptation-Maximization) algorithm

posted @ 2013-10-31 20:23  ssdut-deng  阅读(431)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报