oracle 查询 归档日志最大值和平均值

select max(ss.size_GB), avg(ss.size_GB)
  from (select s.*, rownum rn2
          from (select a.*
                  from (select t1.*, rownum rn
                          from (SELECT TRUNC(FIRST_TIME) time,
                                       SUM(BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCKS) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 size_GB
                                  FROM V$ARCHIVED_LOG
                                 GROUP BY TRUNC(FIRST_TIME)
                                 order by time desc) t1) a
                 where a.rn > 1
                 order by a.time asc) s) ss
 where ss.rn2 > 1;



select group_number,name,total_mb/1024 TGB,free_mb/1024 FGB,USABLE_FILE_MB/1024  from v$asm_diskgroup;


---RAC 查询单节点日归档大小

select to_char(b.FIRST_TIME, 'yyyy-mm-dd') arch_date,
       round(sum(b.BLOCKS * b.BLOCK_SIZE / 1024 / 1024/1024), 2) "ARCH_SIZE(GB)"
  from v$archived_log b
 where b.CREATOR = 'ARCH'
   and b.STANDBY_DEST = 'NO'
   and b.archived = 'YES'
   and b.dest_id = 1
   and b.FIRST_TIME >= sysdate - 15
   and b.FIRST_TIME < trunc(sysdate)
 group by to_char(FIRST_TIME, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
 order by 1;

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