Using Callbacks to Achieve Extensibility

Using Callbacks to Achieve Extensibility


Let's now consider another use of "inversion of control" to parameterize a single operation, while moving control and error handling into a framework. Strictly speaking, this is a special case of the Strategy design pattern: it appears different because the interfaces involved are so simple.


This pattern is based around the use of one or more callback methods that are invoked by a method that performs a workflow.


I find this pattern useful when working with low-level APIs such as JDBC. The following example is a stripped down form of a JDBC utility class, JdbcTemplate, used in the sample application, and discussed further in Chapter 9.


JdbcTemplate implements a query() method that takes as parameters a SQL query string and an implementation of a callback interface that will be invoked for each row of the result set the query generates. The callback interface is as follows:


public interface RowCallbackHandler {
void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException;

The JdbcTemplate.query() method conceals from calling code the details of getting a JDBC connection, creating and using a statement, and correctly freeing resources, even in the event of errors, as follows:


public void query(String sql, RowCallbackHandler callbackHandler)
throws JdbcSqlException {

Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
con = <code to get connection>
ps = con.prepareStatement (sql);
rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( {
} rs.close();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new JdbcSqlException("Couldn't run query [" + sql + "]", ex);
finally {
DataSourceUtils.closeConnectionIfNecessary(this.dataSource, con);

The DataSourceUtils class contains a helper method that can be used to close connections, catching and logging any SQLExceptions encountered.


In this example, JdbcSqlException extends java.lang.RuntimeException, which means that calling code may choose to catch it, but is not forced to. This makes sense in the present situation. If, for example, a callback handler tries to obtain the value of a column that doesn't exist in the ResultSet, it will do calling code no good to catch it. This is clearly a programming error, and JdbcTemplate's behavior of logging the exception and throwing a runtime exception is logical (see discussion on Error Handling – Checked or Unchecked Exceptions later).


In this case, I modeled the RowCallbackHandler interface as an inner interface of the JdbcTemplate class. This interface is only relevant to the JdbcTemplate class, so this is logical. Note that implementations of the RowCallbackHandler interface might be inner classes (in trivial cases, anonymous inner classes are appropriate), or they might be standard, reusable classes, or subclasses of standard convenience classes.

在这种情形下,我模仿了RowCallbackHandler 接口做为JdbcTemplate类的内部接口。这个接口仅仅与JdbcTemplate相关联,所以这是合乎逻辑的。

注意RowCallbackHandler 接口的实现可能会是内部类(在不重要的情形下,匿名内部类是合适的),或者他们可能是标准,可重用的类,或者标准使用方便的类的子类。

Consider the following implementation of the RowCallbackHandler interface to perform a JDBC query. Note that the implementation isn't forced to catch SQLExceptions that may be thrown in extracting column values from the result set:

考虑下面RowCallbackHandler 接口的实现同执行一个jdbc查询。注意这个实现并没有被强迫去捕获可能被抛出在提取结果集的列值的时候的异常。

class StringHandler implements JdbcTemplate.RowCallbackHandler {
private List 1 = new LinkedList();
public void processRow(ResultSet rs)throws SQLException {
public String[] getStrings() {
return (String[]) 1.toArray(new String[1.size()]);

This class can be used as follows:


StringHandler sh = new StringHandler();
jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT FORENAME FROM CUSTMR", sh);
String[] forenames = sh.getStrings();

These three lines show how the code that uses the JdbcTemplate is able to focus on the business problem, without concerning itself with the JDBC API. Any SQLExceptions thrown will be handled by JdbcTemplate.

这3行显示了利用JdbcTemplate可以集中在业务问题上,不需要考虑它自己与jdbc api的关系。任何抛出的SQLExceptions将被jdbcTemplate处理。

This pattern shouldn't be overused, but can be very useful. The following advantages and disadvantages indicate the tradeoffs involved:




  • The framework class can perform error handling and the acquisition and release of resources. This means that tricky error handling (as is required using JDBC) can be written once only, and calling code is simpler. The more complex the error handling and cleanup involved, the more attractive this approach is.

  • 框架类能被执行错误处理和获得资源的释放。这意味处理错误异常(在jdbc中被要求)能被仅仅写一次,调用代码是更简单。错误处理和清理调用越复杂,

  • 这个途径也越有魅力。

  • Calling code needn't handle the details of low-level APIs such as JDBC. This is desirable, because such code is bug prone and verbose, obscuring the business problem application code should focus on.

  • 调用代码不需要处理低级api详细情况,例如jdbc。这是令人满意的,因为这样的代码bug比较少,模糊了这个业务问题应用代码必须聚焦的。

  • The one control flow function (JdbcTemplate.query() in the example) can be used with a wide variety of callback handlers, to perform different tasks. This is a good way of achieving reuse of code that uses low-level APIs.

  • 控制流的一个功能(在JdbcTemplate.query()例子中)能被用于一个中类繁多的回调处理,去执行不同的任务。这是用低级别的api完成代码重用的一个好方式。



  • This idiom is less intuitive than having calling code handle execution flow itself, so code may be harder to understand and maintain if there's a reasonable alternative.

  • 有句话说调用代码处理执行自己的工作流不直观,所以代码可能很难理解和维护,如果这里没有其他的选择。

  • We need to create an object for the callback handler.

  • 我们需要去创建一个回调对象。

  • In rare cases, performance may be impaired by the need to invoke the callback handler via an interface. The overhead of the above example is negligible, compared to the time taken by the JDBC operations themselves.

  • 在极少数情形下,性能可能下降,由于需要被调用回调处理通过接口。上面的例子是可以忽略的,与jdbc自己操作的时间相比。

This pattern is most valuable when the callback interface is very simple. In the example, because the RowCallbackHandler interface contains a single method, it is very easy to implement, meaning that implementation choices such as anonymous inner classes may be used to simplify calling code.


posted @ 2012-11-24 23:23  sqtds  阅读(186)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报